Chapter 32 - Family turns foe

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I will reply to the comments on previous chapter in a few days. Sorry about the delay.

Also, this chapter is short. Feeling exhausted.


"So, my brother-in-law made some decisions which involved my sister, without consulting her. My sister wished for the imprisonment of the mother-son duo, due to unearthing of old secrets. My mother, wishing to regain my sister's trust, agreed to put this plan in execution." Abhimanyu summarized the facts. 

Karthikeya nodded. The composed demeanor of the prince had the opposite effect on him. He was frightened.

"From whichever angle I view the situation, it seems like a family problem. So my question is," Abhimanyu paused to sip from his goblet, "why should Srimukha and Virata risk their recently repaired fragile relationship, because of few people's inability to run a family?"

"Yuvaraja, I am just following my orders." Karthikeya tried to defend his actions.

"Senapati. You seem to forget that orders like these must be approved in the court. Does my father, the head of the state, know about this? Were the council of ministers consulted before making this decision?"

"But the queen--"

"The order given by the queen in this regard, seems more like a personal request than an official command. Do you understand the meaning of this? You have been caught trying to harm King Samarjit, which is treason, not only against Virata, but also Srimukha. Because he is an ally." Abhimanyu straightened his ring. 

"Yuvaraja, your sister and your mother are also involved in this." Karthikeya reminded him.

Abhimanyu gave him a sly smile. "They might be. They might not be. You see, the problem here is, you are the one caught in action. There is no proof against them. Even if you scream for the whole world to hear, it is your word against theirs."

The Senapati's face turned pale as he processed the prince's words. "Yuvaraja, please forgive me. I acted foolishly."

"You did. And I hope you remember this before you do something unethical the next time." Abhimanyu stood up. "As per the law, I should have you arrested. But I don't want to draw Virata's attention to this and sever our already delicate ties with them. Hence, I command you to leave this town this instant and head back to the Srimukha court. Hurry up, before I change my mind."

Karthikeya obeyed. Abhimanyu looked at the retreating form of the mighty Senapati and shook his head in disappointment.


Govardhana stopped the chariot. The lustrous waters of the river glistened in the moonlight, attempting to capture the image of the moon. 

"Beautiful. I remember coming to this place as child" said Mayanshi, as if she were on a family trip.

"Quiet!" Bhairava led her to the boat. "Govardhana, row the boat in the north-east direction. We need to reach the ship as fast as we can."

"Yes, father." Govardhana replied.

"If my people find the chariot abandoned at the banks of the river, nothing will stop them from finding me." Mayanshi shrugged.

"Your people, Maya? Your courtiers? A day ago I was your kin. Everything was fine. Or it would have been. But you had to go ahead and destroy everything. Do you know how long it took me to seek out people who are loyal to my cause? It cost me fifteen years of my life to gather an army that could take the city. And you brought it down in a span of one prahar. You broke the bond we had just like that. Why, Maya?" Bhairava demanded answers. 

"Your audacity amazes me. You misled me from the beginning. Our whole relationship was based on the lies you fed me. You killed innocent people just to stop me from marrying. Your rebels would have attacked civilians today and slaughtered them. I am not wrong in assuming that you have been planning this even before I returned to Virata. You have been waiting for the capital city's defenses to be weak, to execute your plan. Weren't you?" Mayanshi said coldly. "You thought my involvement would gain you an easy access to the palace to go ahead with the final phase. But you seemed to neglect the fact that I was raised in Srimukha. You can deviate me from the right track for a while. But you can't fool me forever."

"You are unwilling to help your uncle. But you would let your father's murderer walk free. Shame on you!"

"The murderer you speak of, has tried to save my life when my beloved uncle was hurting me." She laughed humourlessly. "What else can be expected from a man who hit his already weak elder brother and made him bleed? You emotionally abused my father for months before his death. You may not have killed him but you are a monster for wounding his feelings."

"You treacherous filth! I curse myself for thinking that you are my family. I planned on giving you a blissful life and get you married to a respectable man after taking control of Virata. But you don't deserve it. All this while I have been tolerating your nonsense. Not anymore. You will pay for what you did."

