interview 1 A chat with @ice_elizy

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1. When do you begin your writing routine? (morning, afternoon, day, evening)

I begin my writing routine in the morning because that is when my mind is the most fresh and clear.

2. What do you need for your writing routine? (laptop, notebook, ect)

For my writing routine, I need my laptop and phone. My laptop is where I write my manuscript, and my phone is a more portable device where I mainly store all my ideas on the go so that I don't forget.

3. What is your main focus, when you're working on a story?

My main focus when I'm working on a story is the plot because my weakness for the longest time had been plot holes until I had been on Wattpad for some time and have gotten beneficial feedback.

4. What is something important you've come to learn, since you've begun writing?

Something important that I've come to learn since I've begun writing is that although writing can implement creativeness and freedom, it is common to know what to write yet not know how to write it exactly. In other words, I've realized that there are so many ways to get a point across, but each type carries a different tone. This, at first, overwhelmed me a ton, leading me to have writer's block back in 2020. Now, I've utilized that aspect of writing to aid in getting my point across.

5. Do you believe having some sort of writing routine is helpful?

Yes, I believe having some sort of writing routine is helpful since for me, it keeps me on track and motivated to keep going.

6. What is a writing strength of yours?

A writing strength of mine is my choice of words. I've always been told that I say the unthinkable, and it has been that way ever since I was a kid. Again, I've used that to my advantage and began to write due to the amount of freedom in how I want to express myself through writing.

7. What's is a writing weakness of yours?

A writing weakness of mine is the flow of the plotline, but I believe that after a couple of years, it has improved tremendously.

8. Do you ever share your writing outside Wattpad? (other social media platforms, family, friends)

Yes, I share my writing outside Wattpad to reach other people as well to build community and to see who are interested in my books.

9. What's a good piece of writing advice, when it comes to beginning a new story?

A good piece of writing advice when it comes to beginning a new story is to ask yourself if you truly want to proceed with the story, know approximately where you want to go with this idea, and if you will enjoy working with the plot, improvising as you go as writing a book takes effort. It is much more worthy of your time if you like what you're working with rather than it being a chore.

10. Who is an author you admire and why? (on or outside wattpad)

An author I admire outside of Wattpad is Sharon M. Draper, and my all-time favorite book from her is "Out of My Mind", which is about a girl with cerebral palsy and how her life is from an internal viewpoint. As a fun fact, this book is the book that caused me to finally see some light in reading and soon, in writing since ironically, I used to loathe both. From this book however, I grew more confident in myself with scoliosis, which is why I'm starting to write poetry about it.

11. Do you believe an author interacting with their readers is important?

Yes, I believe an author interacting with their readers is important because more often than not, at least from my experience, the author may explain or clarify confusing and interesting parts of the book.

12. How do you believe a writer can build a fanbase?

I believe that a writer can build a fanbase by joining a reading and writing website or app like Wattpad, which reaches millions of people from all around the world. One can get readers from around the globe with various backgrounds breaking through in the comments. Furthermore, they can follow other fellow writers and readers who are willing to help, and the writers can support each other.

{Story overview}

Title: Dream with Birds 

 status: Completed Genre: Teen fiction

Summary: Pearl, Pear's girlfriend, passed away, and due to some complications, Elizabeth has no choice but to get him another one. Bluey, Pear's best friend, is single but wants to support him during his grieving period. Bluey and Mika sometimes get into quarrels, but in the end, they have united pretty well. That is until Bluey suddenly gets reminded that he doesn't have a girlfriend yet and desires to have one.

Why should someone consider reading it?

Someone should consider reading it because it is unique, involves animals, and provides a glimpse into a distinct "universe" unlike the one we are all used to.

What inspired the overall idea of the story?

My life with birds inspired the overall idea of the story.

Is your story a stand alone novel or a piece of a series?

My story is a piece of a series called "Chirping Lives".

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