The Curse Of The Black Spot {TWO}

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A/N: I just realised this book is nearly done - I... There will be a sequel ( or threequel of you count the first book), but I'm shocked I've got this far since I've had this plot in my head for years, then I finally wrote it and now I'm nearly on the third book. Just ahhhh. That being said, comments and votes are really appreciated as it really is the only thing keeping me going!

Poppy awakes to thunder and the ship rocking, there's shouting above deck and her and Rory rush up. When they come out on deck, rain is pouring down and lightning is flashing, it's clearly a storm.

"To the rigging, you dogs! Let go the sails. Avast ye! Put the bunt into the slack of the clews!" Avery shouts and Amy, Rory and Poppy stare at him as they attempt to keep the ship still.

"I swear he's making half this stuff up!" Amy shouts

"Well, we're going to need some kind of phrase book!"

"I'm sure the TARDIS has one!" Poppy screams before looking over at The Doctor who's at the wheel, "oh wait, she's gone!"

"Toby! Find my coat. My compass is inside it, boy," Aveley tells his son "Heave ho, you bilge rats,"

"Rats was all I could hear!" Rory gestures to his ear as rain continues to pour down and a wet strand of hair gets stuck in Poppy's mouth and she tries to get it out, Amy struggling to help as they keep pulling down the robes and cloth.

Toby returns with the coat, and the crown from earlier falls out and rolls along the deck, everyone stares at it in panic, unable to go anything as they try to stay on the ship and keep it sailing. The Siren comes out of the crown and flies up into the rigging, then descends again to the deck.

"Don't let her take you!" Toby stares and reaches out to the Siren "No!" his father shouts as Toby is gone in a puff of smoke. The Doctor runs over and throws the crown overboard, and the Siren disappears.

"You couldn't give up the gold, could you?! That's why you turned pirate! Your commission, your wife, your son! Just how much is that treasure worth to you, man?!" The Doctor shouts at him in anger and seconds later, A loose spar knocks Rory overboard.

"Shit!" Poppy and Amy rush over to the side

"Rory! Rory! I can't see him!" Amy starts to take off the coat she'd stolen earlier, ready to jump in, Poppy nearly right behind her "Doctor? I'm going in!" The Doctor grabs both women

"He's drowning. He's drowning! You two go in after him, you'll drown too. There's only one thing that can save him now!"

"What are you talking about?"

"The Siren. The Siren, she wants him. We have to release her!" he rushes over to fresh water barrel and the Siren zooms out, looking down at The Doctor in confusion, looking for Rory.

"He's drowning. Go and find him!" The Doctor points and the Siren dives into the sea.

"What, what did you do?!" Amy asks in panic

"If he stays in there he'll die!"

"But she'll destroy him!"

"That thing isn't just a ravenous hunter. It's intelligent. We can reason with it. And maybe, just maybe, they're still alive somewhere. We have to follow!"

"Are you mad?" Avery asks as they all hold onto a barrel.

"If we ever want to see them again, we have to let the Siren take us. We'll prick our fingers. All agreed?" they stare at him "Yeah?"

"Aye," Avery instantly

"Aye," Amy agrees and Poppy's straight after, thinking of her best friend who was possibly on the verge of death.

"Aye," The Doctor draws blood from each of them. The black spot appears on their palms and the Siren appears. There's is a flash of bright light and the four disappear.


They wake up on a metal floor, all soaking wet from the rain, Poppy slowly sits up "Where are we?"

"We haven't moved. We're in exactly the same place as before," he helps her up as they all turn around and look through a window which shows them the deck of the ship they once were on.

"We're on a ghost ship..." Avery says

"No. It's real. Space ship trapped in a temporal rift,"

"How can two ships be in the same place?"

"Not the same. Two planes, two worlds, two cars parked in the same space. There are lots of different universes nested inside each other. Now and again they collide, and you can step from one to the other,"

"Okay, I think I understand," Amy nods

"Good, because it's not like that at all. But if that helps..."


"All the reflections have suddenly become gateways," The Doctor throws a piece of metal at the window. It goes through and lands on the deck "Ever look in a mirror and think you're seeing a whole other world? Well, this time it's not an illusion," something beeps and the group turns around

"The signal?" Poppy guesses and The Doctor agrees.

"The distress calls?" Amy continues as they walk through the ship.

"There was a second ship here all the time," Amy realises

"This is what brought the TARDIS here," Poppy adds

"And the Siren is on board," The Doctor says spookily as he opens a door to reveal an alien skeleton. Its spacesuit says D.I.H.S, he checks its pulse "Dead," they keep walking and get to the bridge where there's more skeletal crew.

"You were right. There was something staring at us the whole time. How long has this ship been marooned here?"

"Long enough for the Captain to have run out of grog," Avery says

"I don't understand. If this is the Captain, then what's the Siren?" Amy asks, pointing down at the skeleton.

"Same as us. A stowaway,"

"She killed it?"

"Human bacteria..." The Doctor mutters after scanning the skeleton.


"A virus from our planet. Airborne, travelling through the portal. That's what killed it. Didn't get its jabs," he puts his hand down "Urgh. Look," he shows them his hand which has gunk all over it. Poppy looked away - feeling a bit sick - as Amy made a face of disgust.

"What is it?"

"Sneeze! Alien bogies!" He wipes his hand on the sleeve of Amy's pirate coat. And she makes the same disgusted face, following him into a large room resembling a sickbay where lots of people lying on beds floating in mid-air, and connected by a tube to the ceiling.

"McGrath! He's one of my men," Avery points and Amy looks down at him.

"He's still breathing,"

"My entire crew is here. Toby!" he realises


"The TARDIS!" The Doctor runs up to it, hugging it as Poppy smiles, gong to lean on it.

