Grace is a Dragon Slayer?!

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When they got to the guild it was as lively as ever, considering Team Natsu was back from their mission. Gray saw the red head and immediately sighed. He stood up and walked over to her, stripping off his shirt in the process. He stopped in front of her, ignoring the sound of a piece of one of the pillars in the guild being cracked by a certain water mage, "I see you're doing good after yesterday's mission."

The red head waved him off, "Pff! Piece a' cake. That sea serpent didn't stand a chance." She felt a little tap on her neck and looked over to see Peach looking at her with innocent eyes, "Oh! And this is Peach. I saved her from a couple thugs after the job and we decided to become partners."

The tan exceed waved shyly with a small smile. Gray smiled and waved back, "Hey Peach. I'm Gray Fullbuster. Grace's self proclaimed brother."

The red head rolled her eyes as the exceed gave a small giggle. She suddenly pulled at Grace's t-shirt collar, "Can we go sit with Lily and Gajeel?"

The girl nodded and said, "Well see ya later Gray."

They got to Gajeel and Lily's table. Levy was there reading a book as the iron dragon sat back with his feet on the table and munched on iron. Grace sat down across from the pair as Peach jumped from her shoulder and walked up to start talking to Lily, apparently they talked a lot during breakfast before Grace came running in like a bull in a china shop.

The red head just put her feet on the table and sat back with her eyes closed, listening to the happenings of the guild.

She was half asleep when someone yelled, "WHAT! SHE'S GOT AN EXCEED?!"

There was a quick and annoyed response to the yell, "Shut up Flame Head, you're bustin out my eardrums!"

The fire dragon, Grace figured out, yelled back, "What'd you just call me Ice Princess?!"

"A Flame Head, Fire Bitch!"


"Yes ma'am!!"

Grace peaked open an eye when she felt the air pressure around her shift, letting her know there was someone approaching. She looked up and saw Team Natsu standing next to her. She put her feet down and asked, "What brings you guys to the cool kids corner?"

Natsu spoke, jumping up and down impatiently, "We want to see your new exceed!"

Grace sighed and warned, "Alright but don't bombard her, she's really shy and can get scared easily."

The red head turned to the still talking exceeds, "Hey Peach, you wanna meet some of my other friends?"

The female exceed turned to the girl and nodded with a small smile. She walked across the table to her and looked at the group of people standing there. She gave a small smile and a shy wave, "Hello."

They all awed. Erza had to restrain herself from swooping the little exceed up and squeezing her against her bosom. Lucy squealed, "She's so adorable Grace. How did you find her?"

Grace said sadly as she petted the little exceed, causing her to purr, "She was about to be kidnapped by a couple thugs yesterday. I beat them up and ran them off and asked if she wanted to come here with me and be my partner. She said yes."

The tan exceed smiled up at the red head. Levy awed and asked, "What's her name?"

Grace responded, "Peach."

The armor clad female stated, "What a sweet name for a sweet cat."

The exceed blushed under her fur, "Thanks. Grace gave it to me."

Happy and Carla finally joined the party. Happy asked surprised as he pointed at the new exceed, "Another exceed!? Does that mean there's another dragon slayer in the guild?!"

Lucy rolled her eyes, "No, cat. She's Grace's new partner."

Happy asked even more surprised, "Grace is a dragon slayer!?"

Carla face palmed, "No Tomcat, it means that Grace must have found Peach somewhere."

The red head giggled at their bickering. Peach flew onto her head and laid down on her stomach, "Whatcha gigglin about?"

Grace looked up at the exceed, "Nothin. Just how funny this guild is."

Peach nodded and nuzzled into her red locks, "I feel like I finally belong somewhere thanks to you."

Grace reached up and scratched behind her ears, causing her to purr.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful besides Natsu and Gray starting a fight only for Erza to knock their heads together so they'd stop.

Soon it was evening. Gajeel had already went home for the night with Lily. Mira had asked Grace to stay behind to help her clean up the tables. Naturally Peach stayed as well, not wanting to be far away from the red head. Turns out though, that she was actually a huge help with clearing the dishes off the tables so Grace could clean them while Mira washed the dishes Peach brought over. It was a very efficient system.

Suddenly the two front doors creaked open.

It was Frosch.

Grace gasped and ran over to the frog costumed exceed, "Oh Frosch what are you doing here? Did you get separated from Rogue?"

Frosch had little tears in his eyes and said, "Fro tried to find his way back to Sabertooth but ended up at Fairy Tail."

Grace puckered out her bottom lip for the little guy and said, "I bet Rogue is having a panic attack right now." Her eyes widened in realization, "Oh my goodness that's exactly how I acted this morning when I thought something happened to Peach."

She suddenly heard a voice say, "Who's Peach?"

Grace jumped and clutched Frosch to her chest to protect him. She looked up to see it was just Sting...along with Rogue and Yukino. The red head sighed in relief, "Jeez don't do that. You could get punched one day."

The blonde just smirked. Rogue asked Sting's question again, "So who's Peach?"

Grace looked behind her and saw the little exceed floating behind a pillar. She smiled and said, "It's alright Peach. You can come out they won't hurt you."

The tan exceed came out from behind the pillar slowly, and flew over to Grace where she landed on her shoulder and hid in her hair. The red head nuzzled the exceed for reassurance. She peaked out and said, "Hello. I-I'm Grace's new partner."

Yukino said with little hearts around her, "Awe. She's so cute."

The exceed blushed and looked down shyly. Lector looked at the exceed from Sting's shoulder with peaked interest. He sprouted his wings and flew over to get a closer look, "Hi. The name's Lector. I'm partners with the strongest dragon slayer ever."

The female exceed snuggled closer to Grace and said, "I'm Peach."

Lector said confidently, "You're really pretty."

Peach blushed, even through her fur, and stuttered, "U-um. Th-thanks."

Rogue suddenly asked, "Hey Grace, when do you want to have our date?"

She shrugged, "Whenever's fine for you. But can you bring Frosch so I can bring Peach. She doesn't like being separated from me for too long."

The shadow dragon nodded with a small smile, she was already getting those motherly instincts.

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