interview #2 @mapis0210

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1 what's your favorite snack?

Probably chips (if they are lemon or BBQ flavored the better)

2 what is a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

If you're a new reader my advice is to find a topic or a genre that you like and start reading it and then expand your horizons and start looking for different stories than the ones that you usually read. But if you're a new writer a) plan your writing beforehand, have a notebook specifically for the planning and brainstorming of your story so that when you actually start to write it, you have an ideas as to where to take the story. b) also, I have a couple of quotes that are pretty much my advices: i) " There is no greater agony that bearing an untold story inside of you" Maya Angelou so basically if you have a story in mind write it! There's nothing to lose. ii) "Stay faithful to the stories in your head" Paula Hawkins and last but not least, iii) "write the story that's in your heart and not the one you think will pay the most money" Brenda Jackson. c) Always try to interact with your readers, answer their comments thank them for their votes etc. d) and be patient and persistent the reads, votes and comments come with time

3 what's the best way to spend a rainy day?

Probably reading and/or writing here on Wattpad or catching up with my favorite TV shows

4 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I don't really have a schedule regarding my writing. I write when I have time or I'mnot loaded with homework or when I feel like it because if I force myself towrite it's most likely that I'm not going to be proud and happy with my work.

5 what's your dream vacation?

I guess that it would be just flying around the world and meeting new places.

6 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

Absolutely! I always get super excited and surprisedwhen I see that someone voted or commented on my story and/or decided to followme

7 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

That's a really hard question because I admire a lot of celebrities but maybe ShawnMendes and we would just hang out and talk about everything and nothing, Iwould ask him how can he express his feelings so well through music and allthat kind of stuff I guess

8 what inspired you to write?

At first it was just a dream that I had and then I just started creating astoryline for it. And fortunately, in that point I was really getting into thisamazing world in Wattpad and I thought why not?

9 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

Oh, another hard question because I really enjoy music so there are a lot of songsthat I enjoy but maybe right now I'm mostly obsessed with "Talk" by Why Don'tWe.

10 what's your favorite holiday and why?

I'd say it's Christmas because it brings most (if not all) the family together

11 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

Omg that would be amazing! I would tell my friends and family and have a huge party to celebrate it!

Request time

As it's the only book in my profile I would like to recommend you read You had to be my Teacher! As the title might give it away, it's a studentxteacher relationship. This couple have to go through a lot to be together, they show us what true love really endured and how it survives to the hardest moments and scenarios in a relationship. Also, I try to write their story with as much details as possible so that my readers can engage with the story and the characters and imagine it like me or similarly while reading it!!!

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