Meggy's Modern day

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Meggy was in the city of inkopolis, training as usual, she had a nice octoling boyfriend named Finn. She decided a few days from now would be very special, since it's Valentines Day soon.

Meggy: I hope Finn's excited, because I know I am.

Her friends had some different feelings about Finn, Mario and Luigi thought they were cute together, Saiko was a bit suspicious of Finn, Tari thought it was heartwarming, SMG4 didn't seem to mind that much, Beta and Bowser thought it was nice for her. Back with Meggy, she decided to take a break from training and went to the castle to meet up with everybody else. Once she made it to the castle she saw Mario and Beta arm wrestling outside, she smiled at the sight and went to go see whats up.

Meggy: Heya Guys!

Mario: Hello Meggy!

Beta: Heya Meggy.

Meggy: What are you two up to?

Beta: I'm just beating a fat bastard at arm wrestling.

Meggy giggled, making Mario a bit annoyed with Beta's snarky comments.

Mario: One more smart comment from you, and you'll be sleeping out in the rain!

Beta: Did I poke the bear? Does someone need more honey Winnie the Pooh?

Mario: That's It!

Mario tackled Beta and shoved spaghetti in his face.

Beta: Mario! Get Off!

Mario: Mario is gonna make you suffocate!

Meggy: Mario, don't hurt him, he's our friend.

Mario looked at Meggy and look back at Beta.

Beta: Yeah. We are totally friends, its not like me and him go out of our ways to pick flowers everyday.

Mario:'re lucky Meggy was here.

Mario got off of Beta, as He dusted himself off, and wiped the spaghetti off of his face.

Beta: What's with you and Spaghetti?

Mario: It's so good!

Beta: Its okay, to be honest, I'm not too big on Italian food.

Mario: Hmm, then you're taste buds are coo coo crazy!

Beta: What?... You know I like seafood more..right?

Meggy: Both Italian and Seafood are great! but I wouldn't recommend mixing them.

Beta: Trust me, I tried mixing tuna with was a bad move, I vomited on some unlucky inkling, and I got charges against me, for attempted assault..

Meggy: Oh, wow..sounds rough.

Beta: Yeah, it was, but no worries, I only have two strikes left.

Mario: Then you get taken away to the bye bye house!

Beta elbowed Mario.

Beta: Can we not talk about that?

Meggy: Heh, come on you two, lets go inside.

They both agreed and went inside.

Tari: Hi Meggy, Hi Mario, Hi Beta!

Meggy: Hi Tari! How are you?

Tari: I'm doing great! I'm just playing some new game called Squid Game.

Meggy: Interesting, can I play with you?

Tari: Sure, here.

Tari got another controller for Meggy, as she took it, she and Tari played for an hour, while Beta was in the kitchen baking whatever there was, Mario was sleeping on spaghetti,SMG4 was making memes, Saiko was chatting with Desti while sipping wine, Boopkins and Bob, of course they were watching Anime upstairs.

Eventually someone showed up at the castle and knocked on the doors.

Meggy: I'll get it.

Meggy put down her controller and walked over to the door, she was surprised on who it was.

Meggy: Oh! Hey Y/N!

Y/N: Hi Meggy, how are you today?

Meggy: I'm great, here come in.

Meggy allowed you to come inside the castle, as you sat down next to Tari with Meggy on the other side.

Tari: Where were you? I haven't seen you all day today.

Y/N: Hmm? Oh, just busy..

Tari: With what, If you don't mind me asking.

Y/N: Remember that time where Crusty Sean went bankrupt?

Tari: Oh...yeah..

Y/N: Yeah, I donated some coins to him, hopefully that helps.

Meggy: Aw, That's sweet of you, I'm sure he'll appreciate that.

Tari: It really is sweet.

You smiled at them.

Y/N: Thanks.

Meggy: No problem, now come on, lets play some squid game!

You agreed and got a third controller, you, Tari and Meggy enjoyed playing, and eventually Meggy got a call from Finn.

Meggy: Hold on, I gotta take this.

Y/N: You're fine, go ahead.

Meggy walked out the front door of the castle and took the call, back with you and Tari, You were in your thoughts thinking about Meggy, you secretly had feelings for her..but once you heard about Meggy and Finn together, you felt broken, but you hid all of that, because you want her to be happy, and if Finn is maker her happy, you bet you'll support her no matter what.

Tari: Y/N? Is everything alright?

Your mind popped as Tari was asking you a question.

Y/N: Oh..yeah, I'm ok.

Tari: You seemed lost in thought there for a moment.

Y/N: I was..

Tari: Oh..

Y/N: I think I'm gonna head over to the kitchen.

Tari: Alright, don't be too long, Meggy will be back any moment.

You nodded and went to the kitchen to chat with Beta.

(First chapter all done! You shall pass on to the next chapter as soon as I'm done writing it. Lol)

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