CHAPTER ELEVEN, tessa's emotional night

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Tessa was sitting on the floor of her room near Reggie as they listened to the current vinyl that was playing, an upbeat song that she couldn't recall the name of, but she didn't care. She was enjoying the music and being with Reggie. She couldn't help but look at him. He looked so peaceful, so happy, and so alive. This was the happiest she had ever seen him...Well, besides when he was on stage with her, Julie, and the boys. It made her happy to see him this way. And it made her wish that they could have a normal relationship. One where she could cuddle up to him, rest her head on his shoulder, and hold his hand. Or one where she could kiss him, and he could hold her and wrap his arms around her. One where they could have a real date and do the normal couple things, like go to the movies or dinner, or just sit together and talk. She didn't know how long she had been staring, but Reggie must have felt her gaze because he looked at her. His eyes were filled with love and affection, and he was smiling softly.

"What is it, Tess?" He asked gently, a hint of curiosity in his voice. Tessa's face flushed, caught in the act of staring at him. She quickly looked away, clearing her throat and trying to play it off.

"Oh, uh, nothing. Sorry."

Reggie chuckles softly, shaking his head. "You're adorable, you know that?"

Tessa's face reddens even more, her heart hammering in her chest. "W-Well, you're one to talk." She stuttered, her cheeks heating up even more.

Reggie's smile widened, his eyes sparkling. "Fair enough." He laughed, his smile softening. Tessa felt a warmth spread through her body, and she smiled back. She loved hearing him laugh. She loved making him happy. She wished they could stay like this forever, listening to music and being together. They continued to stare at each other, lost in each other's eyes. The sound of the vinyl playing softly in the background, the music creating a peaceful atmosphere.

Suddenly Alex and Luke poof in the room, interrupting the moment and causing Reggie and Tessa to jump. Tessa and Reggie quickly scramble up and away from each other, their faces flushed with embarrassment. Alex and Luke exchange a look, their eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Whoa, did we just interrupt something?" Luke asked, grinning mischievously.

"Uh, no. No, you didn't." Reggie answered quickly, his face red.

"Are you sure? 'Cause it kind of looked like we did." Luke teased, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut up." Tessa grumbled, her face burning with embarrassment. She shot a glare at Luke, who was smirking. Alex snickered, covering his mouth to stifle the sound.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed." Reggie said softly, causing Tessa's heart to skip a beat. He flashes her a sweet smile, and she feels butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

"So, what did you two need?" Tessa asked, trying to change the subject and get the attention off of her.

"Our plan worked," Alex starts, causing Reggie's eyes to lit up and he grins. "Meet up with us at the studio, Julie is waiting for us." Alex explained.

"We'll be right there." Reggie promised, his eyes filled with excitement. Alex and Luke poof away, leaving Reggie and Tessa alone again.

"What plan?" Tessa questioned, glancing at Reggie curiously as she got up to head over to turn off the record player.

"You'll find out." Reggie grins at her. "I'll see you at the studio." With that, he winked at her and poofed out of her room. Her face flushed as she stood there alone.

"Okay then." She muttered, wondering what they were up to. Shaking her head, she put her shoes on and grabbed her phone and keys to the house before she left. She locked the front door and walked over to the house next door. When she got to the studio, she was confused and surprised to find Julie jumping around on the coffee table and the boys spinning Alex in the air.

"Okay," She laughs a little, amused by their antics, but she was still confused. "What's going on? What's all this about?"

"Tessa, my friend," Luke grins at her as he and Reggie set Alex down. "With Willie's help we got us to play at The Orpheum!"

"What?" Tessa's eyes widen in disbelief, a huge smile stretching across her face. "Really?! You better not be joking about this, because that would be cruel."

"I'm not joking, I swear!" Luke exclaimed, holding up his hands up in defense.

"Tess, I just got a call from a worker at The Orpheum." Julie said excitedly, rushing over to her and grabbing her hands. "We're opening tonight for another band!"

"No way, this is amazing!" Tessa cheered, grinning widely as she hugged Julie. She joined in on the excitement with jumping around and cheering. She couldn't believe it, they were going to perform at The Orpheum!

"We're playing The Orpheum baby!" Julie exclaimed excitedly, her eyes sparkling with happiness and joy. Tessa's smile was so big it hurt her cheeks, her heart hammering in her chest. The boys were cheering and jumping around as well, the atmosphere buzzing with excitement and happiness.

"I can't believe this is really happening!" Tessa laughed, her eyes filling with tears of joy. She was so proud of them and happy for them. She was so glad that they got their big break. But then she remembered that this was the boy's unfinished business and they would be crossing over. That thought caused her smile to fade, her heart sinking.

"Me neither!" Julie agreed, hugging her again. She was so happy, and her smile was so bright. Tessa really was happy, but she couldn't stop her thoughts and fears. She didn't realize Reggie had noticed her sudden change in mood. He didn't say anything as she and Julie hugged, but he looked at her with concerned eyes.

