A Good Man Goes To War {FOUR}

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A/N: The final...Well, in this book. After this, there'll be an Epilogue, and then I'll be publishing the next book soon after. I really don't know how you're all going to react to this chapter...

The Doctor had just found out Melody and Willow could be Timelords and was shocked to say the least "I see you accessed our files. Do you understand yet?" Madam Kovarian appears on the screen after Vastra and Dorium had left, The Doctor is stood in front of the large screen "Oh, don't worry, I'm a long way away. But I like to keep tabs on you. The children, then. What do you think?"

"What are they?"

"Hope. Hope in this endless, bitter war,"

"What war? Against who?"

"Against you, Doctor,"

"A child is not a weapon!"

"Oh, give us time. They can be. They will be.

"Except you've already lost them, and I swear I will never let you anywhere near them again," He promises, staring at her.

"Oh, Doctor. Fooling you once was a joy, but fooling you twice the same way? It's a privilege. I leave you with this though..." the screen flickers and the tape from after Amy and Rory's wedding plays.

The image is blurry, but it shows a ginger woman, who looks exactly like the dream Lord did, except she's tired and covered in blood - most likely her own.

"My name's Willow Pond, and I was trained to kill The Doctor," she looks down at her hands in horror which are glowing gold. The Doctor stares in shock "and I failed..."

"Well, that gives me hope," he tries to joke as Poppy slowly walks up to the room, leaning on the doorway, back from wherever she went to investigate.

"Wipe her," Madame Kovarian speaks and two men with eyepatches on, grab Willow and pull her backwards as she screams. The screaming continues as she's pushed into a room and the camera switches to footage of that room. It's clear they're pushing some form of sound waves into the room that's affecting the young girl's mind. The Doctor grimaces as the screaming continues and he realises that Amy and Rory's daughter, being practically tortured.

Golden energy starts to stream from the girl's hands and she cries out "Why're you doing this?!"

"You failed,"

"I can try again!"

"No, you won't," the regeneration energy breaks the camera and The Doctor leans in to look closely at it, a few seconds after, a tired yet familiar voice speaks.

"You Basterds,"

"Don't worry dear, you won't remember this later, you won't even remember me, or anything,"

The recording stops and The Doctor sits back down, lost and shocked "Have you figured to out yet?" Poppy asks and The Doctor quickly stands, turning to his girlfriend "I'll take that as a no,"

"Where've you been? What've you been doing?!"

"Finding information. Y'know, they tried to give me my memories back. Well, I say tried. They succeeded," The Doctor looks lost "You really haven't figured it out..." Poppy mutters sadly "I should probably tell you that I'm not really here then,"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a flesh avatar, well this body is. They kept me in a room with Alexandra, whilst they forced memories into my real body, the body that gave birth to our daughter," Poppy grabs her sonic, pointing it at herself.

"Poppy, what're you doing?!" The Doctor asks panicked

"Poppy Watcher's long gone" she admits, looking him in the eyes "I'm sorry...But you no longer need to find her...You need to find Willow Pond." she looks down "They really are bastards" before The Doctor can fully react, she sonics herself and her body melts into the familiar goo Amy had turned into.

The Doctor stares in panic, grabbing Poppy's discarded sonic and rushing to the computers, looking for a Demon's run floor plan. He finds the right room quickly and runs through empty hallways, he had to warn Amy about baby Melody and Willow. But, if Poppy was trapped in that cell any longer, who knows what would happen.

He hears her screaming and rushes to the end of a hallway where he finds a control room with glass showing a white room, showing what was happening inside. Poppy was crawled up in a ball on the floor, screaming and grabbing her head in pain, unable to verbalise what was happening.

"Poppy!" he bangs on the glass and she looks up through tears, unable to see properly "I'm coming!" he promises

"Too late!" she screams, raising a glowing hand "Does the second time hurt less?!" The Doctor bangs on the controls, trying to stop the sound waves which had most likely already returned all memories, and was just hurting her now. "Doctor! Does It hurt less?!"

"No... No, I'm sorry,"

"Oh, great," her body explodes in golden regeneration energy and The Doctor steps back, covering his eyes as he sonics the controls and they explode in sparks. Eventually, the room darkens and The Doctor looks through the glass where a different woman is laying there.

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