Mayanshi could view a few boats traveling in their direction. It was unclear who the occupants were, but she was sure it was the Rudragiri soldiers. The search party had arrived to rescue her. It was only a matter of few moments before they caught up with them.

"Father, we reached the ship. Board it and let her go" said Govardhana.

"No, son. We will take her with us. She can't be set free after what she did to us. She will travel with us till we find a safe place. And then she will be executed for betraying us." Bhairava forced her to board the ship. It was a tedious task considering how her hands were tied up. 

She deliberately wasted several moments, before Bhairava dragged her. "Son! What are you waiting for? Take the ladder and get on the ship."

"Not until you let her go, father" said Govardhana firmly.

"What are you saying? Didn't you listen what I just said?"

"I listened. In fact it is the only thing I have been doing since the beginning. Listening to you. Now I speak, and you will listen. Let her go. She will not be punished for your crimes."

"My crimes? Is it a crime to dream of giving the throne to you?" Bhairava yelled. The crew was ready to start the ship.

"I never wanted the throne. I just wanted my family. Maya is the only family we are left with. I will not see her suffer. Unhand her and send her back to her home." Govardhana demanded. "I am willing to forgive you for your crimes. But I will not tolerate you murdering her. Please. I beg you. Stop this madness."

"This girl has poisoned your mind against me. You are willing to go against your own father for her?" 

"If that's what it takes." Govardhana drew out his sword.

Mayanshi smiled. He wasn't as cruel as his father after all. "Thank you, cousin."

"Stop it, you silly girl." Bhairava tightened his grip on her hands. His dagger pierced her skin.

The boats carrying Rudragiri soldiers were getting nearer with every passing moment. The crew, fearing for their lives, started warning the father-son duo to hurry up.

An arrow flew in the direction of Govardhana and missed him by few inches. Bhairava trembled with fear.

"It's funny. Isn't it?" Mayanshi chuckled. "You are holding the dagger. My hands are tied. And yet you are one who is scared."

"Bhairava!" Narendra addressed him. "Release the queen and surrender!"

Another arrow fired at them, pierced Govardhana's shoulder. 

Bhairava roared in despair. His son who was on the same level of height as them.

In a state of panic, he did the first thing he could think of to divert the search party's attention from Govardhana. He stabbed Mayanshi and threw her from the ship, into the river.

Narendra started rowing the boat aggressively towards the spot praying to every God and Goddess, for the queen's life.

"Govardhana! They will take her back home. Now, abandon that boat and board the ship." Bhairava shouted.

But his son was not in the mood to listen. He was too shocked to respond. And then he glared at his father with disgust in his eyes. That moment, he just knew. His father did not deserve his loyalty.

He jumped into the river to search for his cousin.


"I still don't get it. Why were you absent while I was meeting with the defeated kings of Avantipuram and Indrapuri? It was you, who changed the timings of the meeting to yesterday night. And yet you weren't there. Your act was viewed as insolence by my people." Samarjit reprimanded Abhimanyu.

"I was tired. I needed to sleep." Abhimanyu lied. "In fact I was so tired that I fell asleep in your tent."

"I understand." Samarjit nodded. "But you have to understand my position too. You have no idea how hard it is to maintain the ties between our empires."

"You're right. Can't imagine how hard it is." Abhimanyu sighed.

"Maharaja!" Jayendra entered the tent without seeking permission.

"Yes, Senapati garu?"

"We need to leave immediately." Jayendra panted to catch his breath.


"The capital city has been attacked yesterday."

"What!" Samarjit rose to his feet. "By who?"

"By the traitor Bhairava. The queen thwarted his attack and saved the civilians with the help of Rudragiri soldiers."

"She did? That means they are safe now. Aren't they? Answer me!" Samarjit demanded.

"Everyone is safe. But the queen..."

"What happened to her?" Abhimanyu asked in a desperate tone.

"She has been stabbed." Jayendra replied.

Samarjit stood still, unable to believe the news.

Abhimanyu clutched the nearest object to stop himself from collapsing. His worst fears had come true. The cursed throne of Virata had once again caused pain to his family.


Thank you.

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