The Big Bang (2)

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Hi, so... I stopped putting Authors notes in because I thought they were annoying people. But, my votes and comments have dropped quite dramatically and I'm worried no one likes my series anymore. I've been struggling to update for a while (since December) and when I finally get a hint of motivation, I feel like no one cares. Do you guys still like this series and want to know what happens?

The universe was rebooted, Amy and Rory were married, The Doctor was back yet Poppy was no-where to be seen. The after party was in full swing, guests were dancing, drinking, talking and overall having a great time. Yet, the bride and groom were sat in a corner with The Doctor, talking in hushed voices.

"Where on earth could she be?" Amy asks

"I'm back, and we were both erased," Rory takes a sip of his drink

"Yeah," The Doctor leans back in his chair and sighs "I guess, If I never existed, she'd never be in Leadworth,"

"That's is in fact true dear," The woman in question fell into a chair next to him, wearing a dark blue dress paired with the same boots she wore to Donna's wedding "Getting a train from London down here is not easy,"

"You're late," Amy smirks

"Oh, I never am early to these sorts of occasions. I didn't even turn up to one as was a bridesmaid at,"

"One way to piss off a bride," Rory jokes and Poppy and The Doctor smile at the memory

"Well, that wasn't the worst thing that happened that day,"

"So, how is the London life," Amy teases

"I've got a job," Amy raises an eyebrow "A shocker right? I've got a pretty cheap apartment as well. So, I guess everything turned out okay," they all nod "Now, is there free booze?"


Amy, Rory and Poppy watch as The Doctor dances with the children, teaching then a dance move Poppy had dubbed 'the giraffe'. He had already danced with all three of them - Rory was exhausted after The Doctor had forced him on the dancefloor with him.

"You're terrible. That is embarrassing!" Amy shouts

"That's it. That's good. Keep it loose," he explains to the kids

"Glad I'm not attached to that," Poppy mumbles into her glass

"Um, you kinda are,"

"Shut up Rory," He rolls his eyes "Shouldn't you two be snogging in the bathrooms?"

"I don't that's how it works," Rory laughs as The Doctor gestures for Poppy to go dance with him.

"That's what happened at the last wedding I went to," she stands up, winking at the bride and groom before grabbing the hands which The Doctor had stretched out to her "Please don't break me," he laughs before spinning her around, starting a ridiculous dance routine.

Later on, a slower song is playing and only a few couples are on the dance floor, including Amy and Rory and The Doctor and Poppy.

"How's the memories," The Doctor asks, looking down at his girlfriend

"There, but fuzzy,"

"Progress then,"

"Yeah, but let's not talk about this right now. It's a happy occasion," she gestures to the happy couple with her head.

"He waited 2000 year for her," The Doctor says absently, looking at them "The boy who waited. Good on him,"

"They're gonna have really pretty kids," Poppy mutters


"They're both pretty, meaning the children are gonna be heartbreakers," The Doctor laughs

"I think you've had too much to drink, "he detaches himself from her, keeping her hand clasped in his "come on," they walk through Leadworth, laughing loudly at terrible jokes and puns the other made until they reached the TARDIS which was outside Amy's house. They go to unlock the TARDIS but a familiar voice stops them.

"Did you dance? Well, you two always dance at weddings, don't you?" The two turn around and Poppy smiles at River

"You tell us,"

" Spoilers,"

The Doctor takes out River's diary and vortex manipulator, handing them over to her "The writing's all back, but I didn't peek,"

"Thank you,"

"River!" a familiar voice calls from the bushes "are you done yet?"

"When I said hide in the bushes, I meant be quiet,"

"Sorry," Alex's head pops up from behind a bush before entering under the arch River had just come through "Hi," she waves at the two time travellers

"Hi," Poppy smirks at the girl, she looked much younger than the last time she saw her and seemed to be ecstatic to see the two

"Are you done yet?" Alex 'whispers' to River who rolls her eyes fondly

"Are you ever going to listen to me?"

"You're not my mum," River raises an amused eyebrow and Alex giggles

"Have you two got other family?" Poppy asks

"Obviously," River laughs

"River, who are you?" The Doctor questions seriously

"You're going to find out very soon now. And I'm sorry, but that's when everything changes," she links arms with Alex who holds her hand on the vortex manipulator and they vanish.

"Nah," The Doctor mutters and Poppy laughs, grabbing his hand before he unlocks the TARDIS and lets them in. He puts his hat on the coat stand and Poppy chucks her purse over it as well.

"Oi! Where are you off to? We haven't even had a snog in the shrubbery yet," Amy runs into the TARDIS, Rory close behind

"Amy!" he groans

"Shut up. It's my wedding!"

"Our wedding,"

"I'm pretty sure me and Poppy already covered the snogging in a shrubbery bit," The Doctor mutters,

"What?" she looks at him in confusion, then it clicks "Oh!" she laughs at the memory of Donna's wedding.

"Sorry, you two. Shouldn't have slipped away. Bit busy, you know?" The Doctor apologies,

"You just saved the whole of space and time! Take the evening off. Maybe a bit of tomorrow," Rory walks up the steps and leans on the railing

"Space and time aren't safe yet. The TARDIS exploded for a reason. Something drew the TARDIS to this particular date, and blew it up. Why? And why now?" The phone starts ringing and Poppy grabs it, leaning on the console, looking at Amy and Rory as they stare expectantly

"The Silence, whatever it is, is still out there, and I have to..." The Doctor continues

"Hello. Yes, this is The Doctor's phone" she listens to the other person "I'll put you through to him now," she passes it over

"Excuse me a moment," The Doctor stops his rant "I'm sorry, this is a very bad line. No, no, no, but that's not possible. She was sealed into the seventh Obelisk. I was at the prayer meeting. Well, no, I get that it's important. An Egyptian goddess loose on the Orient Express, in space. Give us a mo," He looks to Amy and Rory, passing the phone to Poppy "Sorry, something's come up. This will have to be goodbye,"

"Yeah, I think it's goodbye. Do you think it's goodbye?" Amy asks Rory

"Definitely goodbye," he nods confidently and Amy runs to the door

"Goodbye! Goodbye!" she shouts out to Leadworth before shifting the TARDIS doors, leaning on them and raising an eyebrow at The Doctor who smiles

"Don't worry about a thing, your Majesty. We're on our way," Poppy promises, putting the phone back.

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