Day Of The Moon {ONE}

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River, Alex and Poppy are in New York, all wearing evening dresses and running through a skyscraper under construction. All three have tally marks all over them.

"I see you. I see you," River mutters and as she applies two new tallies, Poppy looks behind her and does the same but on her upper thigh. The three keep running.

"They've found us," Alex notes when she hears Canton calling their names.

"Maybe if you two weren't wearing such obnoxious dresses -" River says through gritted teeth, gesturing to Poppy's hot pink dress.

"Sorry we didn't want boring grey," Poppy rolls her eyes and they reach an open wall, they turn to look at Canton and his men.

"Don't move! It's over," Canton says

"They're here, Canton. They're everywhere," River tells him

"I know. America's being invaded,"

"You were invaded a long time ago," Alex reminds him

"America's occupied," Poppy adds

"You're coming with us, Doctor Song, Miss Watcher and Song. There's no way out this time.

"There's always a way out," Both River and Alex grab Poppy's hands and they lean back, dragging her off the skyscraper.


"What about Doctor Song and Alexandra? They dragged Poppy off a rooftop," Canton tells The Doctor, who's rushing around the console again after months in confinement.

"Don't worry. They do that. Amy, Rory, open all the doors to the swimming pool!"

The three women fall through the doors of the TARDIS and a massive splash comes out of it, The Doctor laughs as he moves them away.

The three women are now changed, River scrunching her hair as Poppy ties the tangly mess that's hers into a tight bun, Alex is combing through her own.

"So, we know they're everywhere. Not just a landing party, an occupying force, and they have been here a very, very long time. But nobody knows that, because no one can remember them," The Doctor keeps running around the console

"So, what are they up to?"

"No idea. But the good news is, we've got a secret weapon," The Doctor kisses Poppy forehead as he drags her out of the TARDIS. A Saturn V rocket is on the launch pad nearby and everyone is outside now.

"Apollo 11's your secret weapon?" Alex asks

"No, no. It's not Apollo 11. That would be silly. It's Neil Armstrong's foot," Poppy rolls her eyes and smiles, she'd missed him.


The Doctor explained the new system of tracking if you'd seen a silence and sent Canton, Amy and Poppy off to orphanages. It's dark and Story when Canton pulls up to Graystark Hall Orphanage.

"In just a few days, mankind will set foot on the Moon for the first time. Today, the President reaffirmed America's commitment..." The radio is on quietly in the background.

"Ready. Check," Amy and Poppy look at their palms where there's no flashing light.

"Clear," they all say before getting out the car and walking towards the orphanage, Poppy doing up her blazer.

"Hello?" A middle-aged man answers the door.

"FBI," Canton flashes his badge "You must be Doctor Renfrew. Can we come in?"

"The children are asleep,"

"We'll be very quiet," Amy promises.

"Is there a problem?"

"It's about a missing child," Poppy explains kindly

"What are you -? Yes, come in, please. This way,"

"Weird," Poppy mutters to Amy as they follow the man in and up the stairs

"Please excuse the writing. It keeps happening. I try to clean it up," On the wall up the staircase are the words 'Get Out Leave Now' in large red letters.

"It's the kids, yeah? They did that..." Amy asks

"Yes, the children," as he tries to clean it up, Amy and Poppy catch sight of a small 'get out' on his wrist "It must be, yes. Anyway, my office is this way,"

"We nearly didn't come to this place. I understood Graystark Hall was closed in 67," Canon says

"That's the plan, yes,"

"The plan?" Poppy asks, knowing its 1969 not 67.

"Not long now..." Mr Renfrew continues

"It's 1969,"

"No, no. We close in 67. That's the plan, yes,"

"You misunderstood me, sir. It's 1969 now," Canton clarifies

"Why are you saying that? Of course, it isn't,"

"July," Canton specifies and Renfrew looks confused

"My office is this way. This way,"

"We'll check upstairs," Amy tells Canton as her and Poppy continue walking away from the others.

"Be careful," The two nods before going up the stairs and separating. Poppy finds a few dorms, with the same sort of writing before with 'Leave me alone' and 'get out' As she searches, she looks into a room and sees a woman's blurry face.


"Oh dear, it seems she's forgotten me,"

"Sorry?" no response and the woman disappears. Poppy stands staring and doesn't hear Amy's cries until much later, but when she does, she runs quickly towards her voice.

Once inside the room, Poppy doesn't find Amy, Amy's nanorecorder is flashing and on the floor but Poppy goes to look at the photos. It shows... Amy? Holding two small children. Next to it is another photo - in colour - it's of a blonde girl next to a ginger, they seem sad, yet the blonde is holding the ginger's hand comfortingly. Poppy steps back as a piercing headache hits her, she doesn't notice the Silence closing in until she's knocked out, screaming as Canton calls The Doctor.


The Doctor was sat on the jump seat, having sent everyone else away. Amy and Poppy were gone, and he couldn't help but blame himself. He heard the occasional cry or begging from Poppy's Nanorecorder, but other than that, it was silent. That scared him. Amy's was constantly active and Rory was constantly listening.

"Doctor..." Poppy's voice slowly rings out and he looks down at the small device "I, I told you I had serious news... and I never told you," he hears a small sob "I thought I was pregnant, and then I couldn't tell you because then Amy said it and it'd be so awkward," she's slowly sniffing as she cries "I had symptoms and everything when we were running. But... they just stopped," The Doctor fells small tears falling down his own face.

"Maybe if I'd told you then – I don't know! But there was something there... now there's not," she starts full on sobbing now "I'm sorry" I'm so, so sorry!" The Doctor kisses the nanorecorder and hugs it to his chest "I'm so scared..."

"I'm coming...".

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