That Was Amazing!

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Grace had just finished talking to the Mayor. Apparently the sea serpent is about a hundred feet long, blueish with black vertical stripes going down its body, and has a bad temper.

She arrived at the docks and went down to the boat rental part of them. She rented a small boat, along with a guide so he could use magic to power it since she didn't have any. The guide asked, "So where will I be taking you miss?"

Grace simply replied as they left the docks, "The deep ocean where the trading boats travel."

The man nodded and set off.

Time Skip

When the pair arrived at the spot they heard a loud splash from behind them before a roar. They turned around and saw the huge sea serpent the Mayor described racing towards them.

The man screamed while the red head smirked and shouted, "Shapeshift! Black Leopardess! Poison mode!"

There was now a black leopard in the boat with glowing purple eyes. The man scooted back as far as he could into the boat to keep away from the serpent and the leopard in front of him.

Grace jumped high into the air towards the serpent to meet it half way. She chanted, "Black Leopard's Poison...ROOOOOOAR!"

A purple fog with a bright green outline shot from her mouth and hit the serpent head on. It roared in pain, some of its skin melting off its body. The leopard landed on the serpent as it was too busy screaming in agony and chanted, "Shapeshift! Amur Leopardess! Lightning mode!"

She quickly chanted, "Amur Leopard's Lightning Bolt!"

She was suddenly covered in electricity and sparking with lightning. Since she was on the serpent the serpent was soon being electrocuted. It roared in agony as it was burnt to a crisp. Grace ceased her attack and rode the serpent's body into the water as it fell, dead.

She shifted back to normal and swam back to the boat, the man throwing a rope ladder over the side so she could climb up. She got in the boat and slumped down on the side. The man stared at her for a moment before he smiled and said, "That was amazing! I have never seen anything like it in my fifty years of life!"

The red head smiled widely, "Thanks! And also thank you for not bailing on me."

He nodded, "Well to tell you the truth. I'm actually one of the captains of the trading ships that were destroyed by that beast so I wanted to see that monstrosity get slain."

Grace smiled, "Well now you have a tale to tell your sailor friends."

The man laughed, "Like they're going to believe I watched a leopard fight and kill a giant sea serpent with lightning powers."

Grace chuckled, "Probably not but you'll know it happened and that's all that matters."

The man nodded and the pair started heading back to the docks.

Time Skip

Grace got the reward from the Mayor, plus some extra for finishing it so soon, and went to the train station to head back to Magnolia.

She was passing an alley way when she heard a small high pitched scream. She looked into it and saw a pair of men around something small. She quietly crept closer and saw that it was a light tan colored exceed (see pic). The men were closing in on her cowering form, "We'll make a quick buck on this cutie's fur."

Grace clenched her fists in anger and said in a deep, almost masculine sounding, voice, "Hey! You leave her alone."

The two men turned around and smirked, "And what are you gonna do about it pretty lady?"

"I think she wants to have some fun with us. What do you think Ross?"

The man named Ross smirked, "I agree Kenny. We can take the cat and the chick."

Grace gave them a disgusted scoff and stalked up to them. She looked "Ross" right in the eye. He smirked, "Hmm, looks like she's up for some fu-"

Before he can finish his sentence Grace uses both of her fists to punch him in both eyes at the same time. He screams in agony and covers his eyes in pain. She quickly gets behind him and slams her fist up between his ass cheeks. He lets out a pained squeal and runs away, one hand over his eyes and the other holding his asshole. Grace whipped around to the other male with a dark glare that says, "leave or die." He follows the silent command and runs off with his arms above his head in surrender.

The red head nods stiffly and turns to the little exceed she just saved. She smiles a calm smile and soothes the still cowering cat, "Hey. Are you alright? They didn't hurt you did they?"

The light tan exceed slowly peaks out from behind her little paws and, when she sees the girl's sweet smile answers, "N-no. But I think they were going to."

Grace held out her hand and said calmly, "You're safe now. Would you like to come with me back to my guild? We could be partners."

The exceed looked at her hand then up at the red head and smiled shyly, taking her hand, "Mmhmm."

Grace gently picked the exceed up and cradled her. She walked over to the boarding dock of the train station right as her train pulled up. She stepped inside and sat in a booth, placing the exceed down on the table. The little cat looked around in awe when she sat down. She stated, "I've never been on a train before."

Grace suddenly asked, "So what's your name? Mine's Grace."

The exceed blushed under her fur and looked down sadly, "I don't have one. I hatched just a week ago but there was no one around."

Grace frowned at that, but soon smiled, "Can I give you a name?"

The cat looked up surprised but nodded eagerly. The red head thought for a minute as she looked at the exceed. She snapped her fingers and said, "I got it! How about Peach? Because your fur is peach colored!"

The exceed mulled it over before she smiled and nodded, "I like it!"

Grace whooped, causing the exceed to giggle at the strange sound.

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