Stephen Strange- Steps (a)

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A new student had been catching the attention and eyes of the others at Kathmandu, and right now he was sat on the wet steps of the courtyard, holding back a flood of tears as he cupped his heavily shaking hands in his arms.

"It's... a lot to take in? Right?" You sat next to the almost scared looking man, he glanced up at you with a soft but cautious smile. "Come on, I don't bite. I'm in somewhat of the same boat as you. I mean obviously I was no world class neurosurgeon who has now managed to smash his hands up beyond belief. But I came to Nepal for healing and somehow... I'm not even sure how... I managed to stumble across this place."

"You know nothing about me... y/n, right?" You nodded as you gazed upon the lines of students practising intently.

"I have not been here for much longer than you, but everybody here has been watching you, you seem very strong, in more ways than most." A small grin appeared on his face, but it was short lived.

"I have been here for what seems to be quite a long time and I'm struggling with even the simplest spells." He carefully ran his scarred hands through his hair.

"You are pulling energy from dimensions you didn't think existed, in a place that just a few months previous would have scoffed at and probably had a good laugh about with all your surgeon buddies. Give yourself a break and just slow down a little... obviously that might be a bit of a struggle for you though."

"Very funny. I really don't need a pep-talk. I appreciate it I've just never really been one for the self-help mumbo jumbo nonsense. It's all just a load of made-up bullshit intended to fill pages of books to sell to idiots that would buy a box of air if people told them it would help make their life better."

"Before you came here did you believe in the mumbo jumbo of meditation? Of being able to cast inter-dimensional gateways with nothing but a sling-ring and your own willpower and knowledge. I would have thought by now you might have opened your mind a little bit. This isn't self help nonsense either, just a little advice. Now come on and get up, the spells will not struggle to cast themselves now, will they?"


Written by Aaron

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