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My Dearest Friend Sharm,

I am now a married woman! Alden and I exchanged our vows on the grounds of his father's estate. The weather was perfect, a wonderful affair indeed. I am so happy! Alden's mother, Lady Jenn, cautioned me that marriage was not always "sunshine and rainbows", I shall nonetheless savor them. Please forgive us for not waiting until you could attend, but we did not want to wait a single moment more.

Alden's father, Lord Girald, asked me to speak at the upcoming Council of Lords in Ashe. I am already so nervous about standing before the eyes of every Lord in the Realm. It helps, though, that my father and my new husband pledged to stand with me. Would you be attending with your husband? I have missed you so.

The Taint that plagued our Lands now fades away. Without Shaman Raste as a focal point of the Darkness, it weakens. I have assurances from the Order of Medice that what be left of that curse shall be purged.

The Order asked me if I might begin training as the next Reverend. But I declined. By tradition the Reverend should be unencumbered by husband and family. Well, I very much choose to be so "encumbered". I did agree to act as advisor to whoever is named. For now, I am recording my adventures for the Order Chronicles so that the history may be preserved.

Alden and I have grand visions for the future. He has already begun work to establish a school and university here in Krinn and hopes to someday have centers of learning across all the Lands. I have started a medical clinic in the city and have similar thoughts of expansion. With Alden's father likely to be named Overlord and my new influence in the Order of Medice, a very good chance have we to achieve our dreams.

My scandalous father be off to Ashe on one of his adventures. No doubt to drink ale and see Madam Devere again. He would not admit it, but I think he be smitten with her.

Eira is well, but she gets into everything.  Pleased am I to have her so inquisitive, but sometimes it becomes overwhelming. She seems to have a special relationship with my father. They spend much time together when he is here and sometimes I wonder what mischief they do. Still she does not speak, but I am confident that some day she shall again.

Eira's deep connection to the Spirits concerns me, though. Even Aon responds to her call! Between you and me, my friend, I fear how powerful she may become when she grows up and how that might change her. Alden and I discussed this and agreed that I would begin training her as a Shaman at some time with much emphasis on the ethics. But for now, we would let her be a happy little girl.

So blessed am I with family and good friends, and hope all is well for you.

With love,


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