Meet Ryan! (noncreepypasta version!!)

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Just a heads up for those of you that know my other OC who is also Ryan. This is not the creepy pasta Ryan.

Name: Ryan

Nickname: None,  make one up

Gender: non binary

Age: Depends, but 16 for reference

Sexuality: Pansexual


Personality: Ryan can be rude and insensitive when you first meet them. Ryan is an introvert, never having many friends because of their 'I don't give' attitude. Honestly, Ryan is a nice person, and only built up walls to see who cared enough to break them down. Ryan us very smart and creative, but is too stubborn to show it. They also have a major soft spot for animals and children. Ryan is so one for adventure, never passing up the opportunity to discover new things.

Background: Ryan's father was abusive and one day went bezerk, murdering their mother. Ryan closed down after that, not being able to trust many after -especially men. Ryan's father became a drunkie and abuses Ryan.

Likes: Ryan lives to dance, its one if their many passions and it helped them cope with things in the past. Other than dancing, Ryan loves nature, children, music,  animals, adventures, and debates.

Dislikes: Ryan dislikes sexist, chauvinist, abuse, their past, some people, and men.

Powers: Necromancer

Species: Human

Other: They're an orphan

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