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Jeno and Jaemin met night after night after that, learning about themselves and hanging out while watching the stars or the sunset. They because close and Jaemin could never be happier, the only thing that was bothering him was how his parents would react to him loving a boy.

He loved Jeno, he would fight and do anything to just keep Jeno in his arms. He couldn't break away now.

"Jaemin?" A soft voice interrupted his thoughts and he looked over to see Jeno, shining under the moons bright light, and it took his breath away.

"Are you okay?" Jeno asked as he looked concerned for Jaemin.

"I'm fine." Jaemin whispered as he pulled Jeno in close and wrapped his arm around him.

"Don't lie to me." Jeno warned and displayed a pout on his lips as he looked up at Jaemin.

Jaemin loved this part about Jeno, nothing could get past him, not even a good told lie. Jeno always knew if you were happy or sad, or had tons of thoughts weighing down on you. Jaemin loved it.

"I'm just worried about what my parents will say when they find out about us." Jaemin admitted as he ran a hand through Jeno's hair. Jeno didn't say anything for awhile, and instead looked at the pond they were sitting in front of. Watching as lightbugs danced along it and leaves blowing across.

"If they don't accept you, they don't deserve you. Because your a handsome, smart, and a to be great king." Jeno whispered and Jaemin was taken back by the words. He felt his face heat up but pulled Jeno in closer.

"Thank you." Jaemin whispered as he kissed Jeno's temple.


"You what! I forbid it! I forbid it!" The King yelled as he stood from his chair.

"Please darling lets be reasonable-" the queen started but was cut off by the out-roaring King.

"Reasonable? Reasonable?! Our son likes men and you want to be reasonable?!" The King yelled.

"Father this is outrageous! You should let love who I want!" Jaemin yelled out as he stood up, Jeno watching the scene from beside him.

They were currently eating dinner and having a chat as Jaemin invited Jeno, and Jaemin had spilled what happened.

"You love a man- a man for gods sake! This is- this is-" the King looked like his face was about to pop from being so red- so angered.

"You shall not love a man! And shall not be King!" The King yelled.

"I am son to the air father! I shall be King and you shall step down!" Jaemin yelled back and the whole table was taken back.

"No! I forbid! I-"

"Enough!" The Queen yelled as she stood up aggressively, and turned around hastily towards her husband, who was taken back by the sudden outrage. She walked over and lifted her hand as he planted a slap on her husbands cheek, everyone let out a gasp.

"How could you? How could I? How could I love a man like you- who doesn't even support their own child- their only child! How could you! I am ashamed! My son shall love and marry who every he wishes- woman or man! I despise of you!" The Queen yelled out and walked towards Jaemin, cupping his face. "Do not listen to what others say- love and marry who you must. You are a brave a handsome king that will grow to make history. I believe in you- and all I wish for you is happiness." She whispered, and Jaemin leaned into her touch as he whispered a 'thank you.'

But then her mood changed as he turned back towards her husband.

"As for you!" She yelled out once again- and proceeded to take off her marriage ring; and she then threw it at him. "You better get your act straight! Or you will have no wife from this day on! Then you'll have to step down you foul King!" She yelled and stomped away.

"Darling! Darling!" The King yelled out as he grasped the ring in his hands and ran after her. Jeno and Jaemin, hand in hand, watched the scene. Jaemin couldn't help the smile that grew on his face, his mother was a special one.

He then looked down at Jeno and stared at the boy- lovingly. He knew it was time- he knew that he had too do it.

"Follow me my love." Jaemin whispered as he took Jeno's hand in his and led him down a corridor, leading him to a big bright garden. The courtyard, but it wasn't just a court yard. It was all decorated. All fancied up with fairy lights and food, and beautiful couple swings on trees.

"Jaemin- What's all this about?" Jeno whispered as he looked over at Jaemin, but gasped at what he saw.

Jaemin was on one knee, with a beautiful diamond ring in hand, perfectly jeweled with a carved outline.

"Jeno. I know this is soon- and we aren't even ready to become King and- King. But I want to provide you with happiness and everything you need- I wanna be your other half for the need of days and spend the rest of our lives together- and I just want to say; I love you. I love you so much and I always have since the first day I met you. You were the one, and I couldn't ask for more. So, Lee Jeno." He started as he looked up at Jeno, his eyes full of honesty.

"Will you marry me?"

Jeno was quiet for a moment, it's not because he was choosing- but because he had a sob stuck in his throat. Out of all the girls and guys in this world- he picked him. Lee Jeno. A poor, and lonely boy, to become his other half.

"Yes." Jeno choker out and Jaemin instantly got up and put the ring on Jeno, and proceeded to hug him. Jeno embraced him right back and lifted his hand up as he stared at the ring.

"It's beautiful." Jeno whispered and Jaemin tightened his hold, and Jeno felt tears stream down his face.

"I love you." Jaemin whispered.

"I love you too." Jeno said back.



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