Chapter 3.1

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This is a one shot i thought of! This is not a chapter of the story im making this is a one shot!!

Summary: a new transfer student came into class 3-z e took a liking to our cute protagonist Kagura who has a very protective sadistic boyfriend souichir- oh wrong i mean sougo. What will happen to the transfer student will he be killed? Or be tortured in the hands of the sadistic boyfriend? I dont know either the answer so please read! :D!!


"Im going now!" Kagura ran outside her house

"Be careful kagura!!" Kamui her siscon brother shouted wearing an apron... Yes an apron

"Your late kagura!" Her boyfriend sougo shouted at her

"Ahh! Im sorry because a certain someone kept me up until 3 am!" She retorted looking at sougo who was grinning

"Well what do you think? You know.." He held her chin and was about to kiss when a knife came through

And the knife came from the siscon of a brother kamui

"Don't you think its time to go to school?" A thick mark appeared on kamui's smiling face

"H-hai!! Lets go sadist!" She shouted and ran holding her boyfriend wrist

"Kagura didn't i tell you stop calling me that" sougo said looking at her girlfriend

"Sorry its out of habit! S-sougo!" She said blushing she is definitely not used to calling him by his name

"Thats good enough lets go! Ginpachi-sensei is gonna be mad!" Now was his time to ran


As they arrive at the classroom they opened the door hastily

"Sorry were late!!" They shouted as they saw a unfamiliar man in front and they're usual dead eyed sensei

"Its the fifth time you've been late!" Ginpachi said eyeing the couple

"For punishment you'll sit opposite of each other!" Ginpachi said as the whole class lost color

No one would dare to separate this sadistic couple but its ginpachi the sensei of class 3-z who survived the longest

"B-but gin-chan!" Kagura shouted

"Its Ginpachi-sensei for you" he said lazily as sougo just patted her shoulders

'We'll just talk later ok' he whispered on her ear which caused kagura to be bright red

"Now be seated your being rude to the transfer student!" The couple looked at the man who was standing in the middle

He got a typical black hair and brown eyes he looked normal which was a rare case in class 3-z

The only normal person was there was shinpachi and yamazaki

As the two went to there sits that was divided thanks to the perm head of a teacher

"Oh! My name yamato kira! Im pleased to meet you all!!" He said bowing

'Tch! Another normal person!' Kagura thought eyeing the guy

"Now sit behing kagura there" ginpachi pointed out at the back of kagura

As he walked over smiling

'Ahh.. Im sure he'll be annoying ill bet on that" she sighted

"Hi! Im yamamoto kira and you are?" He asked as he raised his arm waiting for a handshake

"Kagura" Kagura said stating the obvious

"Nice to meet you kagura-san!" Kagura shook her hands with him

As sougo looked at the guy as if planning to kill the guy

'If only stare's can kill...' He thought and sighted

"Oh! By the way kagura! Show him around the school!!" Ginpachi added as homeroom started

"Well ill be in your care from now on kagura-san!" He said as he sat behind kagura

'I hate guys like him...' As kira kept talking abot his life which was annoying for Kagura

She sighted 'such a bothersome guy'

As lunch came...

"Kagura-san!! Do you want to have lunch together!?" Kira shouted as kagura looked at him eyes uninterested

"Im sorry but im already with somebody" she said pointing at the guy who was walking to them

'Ahh.. He's handsome!' Kira thought

"Kagura lets go." Sougo said as kagura finished cleaning her desk

"Yeah" she stood holding her lunch box


They went to they're usual eating spot which was the rooftop

They would always exchange lunchbox

Kagura has gotten used to this guy spicy taste so she was ok

"That guy is annoying you know?" Kagura said looking at guy

"Yeah" sougo agreed

"He is so annonying he kept on nagging about his life! I didnt get ti listen to the lessons!!" Kagura bursted out a thick mark on her head

"Well if you listen to it thou you would always sleep and get me to teach you" sougo said as he took a sushi

