Sometimes you have to take risks

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Leo's POV

"We should keep this under the raider. You already know why." I said

"Sure , but she can't stay here until her memory returns that could take a very long time. Do you know anything that could get her memory back faster ?" Abraham asked worried

"We could ask Will , he might know what to do. " I said hopefully. Then Abraham rushed out and went to go and look for Will along with Chiron.

"Mia , don't worry you'll get your memory back in no time. " I said

"Hopefully." she said with a sigh

"What do you mean 'hopefully' your going to get it back if it's the last thing I do. " She smiled and looked up at me , then she put her head back down.

"Leo , you can't fix everything , there's only so much one can do to help. And if Will can't find anything to help then ... "

"Will is going to find something to help , and I know I can't fix everything but what I know I can fix , I will fix. Besides I am know as repair boy." I said pointing at myself.

Mia gave a little laugh then looked back up. Just then Abraham walked in with Will and Chiron at his side.

"What is it ?" Will asked

"It's Mia , she lost her memory and we need to get it back as soon as possible. " I said

" What do you want me to do ?" Will asked confused

"Use some of your Apollo magic on her." I said

"Hold on , no one is going to use 'magic' to 'cure' me." Mia said with a sassy tone

"Fine." I said in defeat

"Isn't there some kind of medicine or something to help ?" She asked

"There's always ..." Will stopped himself

"There's always what ?" Mia and I asked in unison

"Nevermind it's to risky." he said

"Nope mister you have to tell me , now spit it out what was it ?" Mia said with a commanding tone. Will sighed and said

"Gorgon blood ... the good kind." The room went silent.

"Do you guys even have that ?" Abraham asked

"We have both kind , the good and bad. We use it in battle and only during emergency , apparently this is very important for you two so we could bend the rules. But like I said it's very risky and can have major side effect." Will explained

"So it's Mia's choice ?" Abraham asked. Will nodded and looked at Mia. Everybody in the room was looking at her.

"I - I'll have to think about it. " She said at last.

"You still need rest it might help get you memory back." Will said. Mia nodded and we all stepped out of the room.

( After dinner )

Nothing much has happened since I was at the infirmary. Abraham got claimed by Ares at dinner , Frank and some of the Ares cabin cheered , Noah has no idea that Mia is his step-sister , and no one else knows that Mia is awake , well at least I don't think anyone else knows.

I was walking to my cabin when someone punched me in the shoulder , I turned around and saw Jason.

"Ow ." I said while I rubbed my shoulder

"Hey man , what have you been up to ?" He asked while ignoring my comment.

"Nothing , you ?" I asked

"Besides your girlfriend breaking my arm nothing much."

"My what ?"

"Mia , you girlfriend "

"Oh , she's not my girlfriend "

"Suuuure , so I won't see you walking along the beach holding hands with her tonight ?" He asked

"She's still asleep ."

"No she's not , Percy saw her wide awake when he left the room Noah was in. So he told us."

"Well she's awake but she's still sleeping in the infirmary. Why would you be at the beach tonight ?" I asked

"The Aphrodite girls are throwing a little couples party after hours and everyone's going. If you have a girlfriend that is." Jason said said walking toward Piper. I saw Piper laughing and Jason said

"I can't BELIVE you made me do that and to Leo , really Piper , really !" Piper shut him up by kissing him.

Then that old feeling came back ' The Seventh Wheel '. I haven't thought about it for six months but now it's back.

Anyway after that I continued to walk to my cabin and walked over to my bed. I got in bed and just started at the ceiling thinking , and thinking , and thinking. I couldn't go to bed.

Mia's POV

Have you every had memory loss. Like I mean real memory loss not just ' I can't remember what I ate for dinner last night ' but more like ' I can't remember what I did before I fainted ' and also ' I can't remember my last name '. Just trust me it doesn't feel nice.

You have a bunch of random people in your face asking questions and worrying while your just sat there in the corner thinking and trying to remember. Then someone suggest you drink something with major side effects but can get you memory back.

Sometimes you think ' do I want my memory back '. Other times you think ' I have to do it for them. But who are they ? ' But sometimes in my case you think ' WHAT THE FREAK IS A TRIGOD !!!!! '

Sorry had to get that out. Anyway I fell asleep and had a dream , a very bad dream. It went like this :

I was alone in a dark and cold room. It was cold enough so I could see my breath , there was a faint goldish glow around my skin that gave me light. A old raspy voice said

" Mia you are the most powerful of your
friends. They don't give you the credit you deserve. If you join me I will give you your memory back and will make you leader of my army. Luke was power hungry but not POWERFUL but you , I can tell you are both. "

I could hear a bunch of friendly and familiar voices shout

"Mia don't do it , he's tricking you" The two different voices seemed to be having a conversation

"Well I need at least one of you or else your camp will be destroyed this instant"

"You can't do that !"

