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Rachel Roth.

Nice to know he can do that.

I almost stopped in my tracks when I saw how quickly and effectively Dick took down the fake police officer, and immediately grabbed the gun from his body as it hit the floor and went on to find Rachel.

Maybe that's Gotham police training?

I wasn't going to wait for my powers to appear as my hands glowed red, as to quickly be at bay and ready for anything. If Rachel is really clueless about what she is or what she is capable of, then I must be ready.

"Rachel?" Dick called out, and got an immediate response.

"Help! Help! Help!" She screamed, sending shivers down my spine, but her panicked voice was soon muffled by the pe

She's terrified.

She doesn't know why this is happening to her.

She's alone.

She's me.

And in that moment, my instincts kicked in and I ran upstairs while Dick was close behind.

"Rachel! Rach-!"

"Wanda, stop!" Dick grabbed me by my shoulders just as I was about to make it up to the last floor.

"She could be dead, and you want me to sto-?" My voice rose as I spoke to him, but he quickly covered my mouth with his hand and used the other to shush me.

And I heard it.

It wasn't loud enough for anyone inside to hear unless they were paying close enough attention, but her muffled coughs and sounds made it to us.

She's alive.

He removed himself from me and just as we made it upstairs, her muffled voice was lessening and it made my heart race in panic. Dick carefully took one step into the room, but was immediately knocked onto the ground as the door slammed infront of us.

I quickly tried pushing against the door, but it was like ten tons was against it.

"Rachel! Rachel!" Dick shouted, seeing a silhouette through the foggy glass on the door.

"Rachel, open the door!" I pleaded, feeling her powers being used to keep it closed. And the sound of a man gargling and screaming didn't help either.

His body hit the door, and blood splattered on the foggy glass window before another thud sounded in the room.

Like a dead body hitting the floor.

The presence keeping the door closed faded away, and it opened again. Dick quickly rushed towards Rachel, who was coughing and breathing heavily, while my gaze remained on the male body that was laying in his own blood.

Rachel. . .did this?

I squatted down and my fingers touched his neck, looking for any sign of even the smallest pulse.

But when a body is clearly drained of all its blood, there's no way it can survive.

"What happened?"

"I don't know," Rachel sobbed as her body fell into his, desperately needing someone to hold her.

She didn't mean to do this.

She was terrified, and. . .

Looking at her, she was clearly distraught and from what Dick told me, her entire life was ripped away from her in a day. Her mother killed infront of her, and people chasing her for a reason we don't know yet

"Please help me," Rachel pleaded.

"Don't worry, I got just the person for that. I trust her," Dick gave me a small smile, and as her eyes met mine, I knew that I wouldn't let anyone hurt her.

And I wouldn't let the Avengers take interest in her.

Hope you've enjoyed! Rachel will see Wanda's past, and even some things that Wanda doesn't remember doing. What do you think it is?

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