Chapter 15: Great Alpha?/Call To The Wild

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(A/N: Of course, I'm going to modify this scene a bit since the wolves' focus is on Delilah and no longer Addison)

Delilah's P.O.V.

I sat in my room, ready for bed in some gray pajamas and a blue long sleeve. After almost two hours of me crying to Addison and receiving her sisterly love, I felt better.

We spent the rest of the time drinking hot cocoa and doing our homework until I felt like I just wanted to go get some rest. I did my nightly routine and was about to get under the covers until I heard some tapping in my window.

I looked and saw Willa there and I sighed, going over and opening the window.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as she stepped in. She had a look of regret and sadness on her face.

"I'm sorry, Delilah." she told me, grabbing my hand. I wanted to pull my hand away, but I couldn't. The mate bond was just too strong for me.

"I'm sorry for being a bad mate for the past few days. It's just that I've never felt this much love for someone and been wanting to meet you for so many years. I've gotten my heart broken by someone before and it made me who I am. I guess I was just a bit jealous that you were with your friends, specifically the girls because it just brought back memories of my heartbreak. You were already hurt enough and trying to recover, and I had to go screw things up. I let my alpha status get in the way of trying to help you. I'm sorry I was so possessive and snapped at you, Delilah. I hope you can forgive me and take me back as your mate." she explained.

"I am still a bit hurt, but I see where you're coming from. I'll forgive you, but please don't snap at me again because I'm never going to recover if I have only two of my mates trying to help me." I replied.

Willa's eyes lit up and she hugged me tight. "Thank you, Delilah! I promise."

I smiled before she pulled away and guided me to the window. I looked and saw my mates there with a few other wolves. Why were they here? Let alone staring at me with looks I couldn't even explain.

"Come with us." she told me.

"What's so important?" I asked her in confusion.

"You are." Wyatt answered from below.

I sighed as I looked at Willa and she nodded her head. I guess I had no choice to do anything but to go with them.


We ended up in front of the wolf den, my mates slowly staying close to me.

"So, what's all this about?" I asked.

"It's a wolf secret. If we told you, we'd have to kill you." Wynter said, making me freeze in my spot as Willa and Wyatt sent her looks.

"Too much? Too much! I knew it, sorry!" she started. "I didn't mean it, babe! Sorry!" she apologized, putting her fists to her head.

Willa and Wyatt were shaking their heads with smiles on their faces. Wynter snarled, but began coughing as her eyes flashed and necklace went green.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "My necklace is losing it's charge." she replied sadly.

Wyatt stepped forward. "Every day, more and more of our pack become sick because their moonstones lose their power. All of our elders are too sick to travel, which leaves-"

"Which leaves taking care of the pack to us. To me." Willa said, walking to me and Wynter.

"You'll be fine, Wynter. I promise." she looked back at her brother. "You better be right about this. We need to find the moonstone soon."

She grabbed my hand before she and Wyatt helped me climb the rocks, since I was still injured from my thigh. Luckily, I felt less pain because of the special wolf meds that Wes had given me. I felt like I was healing a bit faster than normal.

We ended up back inside the wolf den and I felt that feeling come up inside me again. Warmth, security, and almost as if I belonged here.

The wolves howled. "What was that for?" I asked.

"Our language, 'Awwo!', Delilah. That means 'Welcome'." Wyatt explained.

"Awoo!" I howled, making all the werewolves laugh.

"Ostrich boots?" Wynter asked in confusion.

"No, I think Delilah meant 'Awwo!'." my beta mate replied.

"Awoo!" I howled again, making the pack laugh again.

"Polka-dot unicorn?" he asked.

"Cool! Where?" Wynter asked.

"No, sorry. Uh, Awwo?" I howled briefly, which caused all the wolves to gasp.

"Whoa! Language, there are were-pups around." Wyatt told me, gesturing to the children behind him. They were so cute.

"She needs to put a pebble in the swear-wolf jar." Wynter said.

All the other wolves howled and I felt all the embarrassment kicking in. "I am so sorry." I apologized.

"Enough. This is not why we brought her here." Willa said.

"Why am I here?" I asked. Wyatt grabbed some kind of crystal and rose it, a bright, blue light coming from it.

I looked on the spinning circle in the distance and saw a girl with hair like mine howling and dancing. I looked at the picture in awe as a feeling came over me. Almost like recognition. As if I felt drawn to whatever that was.

"I believe you will lead us to the moonstone. I believe you're the Great Alpha. I believe you're a werewolf." Wyatt told me.

"What?" I asked.

Willa and Wynter had looks of love and admiration in their eyes as their focus stayed on me. Wyatt put the crystal down and took my hand in his as the pack began dancing. (A/N: Pretend Willa's parts are being sung by another werewolf)

Wyatt: Turn up, explain our history
Pull back the veil of mystery
What's written on the cave is prophesy
The Great Alpha is our destiny
Show us the power of chemistry
Lead us to the source of our energy
No one knows her identity
But she looks like you, identically

Werewolves: This is how we're livin' our lives
Livin' our lives, livin' our lives, yeah
Can you feel the call to the wild?
Call to the wild, the call to the wild
We are the call, we are the call
We are the call to the wild

Delilah: I see a real community
Unique, but you have unity
You know who you're supposed to be
Release to the rhythm totally

Wyatt: I feel the vibe when you're close to me
And you can feel it too, or hopefully
Now look up, and tell me what you really see
A bunch of stray wolves or a family?

Werewolves/Delilah: This is how we're livin' our lives (hey)
Livin' our lives (hey), livin' our lives, yeah
Can you feel the call to the wild? (Hey)
Call to the wild (hey), the call to the wild
We are the call, we are the call
We are the call to the wild
We are the call, we are the call
We are the call to the wild

Female Wolf: Hold up, before you do, let me interrupt
She's a cheerleader, not an Alpha
You're in the den, but you'll need to earn my trust
Now show me what you got if you're one of us

This is how we're livin' our lives (it's how you're living)
Livin' our lives, livin' our lives, yeah
Can you feel the call to the wild? (Can you feel? Hey)
Call to the wild (hey), the call to the wild (I can feel)
We are the call, we are the call
We are the call to the wild
We are the call, we are the call
We are the call to the wild

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