"We have to get them out of here," Avery says as he stands by Toby and Amy and Poppy stand by Rory.

"Wait. His fever's gone," The Doctor notes as he puts his sonic away.

"He looks so well..." Amy strokes her husband's face.

"She's keeping him alive," The Doctor explains, using his sonic again " His brain is still active, but all its cellular activity is suspended. It's not a curse, it's a tissue sample. Why get samples of people you are about to kill?"

"Help me get him up," the three gently tap him and try to get him to sit up and Rory slowly begins to wake up, but something starts beeping.

"She's coming," The Doctor urgently ushers everyone being a bank of monitors where they hide. The Siren floats in, singing her wordless song, and goes to Rory. He calms down and sleeps again "Anaesthetic..."


"The music. The song. So, she anaesthetises people and puts their body in stasis," The Siren goes to Toby but Avery steps out, gun ready "Avery, no!" Avery shoots, and the Siren turns red, an angry look on her face as teeth are exposed.

"That's terrifying," Poppy notes and Amy nods her head in agreement. The Siren advances on Avery, then the Doctor sneezes. The Siren turns around and heads for him instead, red sparks which resembles fire appears in her hands.

"Fire. That's new. What does fire do? Burn? Yes. Destroy? What else? Sterilise! I sneezed. I've brought germs in!" The Doctor blows his nose and throws the handkerchief on the floor. The Siren blasts the offending article and Amy runs to Rory, Poppy following. The Siren then turns on Amy as she tries to get Rory up.

"Amy, stop. Don't interfere! Don't touch him! Anaesthetic, tissue sample, screen, sterile working conditions. Ignore all my previous theories!"

"Yeah? Well, we stopped paying attention a while back," Amy mutters, trying to get her Husband out.

"She's not a killer at all, she's a doctor!" Amy stops fiddling with Rory's life support in realisation and the Siren returns to green.

"This is an automated sick bay. It's teleporting everyone on board. The crew are dead, and so the sick bay has had nothing to do. It's been looking after humanity whilst it's been idle. Look at her. A virtual doctor able to sterilise a whole room,"

"Able to burn your face off," Amy grumbles

"She's just an interface, seeped through the join between the planes, broadcast in our world. Protean circuitry means she can change her form, and become a human doctor for humans. Oh, sister, you are good!"

"Don't say that," Poppy says seriously, embarrassed for the time lord.

"She won't let us take them..." Avery pointed out

"She's keeping them alive, but she doesn't know how to heal them,"

"I'm his wife, for God's sake. Why can't I touch him?!" Amy shouts in exasperation, tears staring to pool in her eyes.

"Tell her, Amy. Show her your ring. She may be virtual but she's intelligent. You can't do anything without her consent," Amy complies and The Doctor turns to the Siren "Come on. Sophisticated girl like you. That must be somewhere in your core program,"

"Look, he's very ill, okay? I just want to look after him. Why won't you let me near my husband?" The Siren then holds out her hand and a circle of light appears around it.

"Consent form. Sign it. Put your hand in the light. Rory's sick. You have to take full responsibility," Amy does so, and the Siren disappears. Amy quickly turns off Rory's life support and he starts coughing as Water comes out of his mouth.

"He can't breathe!" Poppy shouts in panic

"Turn it back on!" Amy does it immediately.

"What do we do? I can't just leave him here,"

"He'll die if you take him out," Avery tells her sympathetically

"Rory? Rory, wake up," Amy gently taps his face and Rory opens his eyes slowly

"Where am I?"

"You're in a hospital. If you leave, you might die,"

"Bit blunt dear," Poppy tells her boyfriend who shrugs.

"But if you don't, you'll have to stay forever," Amy says sadly

"You're saying that if I don't get up now..."

"You can never leave,"

"The Siren will keep you safe," The Doctor assures

"And if I come with you?"

"Drowning, on the point of death," Poppy mutters, looking down at her friend, also feeling tears in her eyes.

"I'm a nurse,"

"Yes... are you having memory difficulties?" Poppy tries to joke but Rory looks up at Amy

"I can teach you how to save me,"

"Whoa. Hold on,"

"I was drowning. You just have to resuscitate me,"


"You've seen them do it loads of times in films. CPR. The kiss of life."

"Rory, this isn't a film, okay? What if I do it wrong?"

"You won't," he reassures her and Poppy walks away to give them some privacy as The Doctor talks to Avery, when she re-joins, they're still talking.

"I know you can do this. Of course, if you muck it up, I am going to be really cross. And dead," Amy laughs lightly, smiling down at her husband.

"I'll see you in a minute," Rory closes his eyes as The Doctor rips off his restraints. The three grab him and quickly rush him into the TARDIS, laying him on the floor as Amy starts CPR, doing 1 breath to 5 chest compressions over and over again. The Doctor and Poppy try to encourage her, but Rory still doesn't wake up.

"He trusted me. He trusted me to save him!" Amy keeps going and Poppy starts to feel tears down her face, watching her friend attempt to save her husband - also crying.

"You still can. You can still do this. He believes in you. Come on, Amy. Come on!" Amy keeps going

"Please, please, please wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Come on. Come on!" Nothing seems to be working and eventually Amy has to give up, she collapses into tears and Poppy side hugs her as The Doctor reaches out to her. But, after a few moments Rory starts coughing up water. They all look up at sigh in relief, Poppy letting out a light laugh.


Later, Rory and Amy are heading to bed, Poppy already back in her room under 'Doctor's orders'. She still felt quite ill and light-headed after whatever the Silence gave her. She can't remember ever even seeing one, but maybe that was the point...

The Doctor stares at the full body scans of his best friend and girlfriend "oh Amelia...Poppy," he sees where the small dots by Poppy's chest are, but as he goes to press it in curiosity, The TARDIS shuts it off deliberately.

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