Golden Hair

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  "The way to my lair, the safe way is still in ruins, so follow my every step if you don't want to, get snared in one of my traps." Erik said pulling Christine by the hand. Marcus stayed behind Christine With Melody close behind.

"Wait, papa, follow me there is a quicker way to get there." Melody ran to the front of the group. "My way is through here." She said kicking in the wall making the hole big enough for them to fit through.

They hurried through the wall automatically taken to the entrance.

  Raoul was closing in on Meg and the little girl. He had been following them for a while now, and was very capable of anything. Everyone thought Raoul was a poor little rich man , who lost his wife long ago, running away with his 'daughter'. No Raoul was very capable of anything, if not everything that he wanted right now. He wanted revenge on the phantom from taking Christine from him, from taking his love and happiness. His Christine. He would get her back in his arms once more.

Behind Meg a tiny form was crouched down behind her. Morgan was holding on to Meg's ivory ball gown. She heard footsteps coming closer from behind the thick velvet curtain.

"Marcus!" she exclaimed her tiny feet carrying her faster. She stopped dead, seeing a man with an evil expression in front of her. Meg ran stopping just two feet behind Morgan.

"Well, isn't this just wonderful." Raoul whispered taking a step forward. He pulled out his pistol pointing it a Morgan.

"Raoul it doesn't have to be like this, things could be better.", but he ignored Meg.

"It's just to bad Marcus is not here this." He said cocking his gun, "Oh well."

He aimed his gun pulling the trigger, instead of hitting a small brown curly haired girl, it hit a blonde haired woman who had taken the bullet.

Everyone but Madem Giry had rushed to the sound of a gun, but it was to late, for Raoul was gone.

"Marcus!" Morgan exclaimed hugging her brother. He smiled at her, but then noticed Meg lying on the ground her  beautiful gown covered in blood.

He knelt down to her, "Oh Meg I'm so-"

"Shh, its okay." She said smiling.

Melody was crying, "How can I ever repay you Meg for everything?" She begged.

"T-tell my mother this is not her fault," she replied moving her hand to Melody's stomach,"And name it after me when it happens."

Erik held her hand as Meg turned to him. "Goodbye old friends," she said looking at Christine and Erik.

She smiled brightly, and distant, then closed her blue eyes, that would never see sunshine again.

Never would she see a smile, or hear laughter. Hands that would never feel, arms that would never embrace. Feet that would never dance again.

Though on her pale face a slight peaceful smile laid.

"Goodbye old friend." Erik kissed her cold hand.

For the longest time only small sobs and silence were heard.

Madem Giry had gone to find Erik, but had failed so had made her way back to hiding.

She saw all the sad faces, except for her daughters.

She clutched her stomach as she cautiously stepped forward. She knelt down at Meg just looking at her face, her smiling face, and her bloody chest.

She cradled her lifeless body in her arms humming her childhood lullaby.                                                   Her beautiful unmarried youthful Meg was dead.

Melody looked at Madem Giry, "She told me to tell you it is not your fault."

Melody patted her shoulder, Erik lifted Meg from the crying Madem Giry.

Christine hugged her as she sat with her head in her hands.

Erik carried the golden haired angel home laying her in her room, opening all the curtains. He walked  Madem Giry home, but she would not sleep.

For three days she stayed by her daughter.

Finally after mourning was over, on a cloudy morning it was time.

She was dressed in a light pink dress, white rose in her hands. Her blonde hair flowing around her.

They bid her goodbye for the last time. There would be revenge for her, for taking her from them would be avenged. But now was no time.

'Here lies Meg Giry Loving Daughter,and Hero'  On her stone lay a white rose.

Back at the house, Melody sat beside Marcus. He sighed turning to Melody,"This is all my fault," Marcus said looking down at his feet.

"No Marcus its Raoul, everything can soon be okay again, trust me." She said looking at his burning eyes.  

"I am going to track him down and kill him."

"Please don't-" He took his arm back standing up.

"I can't stop you can I." He shook his head. "Please do me one thing before you go."


She smiled, "Marry me, Marcus?"

I hate Myself for doing this.... Be easy on me, this really has a long way to go.


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