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  "Melody," Melody heard her head was spinning even though she was laying on a soft bed. "Melody," once again she heard faintly.

  Christine was hovering over her daughter, she had a rag in her hand dabbing her forehead every so often. Erik was on the other side of her, holding her hand.

  Melody stirred, opening her eyes to see her mother's smiling face over her.

  "Mama?" Melody began to sob latching her arms around her. Erik wrapped his arms around them both holding them tightly. They stayed like this for a long time.

   Melody had missed her mother's smile. She  missed her blue sparkling eyes. She had missed her father's deep smooth voice. His comforting arms. They held on tight to Melody as if she would be ripped away from them forever once again.

    Madem Giry had been making a celebration dinner for them all tonight was a night of celebration. There was roast beef, yeast rolls and nice melted butter, and for desert red velvet cake.

  After eating the three began to catch up with one another. Erik looked at his daughter in humorous amazement,

  "So they call you the phantomess.." Christine smiled, "Like father like daughter, or vise-versa."

  "You were the one who crashed the background on Vannessa weren't you!" Erik then uncontrollably began to laugh, his smile touching his green eyes, for the first in a long time.

   After the giggles died down Erik asked her why.

   "Because her singing is very obnoxious, and she is a bratty, spoiled diva!" The uproar started again. Melody was puzzled, "Why is this so funny?"

    Christine looked at Erik. They exchanged looks, "Honey, your father, is the infamous phantom of the opera."

   Melody had so many questions, "Your Christine Daae that Christine!? And Papa was Don Juan and Aminta, and...... He painted those pictures of you, and wrote the books?"

"Yes, but those, murders, and the chandelier, it's a thing of my dark monstrous, I am changed 're-"

  "Papa, I believe you. Marcus has always said everyone has skeletons."

   Christine raised her eyebrows before gasping, "Its Christmas Eve! Oh my goodness! Everyone to bed! Now!" Her feet were pushed over her head when Erik tackled her. "Nooo!" He tickled her as she struggled.

  "Ha-Ha-Ha you Christine Daae should have known better than to boss the phantom."

  "Melody help!"

  "Phantomess to the rescue!" Melody launched herself on top of Erik's back. To her suprise he grabbed her waist and pinned her down.

  "No Papa! No I'm not five anymore!"

  He paused smirking, "I guess I'm making up for lost time." He started smothering wet kisses all over his daughter's face.

  Christine jumped on him , slamming Erik onto the floor. She summer saluted over to him taking her legs over her feet, he pinned her down.

   "Why, Christine you are quite flexible, and tempting my dear." He whispers in her ear.

She put her finger on his lips, "Nope... I'll make you wait. Melody!"

  Melody jumped on him blinding him with a blanket.

  "Mercy!" He pleaded, Christine whispered, "You will be pleading for mercy, with what I'm planning to do with you tonight."

He stood up in front of her, "Who says I will be pleading mercy."

  Melody settled on the comfortable chair. They began to catch up with one another, until Melody began to doze.

  "She has grown so much." Christine whispered.

"Yes, she has, and very beautifully like her mother."

"And very strong, beautiful, an talented her father."

  "I suppose I will take her to the room."

   Erik lifted half asleep Melody in his arms, just like she was a young girl again. He cradled her close.

  Christine settled on the bed beside her kissing her forehead. "Good night my nightingale, may your melody take wing." Erik kissed her hand.

  "Hey Mama?"

"Yes Angel?"

"Raoul told me that you were gone, I'm just so glad to have you back again!"

  "I know sweetheart, me to."  Christine hugged her tight,

"I love you."

"I love you as well." Christine closed the door. Erik sang her to a deep sleep,

Masquerade paper faces on parade
Masquerade hide your face so the world will never find you....

Melody shed one single tear of joy. Happy to be home, with her two alive parents. She was thankful for her parents. And for once, her dream wasn't a nightmare.

Tomorrow is Christmas for them, but this is not over, I have a plot mwhahaha- swallowed a bug. Always your faithful phantomess(tehe)


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