Friends Maybe? No.

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Wind Archer hasn't really had any friends. He was more focused on... important things. Like.. protecting the Great Tree. He never cared about friendship, nope. He's been alone all his life. Well... all his life with his dad. Other than that, he was basically lonely. But he liked it that way... or so it seemed.

Today was like any other day, the usual shooting fallen spirits with arrows. Until he noticed a rustle in the trees. He looked at the tree, drawing his bow. "It's best you come out now, otherwise you are sacrificing your life." Wind Archer states, his usual nonchalant voice having a pinch of annoyance. Let's face it: he wasn't having the best day, so he was a bit more agitated than usual. "But why should I come out? It's actually fun up here." A voice said from above. Wind was annoyed by this. He just wanted the Cookie above to come down and leave. "Because if you don't, I will FUCKING kill you." He groaned in frustration. "Goodness me, no need to be violent!" The Cookie above says in a playful tone. This frustrates Wind even more, so he shoots an arrow, straight into the trees. "OH MY WITCH THE HELL WAS THAT-" The Cookie squealed, falling off the branch. The Cookie landed face-first right in front of Wind. The Cookie had fiery hair and orange dough. The entire aura given off was goofiness, which pissed off Wind even more. "Learn to listen, idiot." He says with his hands on his hips. The Cookie looked up at him and smirked, the stickers and a band-aid visible on the face. "Well well well, nobody told me there was a hot forest guardian here~!" The Cookie says playfully. "Will you shut up?! I'm not in the mood. State your name and your reasoning here. Now." Wind Archer says with a visibly annoyed expression. "Ok ok dang no need to be a meanie..."the Cookie says. "My name is Fire Spirit. I am here because I got bored and wanted to explore the neighborhood next to mine." The Cookie says. "This is a goddamn forest you idiot. Give me the REAL reason why you're here." Wind says, drawing his bow and arrow once more. "Look, if you wanna kill me can we at least be friends? I don't have too many friends out there." Fire Spirit asks. "Friends?" Wind Archer lets out a laugh. Not a "that was funny laugh", but a laugh that said "you gotta be kidding me!" "We just met out of thin air. You are intruding in MY forest! You are annoying me beyond comprehension! And you want to be FRIENDS?!" He asks with an annoyed smirk. "Yes? What's so funny about it?" Fire asks innocently. "Listen here, I have no friends and I never wish to. Now get out of my forest before I break your pretty little face." Wind says, pointing his draw bow + arrow at the Spirit of Fire. Fire sighs in defeat and retreats back to his homeland. Leaving the annoyed Wind Archer on his own once more.

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