interview #6 @CinnamonStix17

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1 What do you enjoy most about Wattpad?

I really enjoy how this app allows others to not only enjoy different books but also connect with others!

2 What is your favorite genre to read/write?

I love to read/write Fantasy and Romance novels. They're my go to for sure, and SO easy to get lost into

3 What's a good piece of writing advice?

Write what YOU want to write. Not what others EXPECT you to write. A great book is only great because the author wrote what they wanted, without fear of the outside judgment. So simply, write what you want. It'll get you farther than you realize. 

4 What is one wattpad goal?

A Wattpad goal of mine is to have five books written and completed. I'm almost done with the second book and have a third stared in my drafts so.. progress!! 

5 What is your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas, I just love the magic and warmth of the season, and being able to spoil loved ones with treats and gifts... seeing them smile brings me so much joy!!

6 What is the best way to handle a bully?

Some people just hurt others because they themselves are hurting. Don't be afraid to be kind to those people, because they need it the most. 

7 How would you enjoy a rainy day?

Oooh like ten cups of coffee, a blanket and a good book!! Cliché... I know lol!!

8 What is your writing schedule?

Due to struggling with depression and anxiety, I don't have a writing schedule because I become depressed every time I miss the day a chapter is supposed to be released. Lol

9 if you could spend the day with your favorite celeb, who would you choose and what would you do?

I would say Freddie Mercury if he were still alive, he was so authentically himself and I feel just hanging out with him would be so fun!

10 What is a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

"In the Middle of the Night" by Elley Duhé 

11 What inspired you to write?

I was inspired to write because I never found the kind of books I was looking to read on the shelves of bookstores. So I figured, why not be the one to put that book the shelf then! 

request time

I  wrote two books so far, and despite the first one "Alpha Knox" having more reads, I would actually suggest the second book, "Alpha Rio Queen of Fire" because I feel it has more story telling to go alongside the hot and steamy scenes!! "Alpha Knox" is more of a smut book lol!!

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