Cowboy!Astro x reader

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(I'm sorry! I can't stop these stories!)

Astro's pov

Life in a town located in the heart of nowhere is mighty hard. You can barely find any food, nothin'. That's why I moved to 'Masked station'. All the food and water we could ever need was right here.

I awoke to a gently breath on my forehead. All along was my mare, Snowflake, trying to wake me up. I smiled, getting up and petting her neck. "Howdy, girl. Slept good?" I greeted. Snowflake neighed back in a happy response before turning back place her white saddle and reins on my bed.

I smiled more. "Alrighty, girl. We'll go. Just wait for me. Ok?" She neighed once more, trotting away from the window as I changed.

As soon as I slipped my black boots on, I walked outside to see Snowflake grazing at the patch of grass that always grew nearby. I whistled, getting her attention. Snowflake trotted over, gently brushing her nuzzle onto my hat. I gave a little laugh before placing her saddle and reins on her. I mounted, tightly gripping onto her reins.

"Yah!" I called, causing Snowflake to start trotting. The motion always made me bounce slightly on her saddle. I never understood why. As multiple masks walked by, I tipped my hat to each who came close. I wrapped my hand around Snowflake's reins as I pulled a light brown guitar from behind me. I gently strummed, humming a sweet tune. What I didn't realize was that we just left town. I was so attached to my music that I completely forgot.

I tightly tugged Snowflake's reins. "Woah, girl!" I called. She stopped in her tracks. I dismounted, pulling her reins behind me. A woman with amazing eyes stepped out of the shadows. I blushed, though I didn't recognize that I was. "Howdy, lil' lady. Are you lost??" I asked. The lady moved her ragged hair out of her eyes. " This was my home... " that was the only thing she said.

She looked at me with a sense of wonder. "Are you a man?" She asked . I nodded. "I never saw a man for a year." She continued . My eyes widened. Was she...? No, she couldn't..! I opened my mouth to speak, when I caught the attention of the blazing sun going down.

I tipped my hat. "Well, I gotta go. See you soon, lil' lady." I said my farewells . The woman smiled. "I'm Y/N. You?" I tipped my hat again. "I'm Astronaut. But you can call me Astro..." I patted Snowflake's neck . " ... And this here's my trusty steed, Snowflake. Y/N curtsied. "It was a pleasure." That was the last thing she said before walking away.

I mounted Snowflake again. I gently but swiftly tapped her sides with the heels of my boots. As soon as we came back, I groomed Snowflake again, before sending her off back to the stable. Thoughts of Y/N danced in my head, making me blush. What was this I was thinking....?

I shook the thoughts away as I fell asleep once again.

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