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I'm going to start updating every three days , at least for a while. This is where the book gets really exciting , hope you like it.

Mia's POV

I looked down at my burnt hand. I used my sweater to cover it but it didn't work.

"I'm , sorry." Leo apologized

"It's ok , I'm fine."

"No your not. I ... I burned you."

"No , it's fine." Of course at that second my overprotective ex-cousin ran up to us. He saw my hand and Leo's worried face.

"What's going on here ?!" He demanded to know.

"Nothing." I said. Abraham grabbed my arm at pulled up my sleeve. He saw the burn and I pulled my arm from his grip.

"What the Hades was that ?!" He asked/yelled.

"Nothing !" I yelled back. Leo's eyes when from my hand to Abraham.

"You ! You did this !" Abraham yelled through his teeth.

"I-it was an accident." Leo tried to explain

"I don't give a drachma what is was ! You did this !"

"Leo ... run !" I exclaimed. He slowly stood and started backing up. Abraham drew his dagger. ( he has a dagger and throwing knives ). As Abraham inched closer toward Leo his face got more and more menacing.

In a blink of an eye he striked. Next thing I knew Leo was on the ground with a horizontal cut on his right cheekbone to his ear. That's going to leave a mark.

"Abraham ! Stop ! " I yelled

"Not until pretty boy gets what he deserves !" Leo set his hand on fire and got ready to throw. He stood up and he was mad.

"Leo , you wouldn't." I pleaded

"Not unless I have to , if he strikes again I'll have too." He replied

"Abraham ! I don't want neither of you to get hurt. Just stop !" They both looked at me , only moving their eyes then looked back at each other.

"Fine I didn't want to either , but I'll have to." I mumbled. I walked between to two.

"Mia , get out of the way. I don't want you to get hurt." Leo said

"Why do you even care about him ?! You saw what he did to you , right ?! He did it on purpose !" Abraham spat. Leo threw a fireball at him but we both ducked in time.

"Leo ! Stop !" Abraham took a step closer and I froze both of their feet on the ground. Neither could move. Leo quickly melted the ice but Abraham stayed in place.

"Of course you trap us with the one thing you boyfriend can get out of !" Abraham said

"He's not my boyfriend." I replied


"You two can't be fighting like this ! What if one day you have to fight together in battle ?" I asked

"Let's hope that day doesn't come." Leo replied. I rolled my eyes at him. Leo walked over to me while Abraham watched. He grabbed my arm and looked at the burn.

Without moving his head he moved his eyes from the burn to Abraham. Everything was quiet and eyes shifted from one person to another to the burn. I gently put my hand down. After a couple minuets of evil stares Percy ran up to us.

"Guys ! The others are missing !"

~pause for dramatic ending ~
(I would have ended here for a cliff hanger but I realized the chapter was to short )

"What do you mean they're missing ?" I asked

"I mean Noah never came out of the stall and Annabeth wasn't in the girls bathroom ! I checked." He said the last part as if he was disappointed.

"Well , can't we Iris Message them or something ?" I asked

"We can but we can only see them , they can't see us." Percy said

"Then ! What are we waiting for !" We took off running , well Percy , Leo , and I. Abraham was still stuck and was using his dagger to try and break the ice.

-Time Skip-

Once we saw were they were it narrowed our search a little more. They were in the sewage. The image showed us the others in a cage guarded by empousa on all sides. They seemed to be trying to escape. In the background a voice told us exactly where to go. We had to trust it , it was our only chance. When we had to turn left Abraham came running behind us. Once caught up with the group I said

"Finally , I started to think you weren't going to follow."

"Well I had to break ice , run a mile , and go through the sewers to get here. So sorry if traffic was slow !" I just smiled. He was covered in all kinds of stuff. Candy wrappers , toiled paper , and other gross stuff. We were hiding because we knew that around the corner was the room where the others were being kept. The other seven were all trapped in the same cage. That's probably why Abraham came to find us. I wonder how long it took him to get there. How did he know where to find us ? Getting off track anyway.

"Ok we go one three." Percy commanded



"Three !" We all jumped out of our hiding place and got a little closer to the cage. We ducked under a conveniently placed crate. We didn't notice earlier but behind the cage was a figure that looked like something sleeping.

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