Ive been tagged by someone i tagged

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Yup so here we go

1. Must do all questioons
2. Must tag at least 5 people
3. Copy these rules
1. Favourite book on Wattpad
Umm the silver dragon
2. Favourite book in real life
Close tie between the silver brumby and dragonkeeper
3. Favourite animal
Umm irl horse and mythical dragon
4. Favourite song
Uh too many too choose from just go to my song chapter with all the songs
5. Weirdest thing you ever did
Feed a goat. It's tongue is so leathery
6. What youtubers do you watch? (You don't need to list every single one)
LeafyIsHere and Theodd1sout
7. Scariest thing you ever saw
A woman driving her car and she was wearing sunglasses and her face was like the top half of slender mans face
8. Best moment in your life
Riding an actual horse or being able to use poles while skiing
9. Saddest moment in your life
When our fish died from old age during the holidays
10. Favourite movie
Httyd and httyd 2

Tagging Pennator even though he probably won't do it and everyone else I tagged before except for JasTheDiamond

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