interview #5 @Olvaaarrdd

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1 What is one Wattpad goal?

Win an Amby since I'm most eager to share my short stories.

2 What is your writing routine?

I write for a couple hours on weekdays, usually after work. Drafts happen in the first half of the week, and edits towards the latter half. Weekends I write if I feel like it, but I don't like pressuring myself to.

3 If you could hang out with your favorite author and gain writing advice, who would you choose and what would you ask?

Ben Loory for sure. I'd pick his brain about where he gets his story ideas and how/if he incorporates his personal life into his fairy tales.

4 What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist

Lay Wit Ya by Isaiah Rashad.

5 What is your favorite story?

Bullet in the Brain by Tobias Wolff. It's glorious and funny and makes me feel good.

6 What is your favorite holiday and why?

Halloween! I like the dark aesthetic, the festivity, and outrageousness of it. And that's also me and my wife's couples anniversary too, so now it's cemented as my forever-favorite.

7 What is a good piece of writing advice

Write what you care about!

8 What is a good piece of when handling a bully?

My stepdad used to say knock 'em on their butt. And it's true, generally. If you don't make your boundaries known and if you don't stick up for your boundaries, then you can't change anything. So you don't have to physically fight but you do have to maneuver, speak up, find support—whatever you've got to do to protect your peace and personhood.

9 Do you believe Wattpad has helped you as a writer?

Absolutely! I've always written short stories so it's inspiring and helpful to see so many people write novels and serialized content. I'm learning a lot about how people write their own stories. And I learn a lot about what people want/like from the comments on my story.

10 What do you enjoy most about Wattpad?

Being a vocal/supportive reader in the comments. It's beyond fun.

11 How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

Order all my fave foods, kick it with the wife, kick it with the friends, blast it on my socials, then take a day off work to game all day and do zero things writing-related.

Request time

A story of mine that I really want everyone to read is my one-shot "The Depths" from my Shatterstar collection. It's a story about Bloo, a ghost whale who watches his living friends and family pass on, refusing to become ghosts, while he himself remains. It's a cute tale and a dark tale, and it's one my readers highly favor.

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