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WolfLeader900 here they are!!




Depends, but for reference 15




Despite the fact he doesn't look it, Hollow is actually very intelligent. He cares for others and is kind -unless you upset him.

Hollow is very arrogant, thinking he's top dog. He also trust easily making him slightly naïve and an easy target.

~*[LIKES]*~ {Be Detailed}
Hollow enjoys Halloween and anything scary. Skeletons, zombies, creepy movies -you name it. He's also very fond of his younger sister and baking. Hollow loves snow, sweets and candles.

~*[DISLIKES]*~ {Be Detailed}
Hollow absolutely hates stairs for reasons unknown, most likely from hitting his head after falling down them once in the past. He also can't stand silence, there mist be some noise or else he won't be satisfied.

~*[PERSONALITY]*~ {No Listing. A paragraph or two please}
He's a bright, arrogant, and eccentric brother who trys his best to make people like him, whether they're nice or mean, he doesn't care. Despite how stupid his sister makes him out to be, Hollow is actually quite intelligent, being able to see the logic behind something not even his genius of a sister could see. He is really caring when it comes to people he's deemed his 'friends' and he isn't afraid to speak his mind, nor speak for others if they can't stand up for themselves. Although, don't mistake him for an overly nice guy, he can actually be quite mean and tricky, not to mention, totally scary.

~*[APPEARANCE]*~ {Tags or Links only}

Halie and Alix Valantine -- Deceased

~*[SIBLINGS]*~ {Be Realistic}
Alice Valantine (Younger sister, 16)




A black kitten with a white heart ring around its eye

Hollow and his sister have been foster kids since childhood.





Depends, but for reference 14




~*[STRENGTHS]*~ {Be Detailed}
Alice is all brains, being a genius and all. She could figure out things a college professor couldn't. Other than smarts, Alice has a lot going for her in the creativity department. She lives art, but hates to admit it.

~*[WEAKNESSES]*~ {Be Detailed}
Alice has a very large ego. She lives bragging about her brains and all she does. Alice is also a fuse box. She can be all cheery and happy, but if you make a dumb comment around her, it might as well be your last.

~*[LIKES]*~ {Be Detailed}
Alice enjoys anything out if the ordinary. She also loves mind games, music boxes and literate subjects. Alice adores cute things.

~*[DISLIKES]*~ {Be Detailed}
Alice hates thunder as she is deadly afraid if it. She also dislikes complete darkness and morons -she believes their gonna be the cause of world end.

~*[PERSONALITY]*~ {No Listing. A paragraph or two please}
She's really kind, although at the same time, she can be quite bitter. She cares for her friends, although if they make a stupid comment, she's more than likely going to bash their head in or something of the sort. She doesn't take well to rude people, although she herself may be rude at times. Through thick and thin, Alice will be there for her friends, whether it means beating someone up or helping them out of a slump!


Halie and Alix Valantine -- Deceased

~*[SIBLINGS]*~ {Be Realistic}
Hollow Valantine (Older brother, 17)





Alice and her brother have been foster kids since childhood.

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