Series promotion: Travel Series @happysnowfeet

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1 What is the title of your series?

Travel Series 

2 What inspired the idea of your series?

My desire to travel around the world and to also tour my readers to places I have been to.

3 How many books are in your series?


4 Is it the only series on your profile?

 Nope. I have three more that are written in my native language which is Filipino.

5 What do you desire readers take away from your series?

Lessons on life and struggles

6 is your series complete or ongoing?

This is currently ongoing.

7 What are your future plans for your series?

 Future plans include maybe a second gen or a spin-off of the series.

8 What would be a good piece of advice for someone who desires beginning to write a series?

Begin with a goal in mind. Be excited about the ending of your series and the endgame of each story. 

9 Do you prefer writing a series over a standalone novel?

I prefer writing series. I always love having something to look forward to.

10 Who is your main character? Are there any similarities between you and your main character?

 For the 1st book, the main character was Florence. Yes. There are some similarities with my personality and hers. We both love to travel and we both love and treasure our parents' opinions.

11 What does your character go through in the series?

For all the 5 books in my stories, all my main leads go through the struggle of fitting in in a new environment.

12 What does having readers for any of your stories mean to you?

At first, I am not after the number of reads. But after some time, it's heartwarming to have someone notices your works and have takeaway lessons from them.

1 What type of stories do you like to read?

I read mostly about adult fiction, mystery and suspense-thriller stories.

2 What type of music do you like to listen to?

Pop, R&B and mellow music

3 What is one of your favorite stories that you've read on wattpad?

The Rebel's Rival which is part of Serialsleeper's Filimon Heights Series.

4 What do you believe is better for a story? {Quality or Quantity}

 I am definitely after the quality of each masterpiece.

5 Are you more likely to check out an ongoing or completed story?

I am on the completed story or an almost completed one.

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