"You okay?" Julie asked her after pulling away from the hug, noticing the change in her demeanor.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Tessa lies, forcing a smile. "I'm gonna go find an outfit for tonight," She swallows the lump in her throat and starts walking towards the entrance of the garage. "See you guys later."

"Tess..." Reggie's voice is barely audible as he watched her leave, his heart breaking. He hated seeing her like this, and he wanted to comfort her. He ignored the other's concerned questions before he poofed out of the garage.

Tessa made it to the house, noticing her parents were home from work. She forces a smile and tries to hide her sadness. "Hey, mom. Dad." She greeted them, hoping they didn't notice anything was wrong.

"Hi, honey." Her mother smiles from her place in the living room with her dad. Concern fills her gaze when she notices the sadness in Tessa's eyes. "Tessa, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, everything is great." Tessa quickly said, managing a small smile. "I mean, Julie and our band are opening for another band tonight at The Orpheum. Everything is perfect."

Her parents look at her with surprise mix with proudness and happiness. "Sweetheart, that's wonderful!" Max exclaimed, walking over to her and hugging her. Her mother joined in, also congratulating her.

"Thanks," Tessa murmurs, her voice shaking a little. "But I have to go find something to wear for tonight. I'll see you guys later." She excused herself and hurried up to her room, closing the door and leaning against it. She sighed heavily and closed her eyes, fighting back tears. Her parents meant well, but it just made things harder for her. She opened her eyes, letting out a gasp when she suddenly saw Reggie standing in front of her. He was frowning at her with worried eyes, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"R-Reggie?" Tessa stutters, quickly wiping her eyes that had been filled with unshed tears. "I thought you were back at the studio with the others."

"Tess, I'm not leaving you like this." He states firmly, walking closer to her. "What's wrong?"

Tessa sighs and shakes her head, averting her gaze. "Nothing, it's fine."

Reggie doesn't say anything, and she's forced to look up at him. The concern on his face makes her heart clench. "Tessa," His voice is gentle, but firm. "Please talk to me."

Tessa is silent for a few moments, trying to control her emotions. Reggie stands patiently, waiting for her. "It's just..." She starts, her voice shaky. "I don't want you to cross over." She admits softly, looking at him. "I can't lose you, Reg. I-I...I love you and the thought of you being kills me."

Reggie's heart skips a beat, her words filling his heart with joy. But he also hates that she's hurting because of him. "Tessa, I know. I don't want to leave you either. I love you so much, more than you can ever imagine. But this is what I've always wanted. To perform at The's been our dream for as long as I can remember. And now that we're finally doing it, it feels right. And it's all because of you. Because of your talent, because of you and Julie. You guys are the reason we're here, and you're the reason I'm so happy." He went to reach out to hold her hand, both his and her heart breaking at seeing their hands pass through each other. "I'll always be with you, Tessa. Even if I'm not physically here, my love for you will never fade. And I promise, I'll always be watching over you."

Tessa's tears spill over as she listens to Reggie's words, her heart feeling heavy yet comforted at the same time. She reaches out to touch his face, even though she knows she won't feel anything solid. "I love you too, Reggie," She whispers, her voice choked with emotion. "I just wish..." She trails off, unable to finish her sentence. She drops her hand, sniffling and wiping her tears. "Sorry, I'm such a mess." She tried to lighten the mood, a soft chuckle leaving her lips.

Reggie's own heart breaks at the sound of her crying and he wished he could wipe away her tears and hold her in his arms. His own eyes were teary and his voice cracked a little as he spoke. "Tessa, you have nothing to be sorry about. I hate seeing you like this. I never meant to hurt you. Please, don't be sad. You have so many reasons to smile, and I hate knowing that I'm one of the causes of your tears." His hand hovers over her cheek, longing to touch her skin and wipe away her tears.

Tessa shakes her head. "No, no. You're not the cause, Reg. You make me smile, and you make me happy. You and the others have made my life a whole lot better. And I don't regret any of it. If anything, I'm grateful for it." She smiles, though her eyes were still filled with sadness and tears. She takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. She manages to laugh a little. "Look at us, we're a mess. Crying over each other. We should really stop." She joked.

Reggie lets out a chuckle, but his eyes were still filled with sadness and worry. "Are you going to be okay, Tess? I don't want to leave you like this. Maybe I should stay and—"

"No," Tessa interrupts, shaking her head. "You have to be there for the boys and Julie. It's important to you guys. I'll be fine, I promise. Go on, I'll meet up with you all later." She tried to give him a reassuring smile, but it was difficult. She didn't want him to worry about her. She didn't want him to miss the opportunity to play at The Orpheum just for her. No matter how much she wanted him to stay with her.

Reggie didn't seem convinced, and he frowns slightly. "Tessa..."

"Go, Reg." Tessa insisted, her voice gentle but firm. She was determined to do this for him. He deserved to perform at The Orpheum, and she didn't want him to miss it because of her. She didn't want him to sacrifice the one thing he'd always dreamed of.

