A Good Man Goes To War {ONE}

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"You don't even have a name," Poppy's voice echoes through a white room "I bet your dad would have hundreds of suggestions. Old gallifreyan names mixed with silly ones to make me laugh. He wouldn't have told me to be quiet whilst I was giving birth," she looks over to the guards by the door "unlike some..." she puts her finger out and the little baby takes it, holding her mother's finger.

"You're so small - you're not meant to be... I think it's my fault. I was an idiot, but y'know when you're traveling through time and space, strange things happen all the time. You don't notice this stuff... maybe I felt like shit because of weird alien food poisoning. Maybe the Silence did something and it was still affecting me," Poppy sighs "should I swear? I don't think you can understand me, but I feel like I shouldn't. I don't know! They didn't give me a book or anything,"

"Time's up," Madam Kovarian walks in and Poppy steps back, picking up her child and giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead before reluctantly handing her over to the woman, she'd learnt not to fight a long time ago "You always were the well behaved one,"

"How do you know? What do you say this stuff?" Poppy speaks up as Madam Kovarian goes to leave.

"Oh dear, don't worry, your memory treatment is later,"

"Thanks for the nicer clothes," Poppy 'thanks' as the doors shut and Poppy sits down in a wooden rocking chair.

As yes, the 'treatments', they were giving her back her memories. Well, her other body. She was still flesh, but this time she was made aware, and that was the worst of it. She knew her daughter's real mother who gave birth to her was in a cell, being tortured with 'memory treatments' that cause excruciating pain whilst she waited for The Doctor to come and rescue her and Amy. Amy who Poppy had seen once in passing.

The one thing the treatments had made the young woman sure of was, her name was definitely not Poppy Watcher.

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