Oops I came back yesterday

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Anyways yeah there's going to be two parts to my ski trip: written and photos. This is the written part.

So let's start with ski day 1: Monday. Had a free day of skiing and went up the mountain for a 'warmup' then had a three hour lesson with someone else in my division after lunch. The instructor didn't really teach much, we just went down the courses a couple of times. That's basically it.

Day 2: Thursday. My race was at 9 am and it was alpine. Basically racing straight down with a couple flags to turn around thrown in. I pretty much failed. I came 65th on my first round and came 78th on my second run out of roughly 500 other people my age. Then free skiing.

Day 3: Friday. Whole giant day of going up and down the mountain. That's it. Also there was a blizzard going for the whole day and on the car trip back to the hotel my phone battery dropped from 40% to 21% in less than a minute.

Day 4: Saturday. Another race, Skier X aka Skier Cross. The twisty one. My school wasn't allowed to qualify since we only had two people doing it and we had to have a 'team' of three. I don't know what I came but I got a time of 37 seconds on both runs which it pretty bad compared to everyone's 30 seconds. Then skied with my teammate and her brother.

At lunch I watched a bunch of adults get drunk in less than 10 minutes by mixing Powerade and vodka. Then they went snowboarding. Which is against the alpine code but highly doubt they would've listened to us. After that we practiced the Skier X run and I'm 97% sure I went faster then than in my race. Did a terrain park. Remembered that I was scared of heights half way up the first jump but at least I didn't fall on the jumps. Going back to the car, I tripped on the ice on top of the concrete but I was still wearing my helmet. Then returned our rented stuff and went to the neighbouring town/city four hours away. Went to the same restaurant we've been going to since we've started going to the Snowy Mountains. Most eventful day.

Day 5: Sunday. Had the best breakfast ever and went home. Tadaa.

There was a lot of roadkill.

Part 2 will be up when I can get my parents to send me photos that they took.

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