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Everyone stared in awe and amazement at the large moth titan that has entered the hangar.

Despite the wariness that now surrounded those nearby, mainly due to the fact that the titan was just as deadly as she was beautiful, they continued to be magnified by the presence. When Akane's vision focused, she saw the twins still standing where they were with their hands clasped together and eyes closed. The large moth titan, Mothra, gave a chittering sound as her wings were tucked back, moving more down as it had its sharp insect legs anchored against the concrete walls. Shiryu, still in his aggressive state, gave a warning growl at the moth titan, moving the palm that held Akane and Simon away from Mothra. The mechagodzilla's mouth opened, revealing that they were changing up its maser canon, to tell Mothra that they would fire if they came any closer. The moth titan, seeing this, gave out a thrilling chirrup that sounded like a soothing response, and it's body gave off more light. It was as if Mothra were saying that she was no threat to Shiryu and that she wasn't going to harm anyone. This seemed to work as Akane saw that Shiryu's eyes gradually return to calm blue.

Subsequently the mechagodzilla stopped holding a clawed hand over the two that they were holding, and unexpectedly began to slowly move nearer to the moth titan. Akane began to tense up, and she saw from the corner that Simon began to back away to not come near the titan, before the same calming warmth was felt. At the same time, Akane began to feel a ringing inside of her ears, but unlike Gigan's voice method, this one was not painful at all when she began hearing a voice. 'Do not fear, is what the great goddess, Mothra, is saying. I have arrived to help and calm both of you down. The pain and fear that the monster has caused is overwhelming, therefore I have offered assistance, is what she is saying' came an echoing voice inside Akane's mind. She gasped as she looked up at Mothra, her mind still not quite ready to take everything in that was happening. After a moment she identified the voice as a combination of Ling and Chen's voices together. Then Akane realized what the twin sisters meant about the legends of Mothra's servants; both of them served as an amplifiers, using a telepathic link, to "speak" with other humans in order to communicate.

To be completely honest, Akane was still scared due to the weirdness of all this, but she began to understand the reason behind it. "I...don't know what to say. Actually, I should thank you for helping Shiryu calm down. If it weren't for your help, who knows what would have happened. I am grateful" Akane spoke and bowed her head down, not thinking about whether to speak verbally or mentally. Regardless, the message got to Mothra through the twins, and both of them relayed her response. 'The one that is king, and the one that is not, the one your people created and named Shiryu, is a false one, is what she is saying. Despite the humans not breaking the law of nature, they still violated a rule, which was building something that would threaten the king of the monsters. Even if it is with good intentions, it is still a mistake, and should be destroyed, she says.' the twins relayed what the queen of the monsters said through the telepathic link. Akane heard what the titan had spoken, and was saddened a bit. Even Sam and Rick that were on the other side of the hangar now were seen having faces of doubt, also hearing what was said. "I am aware of it. We are all aware of what we have made and has happened before. When Apex used the false king's bones to control their mechagodzilla...and it nearly killed Godzilla. And this one uses all the traits from him. But he, Shiryu, is different. He is alive, and now has a soul, like me. And just like me, he is afraid, in need of help. It costed me to believe that it was real, but this time I am ready to believe. I know that he was meant to be a weapon, to make humans feel safe from the unknown. Yet in spite of this, I chose to pilot Shiryu to help the titans, not harm them." Akane responded to the moth titan.

The twins relayed what Akane had spoken, and Mothra was silent for a moment as if she was thinking thoroughly. Akane had a feeling that Mothra would probably reprimand her for trying in such feeble manner to convince her that Shiryu should be used. So, thinking for a moment, Akane spoke once again to the moth titan. "Let me help him overcome his fear, just as he helped me overcome mine before he became sentient. If he really is a mistake brought by us humans, I will do my best to fix that mistake, even by myself if I must. Just...let him fight along with me...and alongside you with the other titans...so that Gigan is defeated and doesn't destroy the world. Let Shiryu find his place in the world, now that he is alive. You sensed that he was alive, right? So please...lend him -us- a chance. Be it that he becomes a guardian to humanity, or a menace to the titans and natural order, I will be fine with it to be dealt as needed" she said to Mothra, looking back at the looming head of Shiryu that was above her and the humans. After a moment, Mothra gave a gentle vibrating noise, and the twins relayed her response. 'Very well. I will allow Shiryu to live and be a part of the natural order just once. As long as no more of him are made or are forced to attack and disrupt the natural order. If humanity does not follow your example, I will bring punishment upon your people. I shall accompany you and Shiryu in order to defeat Gigan. Only then will balance be restored once again, is what she says' the twins said through the telepathic link. Akane gave a relieved exhale and nodded, giving another bow of her head to the mother titan. "Thank you. I will do my best to keep the promise...no matter what. I want to live up to the promise I made with my mentor. And Shiryu has helped me see how I would fulfill it." Akane said to the moth titan.

After Mothra has been given a response, she began to glow again as her wings spread around. This time everyone saw some sort of golden particles beginning to float from her body, and slowly spread out across the air. Akane watched how the particles floated around, and she reached out with a hand in the air. The particles seemed inoffensive at glance, and more so when it contacted the skin. It felt warm at first, as the particles broke down into smaller bits like snow, until they vanished. A sort of cold sensation was felt traveling along the hand and arm of Akane, before everything returned to normal. "May I ask...what was all this?" Akane asked Mothra politely. 'I cast upon you my blessings. So that your spirit will remain pure against all odds, is what she says' the twins relayed what the moth titan said. "Oh. I see. Well, thank you very much. I appreciate the gift that you have given." Akane said in response, bowing down her head in respect. 'May you stay safe, little one, and hear what your heart cries out to do. You will need all the courage for what is to come, she says.' the twins said on behalf of the moth titan. "Of course. I will do what I must" Akane said to the queen of the monsters. The moth titan, Mothra, then gave a majestic shrill as she detached her legs and extended her wings, flapping them in order to lift out of the hangar. Shiryu looked up at the Mothra as the titan exited the hangar through the roof opening and flew away, up into the clear skies until everyone could no longer see her. Akane just stared at the sky, amazed and touched by having experienced her first close contact with a titan.

Those that were present to witness everything just stayed silent, only the wind being the only sound that surrounded the place. The noise of mechanical motors were heard as Shiryu moved his head down to face those he held in his palm, gaining Akane's attention again. Shiryu began to move its hand to the platform where Ling and Chen were, helping Akane and Simon get to safety. After a moment, when both of them were in the platform, the mechagodzilla slowly hung its head down as they powered down, its eyes shutting off. "You guys okay?" Sam asked after a moment to break the silence, still standing with Rick now that they were in a safe platform. "We're fine. Thank goodness you are alright as well" Akane said as they walked over to them. "So, what now? We all heard what the giant majestic butterfly said." Rick said as he straightened his glasses. "We heard it clearly. The plan to take down Gigan is still on foot. Only difference is that we will have some extra support to raise the chances of success." Akane said. "That's right. Mothra has offered to help us. We will do our part." Chen said. "Me and the other engineers will go get Shiryu ready once more right away." Simon said as he held the computer he had recovered. "There is no time to waste. Gigan and his MUTOs could emerge from anywhere in the world at any time." Ling said to them. "I will go speak to the higher command about what happened ASAP. All of us must get ready" Sam said. "Right." Akane said with a nod.

Without anything more to say, they went out their own ways in order to begin preparations.

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