Life's Song

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For the next few days, silence, the language of anger and grief was spoken. Especially in the eyes of Madem Giry.

Each day she sat in Meg's room, there was no weeping though. For her daughters death had just made her numb.

It was like breathing but not feeling. When Meg died, not only had she taken the happiness, she took a piece of her life, her heart. All that sat in her heart now was an empty hole.

Christine was taking the grief hard as well. She had lost her sister, the woman she owed everything.

Christine wanted to comfort Madem Giry, but was turned away. That was the only mother she had known. She felt alone. Everyone felt the affect.

"I just want to help you! Mother! I just, Meg was my sister." Christine said sinking to the ground in Meg's room.

Madem Giry's eyes became narrow and she turned away from Christine. "Christine, I just lost my whole world, my only daughter. Just leave me in peace!" She shouted the room vibrating from her voice.

Christine turned cold hurt by her words. "I-I looked up to you for so long like you were my mother. I had no clue I was such an annoyance to you. " She sighed swallowing the forming lump in her throat. Her hand touched the door knob. She turned back to Madem Giry, accidentally a tear escaping her damp pinkish eyes."Good bye,Madem Giry"

This isn't what I wanted, oh Christine, her timid heart. What have I done? I just pushed away all I had left. My other daughter. She thought to herself. Madem Giry melted into Meg's bed sobbing. The next morning she packed her things. Leaving through the wooden door. She stopped when she felt a hand warm her shoulder. "Christine? Why? I am leaving."

"Please stay."

"Christine after what I did you can't want me to stay." Madem Giry answered walking to a carriage.

"I forgive you, we all miss Meg I know it hurts. Believe me but I need you here."

Madem Giry dropped her trunk grasping Christine tightly. "Christine I am so sorry. I pushed my child away, I lost Meg I don't want to lose you to." Madem Giry looked at her. "I love you."

Christine reeled Madem Giry back into the hug."I love you too, mother."

Once all was settled they all settled in the parlor. "You know when Meg died, I lost a part of me, and I to died. But I now realize that this is my rebirth with this family. And my Meg would not want me to ruin it.Please give me some time." Madem Giry said glancing at Erik, Melody and Christine.

"I agree. We are all starting new. I wish Meg could be here for the wedding." Melody said. "She would have loved the masquerade theme."

They all nodded.

Soon Erik and Christine retired to their room. "Oh what a week." Christine sighed sliding into bed.

"My love, life. Life is like a song no matter how lovely it must come to an end, but it does still remain. Just like notes on a page, Meg will remain in our memories." He sighed removing his shirt joining Christine. "But it sure is going to be hard composing the next song of our lives without her. I guess her song is now heaven's."

Christine turned to him shocked,

" Since when do you believe in heaven?"

"Since you reassured me I had a soul." He replied, grinning crookedly.

"Goodnight." She snuggled closely into his chest.

"Goodnight Mon Amour." Christine feeling secure quickly fell into an exhausted slumber.

Melody stared out into the night through her window. Just two more weeks! Just two more weeks until the new chapter of her life would begin. She turned down her oil lamp, and wrapped herself in her comforter. Soon she and Marcus would be together always.

If only Meg were here.

Oh I miss Meg I am so sorry!! Please forgive me. I have so many plans but I promise a happy ending! Hang on.


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