"Ugh!" She hitted sougo at the head

" ouch that hurts China!" He shouted

"Pffft-hahaahahahahah!!! It feels like old times doesnt it! Doesnt it sadist!!"She laughed

It has been a long time since they called each other that as sougo took a bite at a omelet

As sougo thought of a brilliant idea

He kissed kagura while e was eating an omelet as he pushed the omelet in her mouth

Kagura who was shock just chewed on the omelet

"Your brother is a good cook you know" he smirked

"Hmmph!!" She looked at him pouting

"Oh china you want more?" Sougo asked the obvious

"I-its not like i-" kagura was cut off by her lovers mouth on hers pushing the sushi inside of her mouth

"Its yummy right?" He said smirking

As kagura who was chewing the sushi turned dark red


As they went to class they bid goodbye to each other

"Hi kagura-san!!" Kira greeted kagura

'Ugh! I wish this annoying person would just-!! Ugh!!' She thought looking at te guy eyes uninterested

"Okay class take your sit!" Theyre teacher tsukuyo or terminator according to ginpachi

"Lets begin class!!" She shouted as lesson began in english


As class ended kira stood and came in front of kagura

"Please guide me in this school now!!!" He shouted as kagura stood carrying her bag

"Yeah yeah" she waves her hand

Sougo having club activity in kendo couldnt accompany his lover at the guy


"This is the cafeteria and outside the cafeteria" kagura went out of the door

"Is the garden" she added as a breeze came in as the sakura trees sway

"Wow!!" Kira looking at the scene in front of him

"Now thats done i have to go now" kagura said but was stopped by kira as he grabbed her by her wrist

"Kagura-san theres something ill like you to know!" He shouted

'Ugh! A confession!? Lame~'

"I-i like you since i first laid an eye on you!!!" He shouted as his face turned bright red

"Im sorry but i already have a boyfriend" she said as be looked at her eyes filled with sorrow

"E-eh? The guy who was with you? I can give you much better c-!!" He was cut off by a voice

"Hmmm? Whats this?" Sougo came from kagura's back

" a confession? How lame!" He said looking at the guy

"And didnt she already told you she have a boyfriend a b-o-y-f-r-i-e-n-d ad she's mine"he added and wrapped his arms around her waist

"What do you mean by that huh!"

"Uh-ah......" Un able to say anything kira ran

"Coward" she murmured

"Now thats done" she looked at kagura

"What do you mean your not mine? I guess ill teach you a lesson or two then" he smirked and carries kagura bridal style

"Whaa! Where are you taking me!?" She asked

"The clinic I'm sure the students already lest so did the teachers and nurse no one would disturbe us there" he grinned

"How about Kamui he'll be worried!" She shouted

"Dont worry i contacted him saying you'll come late tonight"

"Your really prepared arent you...." She said sighting

"Of course cuz' tonight ill make you mine" as they arrived at the clinic.

(And we'll stop right there!!! No smutty scene allowed!! :p just imagine it!)

~Timeskip~ tomorrow~

"Its seems like yamato kira transfered to another school" ginpachi started

"And wont be coming back" he added as a smile was visible in kagura and sougo's face

"And another thing at the clinic did anyone of you came to the clinic last night because one bed was you know" he said looking around the class

As kagura's face turned bright red and sougo smirked

Ginpachi saw this and

"Kagura and soda-kun meet me outside right now" he said stepping out of class

"Danna its sougo" sougo said standing up

And kagura too stood up

"Its your fault you know!" Kagura whispered

"Well I'm not the one who enjoyed it fully" he whispered back

As kagura's tomato like face turn brighter

As he laughed and wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

The end

I hoped you all liked this extra chapter!!! XD ahahhaahhaahahahah!!! Well the bye!!

Total of numebers are: 1500

Longest chapter ive ever made hahahahahahaahahah im really proud pf myself and i dont know why!!!

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