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Hey. This is gonna get a bit religious so if your not a religious person you may skip this step. I however encourage those who are interested/believe in God to read.

Three days later

Isabella's POV

Things had been really tense at home. Caspian was persistent in that I remember. He brought up memories of how I used to be as "Queen." Finally it was time to see the doctor for our results. Ed Lucy Allistair Caspian and I all sat in the waiting room.

"Caspian and Isabella?" A nurse called as we walked in the room.

After several moments she came back with a smile.

"Caspian is indeed the father!" She spoke bubbly and happy. "Congratulations." She left quickly as Caspian stated at my shocked face.

"Do you believe me now?" He asked quietly.

"I don't know what to believe..." I whispered

He slammed his palm against the table as I jumped in shock.

"Why! What are you afraid of? What's keeping you from believing?!"

"I just figured out that you are the father to my son! And then I have realized that I don't remember you! I don't remember our first date, our wedding day, the day that Allistair was born. None of it! I don't even remember my own birthday or who my parents were or where I grew up! While I'm in London, I have memories. The good, the bad. I can remember them. And you come and tell me that I'm a queen in Fairy tale land-"

"It's your home!"he spoke a bit loudly. He lowered his voice "why won't you trust me?"

"BECAUSE IM AFRAID!" I yelled tears just pouring at this point. His gaze softened as he moved closer.

"Don't be afraid to take a leap of faith." He spoke quietly

I moved away and out the door as Caspian ran after.

"Where you going?"

"I can't." I choked running through the streets. Somehow I found my self at a church. I quickly went inside and sat in the back trying to control my tears.

"Excuse me miss are you alright?" A man spoke with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Fine." I sniffed

"I don't think you are. So I'm going to ask again, are you alright?"

"No." I whispered hoarsely as he handed me his handkerchief.

"What happened? Boyfriend troubles?" He chuckled as I laughed lightly.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

So I told him my story as I watched his eyes furrow in concentration. He listened, and that's what I needed right then and there.

"So what do you think?" I asked ready for laughter.

"I believe you." He spoke with a smile

"You say that to feel sorry for me."

"I believe you because I want to, and it sounds like a magical place." He smiled as if he knew something I didn't.


We sat in a comfortable silence before he spoke again. "Do you know who he is?" He asked pointing to the cross.

"Yeah. Jesus." I spoke instantly.

"He goes by many names. He does works beyond our comprehension. Tell me, what made you want to believe in him?"

"I don't know... I guess I always believed in him. I often prayed in times of need and he gave me what I needed to keep going. " I confessed

"And have you seen him in physical form before?"

"No." I spoke slowly.

"Yet you continue to believe." He spoke with a smile. "Sometimes you don't always have to see things to know that they are real. Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing."

He picked up my lion pendant and turned it in his hands. "Ask and you shall receive eh? Maybe he can help with that. For if you ask for the right reasons you will be granted. "

He stood up to leave as he put on his coat. "I have to go now. I hope everything goes well."

"Wait!" I called "I don't even know your name!"

He turned with a smile and gave a graceful bow. "High King Peter, the magnificent. "

I stood in shock as he turned in left. But I didn't see him in his trench coat and work pants, I saw him dressed like a king.

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