Finn's final stand

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You were broken by who was shot. You saw him, your best friend, laying there, blood pouring from his looked up at Finn who was surprised at first then smiled.

Finn: If it isn't Beta, being a hero.


Finn: Well, can't wait to meet you there..

Finn aimed his gun at Beta's head, as he closed his eyes and said his final words.

Beta: I love you Y/N..No homo-

Finn shot Beta, you felt rage in yourself as he was laughing.

Finn: Pests like him should be dead.

You get up and punch Finn to the ground, you get on top of him and continue to relentlessly punch the crap out of him, eventually Finn went limp after a minute of punching, you saw an eye flew out earlier and saw Meggy staring at you in shock.

Meggy: O-oh my..god..

Y/N: Oh...I'm sorry about th-

Meggy: Not about him..Beta..

You get off of Finn's dead body and go over to Beta, you quietly sob over him, Meggy hugged you as you held Beta's cold hand.

Y/N: B-beta..please, wake up..

You knew that wouldn't work and you began to cry more.

One day later, A day you wish didn't exist came true...your own friends funeral.

You laid in bed, miserable from last night, and also tired from the beating you gave to that asshole Finn. Meggy was sleeping peacefully next to you, hugging you.

Y/N: I wish I was that peaceful.

You look slowly got up and go downstairs for some coffee, cause its gonna be a long day, when you got down stairs, almost everyone was staring at you, feeling sympathy.

Tari: Are you ok Y/N?...

Y/N: My best friend just died, what do you think?

Tari was a little shocked by your sarcasm, but brushed it off, she got up and hugged you.

Tari: I'm sorry.

You hugged back, everyone was joining the hug too, making you feel better, during the hug you shed a few tears.

Axol: They told me what happened..I'm sorry your friend passed away, I'm sure he was a nice guy.

Y/N: He was..

Axol: He wouldn't want you to break down, he'd want you to be as happy as can be, don't think he's far away from you, he is close by. Always.

Axol pointed to your heart.

Axol: In there.

You smiled and hugged Axol.

Y/N: Thank you Axol.

Axol: No worries.

Soon Meggy got up and went to you.

Meggy: Y/N, I'm so sorry that happened.

Y/N: It wasn't your fault. Its okay.

Meggy hugged you, you gladly hugged back, You and her walk out with the rest of the group to go to the grave stone on a hill, under a tree.

Y/N: Its peaceful here, I can see why he likes this spot so much.

Meggy: Yeah, it's a nice spot.

As everyone showed their condolences, it was your turn, when you walked up to the grave, you were stiff and didn't know what to say.

Y/N: S-sorry..

Meggy: Take the time you need, don't be sorry.

Y/N: Beta, ever since you and I first met, we were great pals, going out to the bar, baking together, listen to your dry humorous comments, you were like a brother to me. I'll proudly call you, my brother. I love you back bye the way, No homo.

Everyone snickered at that.

You walk back to your friends who hugged you.

Meggy: Here, we should go into his room, see if there was anything, a will or something like that.

You agreed.

Y/N: Yeah...but first, we can bake up something, I'm sure he had recipes lying around.

Meggy smiled and nodded.

Meggy: Yeah, you did say he makes one great apple pie.

you nodded, soon you all head back to the castle.

(What we need is cooki. do you have cooki?)

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