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I may or may not have started reading *ahem* bad boy books...

No. Don't look at me like that. It's not one of those cliche ones. COME BACK! I SWEAR I'M NOT CRAZY! In fact, it's the one where the 'bad boy' has a pretty good backstory. Nononono, lemme explain how I got into this, Wattpad decided that I would like the books, then I would ignore them, but, to stock up on my read-feat, I decided I would take a little peek, and to my surprise I liked the books.

Stop giving me that condescending look like I'm a peasant, I'll have you know I can burrito up and forget about all my problems with these books. Also, the well written ones just send your feelings into an abyss, and more emotions spill. And your brother thinks you're going to grow up to be a psychopath in life.

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