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A/N: This is really just a short filler chapter, I tried to add more but just couldn't think of anything


"Do you guys mind dropping me off somewhere?" Alex asks one morning in the kitchen

"Sure," Poppy answers before The Doctor "where to?"

"Oh, just a corner shop in London," Poppy raises an eyebrow "can't give away too many spoilers,"

"What brought this on?" Poppy asks as she starts up the TARDIS, The Doctor had been teaching her how to fly it without her head hurting, so she was just on autopilot

"Eh, I've just realised how important family is. River did say it was Christmas is for me,"

"Mhmm, and what brought on that thought," Alex looks over to Amy and Rory with a cup of tea each sat on the stairs of the console room "ah,"


"Well, I'm sure we'll see you soon," The Doctor says as he leans on the TARDIS doors,

"I remember it,"

"Good luck with Christmas, something bad's always bound to happen," Poppy jokes

"Definitely, especially with my family," Alex salutes and walks down the street

"Have you figured out who she is yet?" The DOctor asks quietly


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