Day Of The Moon {TWO}

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Poppy stays passed out as Amy awakes, after a short conversation with The Silence, the TARDIS materialises, yet Poppy still doesn't awake.

"Oh, interesting," The Doctor steps out "Very Aickman Road. I've seen one of these before. Abandoned. I wonder how that happened? Oh, well I suppose I'm about to find out. Rory, River, Alex keep one Silent in eyeshot at all times," he instructs before looking at the silence "Oh, hello. Sorry, you were in the middle of something. I just had to say, though, have you seen what's on the telly? Oh, hello, Amy. Are you all right? Want to watch some television?" he brings it out and puts it on the table, watching Poppy who's still unconscious anxiously.

 "Ah. Now, stay where you are. Because look at me, I'm confident. You want to watch that, me, when I'm confident. Oh, and this is my friend River. Nice hair, clever, has her own gun, and unlike me, she really doesn't mind shooting people. I shouldn't like that. But, I kinda do. Especially when my girlfriend's still passed out," he says darkly

"Thank you," River gets her gun out and points at the silence.

"I know your team players and everything, but she'll definitely kill at least the first three of you,"

"Well, the first seven, easily,"

"Seven? Really?"

"Oh, eight if Poppy doesn't wake up soon," River glares at the silence

" As I was saying, my friend here is going to kill the first three of you to attack, plus him behind, so maybe you want to draw lots or have a quiz," Rory tries to get Amy out but fails as Alex does the same for Poppy, looking at the passed out woman with the same look of anxiety on her face as The Doctor.

"Or maybe you could just listen a minute. Because all I really want to do is accept your total surrender and then I'll let you go in peace. Yes, you've been interfering in human history for thousands of years. Yes, people have suffered and died, but what's the point in two hearts, if you can't be a bit forgiving, now and then?" They stay quiet "Oooo, the Silence. You guys take that seriously, don't you? Okay, you got me. I'm lying. I'm not really going to let you go that easily. Nice thought, but it's not Christmas. First, you tell me about the girl. Who is she? Why is she important? What's she for? And why isn't Poppy waking up?"

"She will bring the Silence," the alien hisses out

"Who?" The silence doesn't respond but the T.V sparks alive as the presenter starts talking.

"Guys, sorry, but you're way out of time. Now, come on. A bit of history for you. Aren't you proud? Because you helped. Now, do you know how many people are watching this live on the telly? Half a billion. And that's nothing, because the human race will spread out among the stars. You just watch them fly. Billions and billions of them, for billions and billions of years, and every single one of them at some point in their lives, will look back at this man, taking that very first step, and they will never, ever forget it," The Doctor gets out his phone as the T.V continues "Oh. But don't forget this bit. Ready?" he speaks into the phone and Canton replies on the other side.

"That's one small step for a man..." the screen suddenly glitches out and it shows a Silence on the floor.

"You should kill us all on sight," it repeats and Poppy slowly starts waking up, twitching slightly.

"You've given the order for your own execution, and the whole planet just heard you,"

"One giant leap for mankind," the T.V continues

"And one whacking great kick up the backside for the Silence! You just raised an army against yourself and now, for a thousand generations, you're going to be ordering them to destroy you every day. How fast can you run? Because today's the day the human race throws you off their planet. They won't even know they're doing it. I think, quite possibly, the word you're looking for right now is oops. Run! Guys, I mean us. Run!" The Silence starts generating its electric shock and River starts shooting.

"I can't get her out!" Rory shouts to Alex who reaches in her short pockets for her sonic as Amy shouts at Rory.

"Go. Go!"

"We are not leaving without you!"

"Look, will you just get your stupid face out of here," Alex sonics Poppy free and her limp body falls into The Doctor's arms as he picks her up and Alex rushes to get Amy out.

"Run! Into the TARDIS, quickly," River shouts as she throws Alex a gun and the two start shooting, Alex using her sonic as well.

"Don't let them build to full power!" Alex warns

"I know. There's a reason why I'm shooting. What are you doing?"


"You're using a screwdriver. Go build a cabinet!"

"That's really rude!" The Doctor shouts in defines of the sonic as he carries Poppy in the TARDIS

"Teach him to drive!" River pushes Alex into the TARDIS and spins around and around, shooting all the time. Finally, all the Silence lie dead. Rory peeks out from the TARDIS doors

"So, what kind of doctor are you?" River doesn't look behind her as she shoots a silence behind her.

"Archaeology. Love a tomb," she walks into the TARDIS where Alex is helping a now conscious Poppy stay on the jump seat.

" You can let me fly it," The Doctor pushes River away

"Or we could go where we're supposed to," Poppy mumbles and The Doctor quickly takes Alex's place. "Are you okay?" he checks her over and she leans her head on his chest.

"Feel a bit ill, and tired," she answers honestly and The Doctor pulls her to his chest, kissing her forehead as a silent promise to look after her and talk about what she'd said earlier.


"You could come with us," The Doctor tells River as he holds Poppy into his side by River's cell.

"I escape often enough, thank you. And I have a promise to live up to. You'll understand soon enough,"

"Okay. Up to you. See you next time," The Doctor leaves

"Call us if you need anything," Poppy nods and goes to leave

"What's the matter with you?" River asks and Poppy spins back around

"What? What've I missed?" River pulls her into a hug and Poppy quickly returns it, wrapping her own arms tightly around River, enjoying the hug, it felt...familiar.

"Well, that's new. Not complaining,"


"Never done that before, yeah. But, there's a first time for everything," Poppy winks and goes back into the TARDIS, slightly wobbly since she still felt sick.

"And a last time..."


Back in the TARDIS, Amy is talking to The Doctor and Alex's phone rings.

"Sorry, I've got to check that," Alex apologises, walking way and talking quietly "hello? Stop talking so fast!" Alex listens to the other person on the phone "Clara , what on earth are you on about?" There's a pause and Poppy watches curiously "You, and my parents are going ghost hunting?" Poppy looks interested at the mention of parents "Well of course I'm in! I'll get them to drop me off at the usual. Bye, don't let them get themselves killed." Alex walks back to the group "looks like I'm off..."

"We can drop you -" The Doctor starts

"I'll put the coordinates in and drive," Alex insists "I've got to grab something, but I'll be back," she walks off. Amy and Rory are talking about the pregnancy scare near Poppy and The Doctor changes the conversation.

"So, this little girl. It's all about her. Who was she? Or we could just go off and have some adventures. Anyone in the mood for adventures? Because I am. You only live once" Poppy smiles and watches as The Doctor looks at the scanner, aiming at her and Amy.

'Amelia Pond and Poppy Watcher full body scans in progress' The Doctor watches as both bodies switch between positive and negative, he sighs and close it off, not noticing the small notification the TARDIS gave him by Poppy's chest area.

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