Reggie sighs and nods. "Okay, I'll see you later, Tess." He reluctantly poofed out of the house, leaving Tessa alone.

A sob escaped Tessa's lips before she could stop it, her body shaking as tears spilled down her cheeks. She felt so broken and helpless. She sat on the edge of her bed and cried, burying her face in her hands. Why did she have to fall in love with a ghost? She should've never gotten attached, it was only going to hurt more when they crossed over. But she couldn't help it. Reggie was sweet and funny and adorable. He had a huge heart and loved music. He was a kind and caring person, and he always put others before himself. How could she not fall in love with him? She just wished she could hold him, and kiss him, and have a real relationship with him. But it wasn't possible, and it was killing her inside.

She didn't hear the knock on the door or the concerned voice of her mom calling out her name, and she was startled when she heard the sound of the door opening and closing. She looked up and saw her mom walking into her room. She was quick to wipe her tears away, trying to pretend she was okay. But she wasn't fooling anyone. "Tess, sweetie, what's wrong?" Her mom asks, her voice laced with worry. She sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her. Tessa didn't answer, her heart hammering in her chest as she tried not to cry again. Her mom hugs her and rubs her back, trying to soothe her. "Shh, it's okay, sweetheart." Her mom murmured.

"Mom, I..." Tessa starts, her voice shaky and filled with pain. She takes a deep breath and tries to steady herself. "I love Reggie and it hurts so much. It hurts knowing that he's going to leave and I'll never see him again. I-I'm not ready to say goodbye." Her voice breaks as tears spill down her cheeks. She hugs her mom tighter, clinging to her. "I hadn't even got to touch him or hold him or kiss him." Her voice cracks as a sob escapes her lips. "I hate I got too attached and it's only going to hurt more when they all cross over."

"Oh, sweetheart," Her mom says, her voice filled with sorrow and sympathy. She holds her daughter close and continues to comfort her, her heart breaking for her. "I'm so sorry, Tess. I wish there was something I could do to help. But unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done. All you can do is enjoy the time you have left with him and the others, and make the most of it."

Tessa sniffles and nods, wiping her tears. She knew her mom was right, and she was going to do just that. She would spend as much time with Reggie and the guys and Julie as she could, and she would cherish every moment she had with them. Because she knew that their time together was limited, and she didn't want to waste a single second of it. "Thank you, mom." She whispered, her voice hoarse from crying. Her mom just held her and comforted her, and that's all she needed. 

"So, your father and I wanted to give you something to show our support, and show how proud we are of you." Her mother speaks up after she eventually calmed down. "We wanted you to have this."

Tessa smiled gratefully and took the bag her mom handed her. She opened it to find a beautiful dress inside. It was the most beautiful dress she had seen. It was strapless and a rose color. The top of it had a sweetheart neckline, it had black sparkle lace covering it in different patterns. The bottom half had different colored butterflies scattered around the whole bottom half of the dress.

(this is tessa's dress her parents got her)

"Mom, this is stunning! It's beautiful!" Tessa gasped, her eyes wide as she looked at the dress.

"Your dad and I knew you would love it. I remember you looking at it the other day when we had gone shopping. We went back and got it for you." Everly told her, smiling brightly. She was relieved Tessa liked the dress.

Tessa's heart swells with gratitude and love for her parents. She sets the dress on her bed carefully and then went to her mom. She hugs her mom tightly, feeling a mixture of emotions. "Thank you so much, mom. It means the world to me."

Her mom hugs her back, a warm and comforting embrace. "You deserve it, sweetheart. Tonight is a big night for you and the band. We're so proud of you."

As Tessa hugged her mom, she felt a surge of warmth and comfort wash over her. She was grateful for her parents' support and love, especially during such an emotional time. With her mom by her side, Tessa felt a renewed sense of strength and determination. She wiped away her remaining tears and smiled, feeling a sense of excitement building up inside her.

"Let's get you ready for tonight," her mom said, returning her smile. "It's going to be a night to remember."

Tessa nodded, feeling a sense of anticipation bubbling up within her. She was determined to make the most of the night, to celebrate the band's success and to cherish every moment with Reggie and her friends. With her mom's help, she began to prepare for the performance at The Orpheum, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement coursing through her veins.

As she slipped into the beautiful dress her parents had given her, Tessa couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and love. Despite the challenges she faced, she knew that she was surrounded by people who cared about her deeply. And as she stood before the mirror, admiring her reflection in the stunning dress, she felt a glimmer of hope shining brightly within her heart.

Tonight was going to be unforgettable, and Tessa was determined to make the most of every moment. With her loved ones by her side, she knew that anything was possible. And as she made her way to The Orpheum, she carried with her a sense of joy and determination, ready to embrace whatever the future held.

A/N i cant believe this book is almost done!! im gonna miss writing tessa's & reggie's story. i love them so much

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