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So then 20 facts about myself

1. I'm in three orchestras

2. One is a string orchestra, the other is an orchestra and the last one is a chamber orchestra... I don't know the difference either

3. I normally keep five water bottles in my room and they're all reusable

4. Once I had a dream about buying a llama beanbag

5. Currently, it's 4:30 in the morning

6. I've been skiing since kindergarten

7. Australian born Chinese

8. I do watch Americans try Australian food because it's funny


10. My brother and I fight over Yakult

11. I call Pocky bribery sticks even though I've never bribed someone with them

12. I learn Latin and French at school except I suck at French

13. I am terrified of Visual Arts

14. Because one line blind drawings of your face is scary and I can't do it at all

15. My school got a banana bush (not about me but it seems cool)

16. Still got no idea what I want to be when I grow up

17. I like to wear black tights

18. I cried in Infinity War

19. I barely ever cry and when I cry, I don't do tiny tears, I break down sobbing and it's really hard to keep quiet

20. Spider-Man is my favourite hero

I tag those who wear socks to sleep in summer

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