100 truths

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Tagged again... except it's one hundred truths
Making my own questions but most will be from my tagged JasTheDiamond

1. My name is Sophie 
Random fact
2. I play violin and I am currently in grade two
Listening to
3. Balloons by mandopony
Random fact
4. I just went off to get some ice to eat
Ever dated?
5. Nope, although I am aware of someone who has a crush on me, but then again he does have 24 crushes
Random fact
6. I have thirteen ships
Ever held a knife or gun in self defence?
7. Does a play fight with nerf guns include?
Random fact
8. Once some year twos or threes came up to me and asked if I believed in heaven and god, when I said no, they went full rage mode on me and when I asked them how they knew heaven existed, they said, it's in the bible...........
Waiting for?
9. The selective test to get over and done with
Random fact
10. I'm really sleepy
Gone over the text limit on your iPad?
11. On Skype I tried copying and pasting something I had written in notepad and it was too long
Random fact
12. I'm very very VERY dirty minded
Ever been in a fist fight?
13. A guy friend invited me to his party and I had a play fist fight with another guy friend that was there. We did it on the trampoline. So yes
Random fact
14. Boys are more fun than girls in my school (I'll make a chapter about it soon)
Elementary school
15. Primary school and I go to Croydon MWAHAHAHAHAHA also there's one in Australia and Britain which is why I told you
Random fact
16. I hate beaches
Snow or sun?
17. Snow, duh
Random fact
18. Currently in love with the book series Wings of Fire
Fav animal
19. DRAGONS DRAGONS DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Random fact
20. I'm continuing this later
Had your heart broken?
21. When some douchebag decides to pair someone from one of my ships and puts it with their oc
Random fact
22. I'm watching house of Anubis
Favourite character in anything
Favourite subject
24. Art
Random fact
25. I like horses after dragons and then after that are wolves
Least fav subject
26. Maths, numbers hurt my head
Random fact
27. I'm stopping at number 30 even though it's 100 facts
Favourite tv show
28. House of Anubis and then Wolfblood
Random fact
29. I'm bored of this
Last person texted?
30. I believe it was Grape Waffle aka Winterwolf4561

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