Annoying books

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These may not apply to you so read at your own risk! And I'm feeling aggressive today so yea.

I really hate those books with 'This person was a normal teenager until suddenly' yadi yadi yada 'follow this person in....' it's overused and for me makes me feel like it's going to be a boring story. Also I feel like there are too many shape shifting books that your kinda starting to see them everywhere. If you search up horse, 'this person was a normal teenager until they figured out that they were a horse shifter! Follow them in their journey........' Ugh it's just so annoying . If you want your books to be read then make the description interesting and ORIGINAL notice the word original. If you don't know what that means then...... Look it up in the dictionary or Internet. Then there are the ones that are not updated for years and it's on a cliffhanger like PEOPLE PLEASE if your not going to update for months or years, DON'T FROGGING USE CLIFFHANGERS!!! Now when there's a book not updated in a while I will go to the end to see if it's a cliffhanger.

Anywho ummm I'm bored so shout out to
For being an awesome person in general even if I've only known her for like 6 days but I'm a wierd so yea.............

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