Flesh and Stone

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Poppy and Alex appear by the TARDIS.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" Poppy detaches herself from Alex

"We're safer out here,"

"But anything could happen in there!"

"I know. They'll be fine," Alex looks Poppy in the eyes "trust me,"

"What do we do now then?"

"Make ourselves a cuppa and hope for the best," Alex opens the TARDIS

"But you don't have the key," she just winks at Poppy before heading in


Amy is wrapped in a blanket and Alex and Poppy step out of the TARDIS.

"Bruised everywhere," she tells them and Poppy smiles when she sees River in the corner. Everyone seemed fine.

"I'll be back," Alex walks over to River

"Me too," The Doctor agrees with the bruising bit as Poppy comes over.

"You didn't have to climb out with your eyes shut,"

"Neither did you. I kept saying. The Angels all fell into the Time Field. The Angel in your memory never existed. It can't harm you now," The Doctor wraps his arm around Poppy who happily wraps both of hers around his body.

"Then why do I remember it at all? Those guys on the ship didn't remember each other,"

"You're a time traveller now. Amy. It changes the way you see the universe, forever. Good, isn't it?"

"And the crack, is that gone too?"

"Yeah, for now. But the explosion that caused it is still happening. Somewhere out there, somewhere in time,"

"You're explaining everything that happened later," Poppy tells them before joining Alex and River, Alex walks back to talk to The Doctor.

"You, me, handcuffs," River holds up her cuffed hands "Must it always end this way?"

"What do you do now?"

"The prison ship's in orbit. They'll beam me up any second. I might have done enough to earn a pardon this time. We'll see,"

"Octavian said you killed a man," The Doctor appears

"That's what the History books say,"

"A good man,"

"A very good man. The best man I've ever known,"


"It's a long story. Poppy, Doctor. It can't be told, it has to be remembered," she looks to Poppy "or lived. No sneak previews," River pauses "Well, except for this one. You'll see me again quite soon, when the Pandorica opens,"

"The Pandorica. Ha! That's a fairy tale,"

"Doctor, aren't we all?" River looks at Poppy "I'll see you there,"

"I look forward to it,"

"I remember it well,"

"Is Alex coming with you?" The Doctor asks

"Na, she was only supervising my trip. She'll be back, maybe younger, maybe older," River shrugs

"They're very strict on who they let do that,"

"Well, she's one of the most well-respected women in the universe,"

"Bye, River," Amy interrupts.

"See you, Amy,"

River looks up "Oh, I think that's my ride,"

"Can I trust you. River Song?" Poppy asks suddenly

"If you like. Ha, but where's the fun in that?" River suddenly looks to Alex "Phone your family! It's nearly Christmas for you!"

Alex salutes in response before River is beamed away in a whirl of sand.

Poppy leans on The Doctor's shoulder and they look out into the distance.

"What are you two thinking?" Amy speaks up

"Time can be rewritten," Poppy answers simply.


"I want to go home," Amy suddenly speaks from the jump seat. Alex and Poppy are leaning on the rails and The Doctor is fiddling with the TARDIS. The Doctor had offered to take Alex wherever she wanted. But, Poppy had said she could stay for a while, The Doctor agreeing. So, Alex was staying for a trip or two. Well, her actual words were 'until Christmas'. Which, was a bit confusing for all.

"Okay," the Doctor thinks Amy means permanently and Amy jumps up.

"No, not like that. I just, I just want to show you something. You're running to keep Poppy from River. I'm running too,"


Poppy and Alex were leaning against the railing yet again whilst The Doctor spoke to Amy outside. They were just sat in non-awkward silence until the TARDIS beeps.

"What's up love?" Poppy walks over to the scanner where it shows Amy leaning in to kiss The Doctor "fucking bitch,"

"No!" The Doctor quickly jumps off the bed, avoiding her "I have a girlfriend! You're getting married in the morning!"

"Good," Poppy mutters

"Well, Poppy doesn't have to know. And the morning's a long time away. What are we going to do about that?" Amy pins The Doctor against the TARDIS and tries to undo his shirt

"Amy, listen to me. I have a girlfriend!"

"She doesn't have to know,"

The Doctor keeps struggling "But I love her! This is ridiculous!"

Poppy's eyes widen, they'd never said that before. Better not tell him she heard that bit

"I am nine hundred and seven years old!"

"It's been a while?"

Amy finally kisses him and Poppy opens The TARDIS doors with great force..

"Amy Pond, I suggest you get the fuck out of my sight before I do something I'll regret,"

"It was just a bit of fun," Amy laughs "calm down,"

"Right then," Poppy grabs her by the shoulders and drags her inside, pushing her into the railing "Don't test me,"

"Amy, just leave," Alex gently pulls her away "before she does something she'll regret,"

They leave and Poppy collapses on the jump seat

"So, you saw that..." The Doctor trails off

"Some of it,"

"I'm so sorry," The Doctor crouches down so he's slightly below eye level "she just started acting all weird,"

"I know," Poppy cups his cheeks "I'm not mad at you," The Doctor breathes a sigh of relief but Poppy can sense something's up "what's wrong?"

"The base code of the universe is Amy's time, I need to figure it out,"

"Well, we'll pick Rory up first,"


"Wanna crash his stag do?" Poppy winks and smirks before running to find something to wear "sort this shit out!"

"Will do!" The Doctor salutes and smiles as he watches her skip away.

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