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   Christine pulled Erik's dress coat around her to help contain her modesty. She turned to him her eyes in slits her voice full of acid, "I thought I has made it clear, their is no more us." .

   "Christine I love you, don't you understand that?" Tears pulled in her eyes, "If you loved me, you would just leave."

   "I'm afraid I cannot do that." A man came behind Erik with a cloth causing him to pass out.

  "No! Erik wake up dear-" Christine shrieked at him.

  "I'm so sorry Christine." He kissed her hand, passing out. Christine had the same done to her.

  "No Raoul!", but he had already began to carry her out.

Hours Later.........

"Christine? Oh God, no!" Erik broke into an angry cry.

  "Erik? Where is Christine?" Meg burst in the room.

  "Raoul, took her. It's all my fault." Meg held his head,

"Christine is in my mother's room-"

"Let me see her!"

  "Erik, no, she looks bad, oh God, THEY TOOK MELODY!" Meg yelled. Erik lost his breath. Christine rose up hurting everywhere, after a good beating to her face, she felt horrible. Erik belt down to her.

  "I'm so sorry my love."

   "Hush. It is fine", Christine caressed his face.

  "No it's not... They took Melody." Erik choked on his words.

"Christine wait!" Christine jumped from her bed running outside.  She crashed on her knees, when arms came around her.

"I'm so sorry Christine...." She leaned into him sobbing,

" My.... baby.." His tears ran into her hair. He rose up slamming a vace on the ground. He growled," MELODY!", He slammed his hands against the stone.

Christine rushed to him. "My baby."

"Our baby." They both said. Crying into the dark cold night.


Melody sat in the dark room, with just enough light to see the small notepad. She wrote:

   The stolen princess waited for her mama and papa to rescue her, but they never came. The tiny princess is scared.

  Melody sunk her head into her arms curling up, she cried herself to sleep. Dreaming of seeing her Mama and Papa again.

Little did they all know it would be a decade until they would see there little Melody again.

   Ten years...

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