"Of course I can. The reason I'm not is because I to want to have some fun , so if you need more time I need another recruit for MY army. "

"You will never- " the dream was cut off and I woke up. I looked out the little window above my head and saw the moon was at its peak.

I got out of bed , put on some clothes and ran out of the infirmary without anyone seeing me. I was wearing grey leggings , a short denim dress with a brown glittery belt , and brown knee high boots to go with the belt.

I left the tool belt that I woke up with on the bed and started to walk towards the strawberry fields. I heard some noise and decided to walk towards it ending up at the beach were a bunch of couples were hugging , kissing , talking , holding hands , sitting on the sand , and looking up at the stars.

Nobody recognized me and I knew I didn't belong so I sat down in the sand a couple meters away from the big group of people. I kept thinking about the gorgon blood ignoring the dream.

Leo's POV

All I could think about was the prophecy that was given to us. Nobody had done anything about it , they were all waiting for Mia to get better.

I was stuck staring at the ceiling and couldn't go to sleep. I looked out the window that gave us sun and moon light , the moon was at its peak. I decided to go for a walk to bunker nine.

I got dressed and used an underground passage that I built to bunker nine. Bunker nine looked different , it looked dark and gloomy the moonlight from outside was not entering. 'Right now is not the right time to be around my machines.'

I thought to myself. I decided to just take a short walk in the forest , while I was walking I could hear laughter coming from the beach. It was that little 'couples party' the Aphrodite girls were having.

I walked toward the beach but I made sure to stay away from the group. I leaned against a nearby fence post , I looked around the group of people and could see Travis and Conner trying to pie some couples.

Opposite of me I could see someone else sitting alone in the sand. The person turned their head toward me , smiled , and waved. Now I could that it was , Mia ?!

I thought she was sleeping in the infirmary ? Then Aphrodite took over , I walked over to Mia and sat down next to her

"Hey , soooo , doing ?" I asked nervously

"Trying to remember." She replied

"What are you trying to remember ?"

"Anything. Who I am , who the others are , what history we have. " She said pointing back and forth between me and her.

"This might held you remember ." I said with so much confidence. She looked up confused and I offered her my hand. She smiled and took it , I helped her up and lead her to bunker nine.

Once we got there it looked different , it looked ... brighter. It might just be the gods messing with me. Mia let go of my hand and then started to look around.

She entered the Argo II and I followed , we were suppose to work on it together but ... yeah you know what happened. I had been working on the rooms for Mia , Abraham , and Noah.

Mia entered her brothers and was about to enter hers. When her hand was on the handle I ran up in front of her so she wouldn't enter.

We were face to face and one wrong move could make this very strange. Mia moved a little back but we were about two inches apart

"Why can't I come in ?" Then without moving I said

"Because it's a surprise , it's your room." I think my face was red and hers was plastered with a smile.

"Well ... can we do something else ?" She asked while moving back.

"Well , what do you want to do ?" I asked

"Anything that doesn't have to do with my situation. Hey , hold on mister I saw a Wii back in your room. Can we use that ?"

"Fine. " We walked over to my room and I passed her a remote , I left the door open so she wouldn't get weirded out.

"So what do you want to play ?" I asked opening a cupboard full of Wii games. I had everything from Just Dance to Super Mario Bros. Mia walked over and took out Mario Kart 8 and handed it to me.

"Wait didn't you lose your memory ? How do you know how to play ?" I asked confused

"I don't know how to play , but I bet someone could teach me . "

"Wait ... is that someone me ?" I asked pointing to my self. She elbowed me and playfully said

"Of course , who else ?" I smiled , put in the game , and gave her a wheel. While we were waiting for the game to start I said

"Sometimes I'm glad you lost you memory." Mia looked at me with a confused face

"Why ?" She asked

"Because you don't remember all the stupid things I said and did." She laughed and so did I.

"It might not be long before I remember again."

"Why is that ?"

"Because I decided that I'm going to drink the gorgon blood." I turned to look at her

"Mia , are you sure ? It can be very dangerous. Did you think through the entire thing ?"

"Yeah , but you know sometimes you have to take risks."

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