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Meanwhile, in the cities of Inkopolis...

???: So now what? He's killed our leader Finn!

??? 2: What kind of psychotic person does that?!

??? 3: Clare, Rogue, relax.

Rogue: How can we relax?! That dumbass murdered him! You damn as shit know it too!

Clare: Yeah Jackson, we're kinda in shock.

Jackson: Right, sorry, but I have a plan.

Rogue: What is it?

Jackson: We hit him back harder.

??? 4: How though?

Jackson: Glad you asked Adam. Listen up.

He explains the plan to them, they snicker and smile at the plan, loving it.

Clare: I'm in, bout time we put this ass to the grave.

Rogue: After we kill him, what do we do with the girl?

Jackson: That orange headed bimbo? Don't worry, she'll be safe with us..

Adam: Sounds decent, let's do it!

Everyone readies their weapons as it hits night, they all head out into the warp pipe, seeing the basement.

Jackson: So this is where they keep hiding, bunch of pussies.

Rogue: Okay, now what Jackson?..

Jackson: Get your masks on, don't wanna be identified.

They pull up their black masks.

Clare: We can go in now, right?

Jackson: Proceed.

The four sneak in and look around.

Rogue: Damn, this place is nice, can we get a place like this?

Jackson: You know how expensive a castle is, right?

Rogue: I know that, but think about it, it'd be amazing to have one.

Jackson: I see your point, but please let's focus on assassinating our target first.

Rogue nods and refocuses on searching the castle. Clare carefully and quietly searches the rooms, seeing only Saiko asleep with her hammer, cuddling it as if it were a teddy bear. Taris room looks a bit empty, that is when Adam finds Y/N and Meggy asleep in bed.

Adam: Bingo..

Adam gets a chloroform cloth and presses it against Y/N's face, he struggled a moment before passing out again.

Adam: Hope that didn't wake the girl..

She was still fast asleep.

Adam: Good, let's get him up and going then..

Rogue comes in and helps Adam kidnap Y/N.

-The Next Day-

Meggy wakes up, letting out a yawn.

Meggy: Morning sweetie- Huh?

She looks over to see you're not there.

Meggy: Y/N? Where did he go?

She slowly gets up and saw her fiends downstairs, eating breakfast.

Skully: Hey Meggy, you good?

Meggy: Where's Y/N?!

Skully: Y/N? Wasn't he asleep with you?

Meggy: He was, but he disappeared in the morning!

Tari: Where could he possibly be?!

Mario: I think he slept walked.

Skully: I don't think he'd sleep walk like that. How would he open doors?

Luigi: Maybe he went to the bathroom and passed out in there?

The gang just stares at Luigi with a puzzled look.

Luigi: Nevermind.


You slowly wake up, seeing yourself tied to a chair.

Y/N: What the hell?

Jackson: Finally decided to wake up?

Y/N: Who are you and what do you want from me?

Jackson: My identity is none of your concern, and As you can see, our leader Finn, you might remember him, his death is on you. So that's why we kidnapped make sure you pay the price.

Y/N: You fucker..let me go, my friends will find out where I'm at.

He only laughs and shook his head.

Jackson: You must be stupid enough to believe that. We left without a trace, they'll never find you, and no one else will. We have you too well hidden.

Rogue came in.

Jackson: This better be important.

Rogue: Yes, it is important, we have the package.

Jackson's mood lightened up a bit.

Jackson: Okay, good. Keep an eye on him, I'll be back.

Rogue: Gladly.

The inkling leaves, and the other inkling stays to watch over you.

-A few hours later-

Jackson finally came back to check on you.

Jackson: How is he?

Rogue: He's doing horrible, I got a little trigger happy on him and hit him in the mouth with the butt of my splattershot.

Jackson: Eh, that's alright. That's just the warm up, You two! Over here!

Adam and Clare come over, cracking their knuckles.

Jackson: Now we can get started.

Y/N: Bring it, see if I give a shit.

They approach closer and closer..

(They call me cliffhanger, because I hang off cliffs.)

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