The Doctor's Wife {ONE}

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"And then we discovered it wasn't the Robot King after all, it was the real one. Fortunately, I was able to re-attach the head," The Doctor explains to Rory, Poppy watching from bellow the floor, leaning by the stairs.

"Do you believe any of this stuff?" Rory asks his wife as she passes him

"I was there," she says boredly, joining Poppy.

"Oh, it's the warning lights. I'm getting rid of those. They never stop!" The Doctor rambles as he fiddles with the console again.

"There's most likely a reason for that dear!" Poppy shouts back as Amy and Rory surround her

"Hey. You're still thinking about it, aren't you?" Rory asks Amy, concerned and she quickly shushes him, fully aware of The Doctor being meters away.

"We saw him die..."

"Yeah, two hundred years in the future,"

"Yes, but it's still going to happen,"

"Amy -" Poppy starts but is immediately interrupted by the redhead turning to her in anger

"Why aren't you more upset? You're his girlfriend, you've known him far longer than us,"

"That's why," Poppy explains, smiling slightly as she watches The Doctor bicker with the TARDIS over the warning lights "I know who he is, I know he has to die at some point, and yeah, it hurts me, but...we can't tell him, it'll mess up the world beyond repair most likely, we just have to accept it," Amy nods slightly

"I still don't -" this time it's Amy interrupted by Poppy, grabbing her stomach "You okay?"

"Yeah, just..." she breathes out "need some painkillers," she quickly rushes off, Rory and Amy watching in concern

"She's been like that ever since the Silence took her," Rory mutters

"But that was months ago and she was passed out through what I can remember... when I asked why she wasn't waking up, they said something about her 'remembering too much',"

"Bit weird thing to say considering she can't remember anything before 2006,"

"What're you two talking about?!" The Doctor asks childishly "Is it me?! Are you gossiping?"


"You said there weren't any other Time Lords left," Poppy hears Rory says as she enters, trying to cover the discomfort she felt.

"There are no Time Lords left anywhere in the universe. But the universe isn't where we're going. See that snake?" The Doctor points excitedly after he throws a box at Amy and Poppy sits on the jump seat, crossing her legs "The mark of the Corsair. Fantastic bloke. He had that snake as a tattoo in every regeneration. Didn't feel like himself unless he had the tattoo. Or herself, a couple of times. Ooo, she was a bad girl,"

"Excuse me?!" Poppy asks, hearing the Doctor's tone of voice at the end

"Sorry," he rushes over as he pulls a few levers and kisses her forehead lightly before things start sending sparks everywhere.

"Oh, what is happening?!" Rory shouts and Poppy lurches forward to grab onto the console as the TARDIS shakes.

"We're leaving the universe!"

"How can you leave the universe?!" Amy shouts, clearly panicked

"With enormous difficulty!" Poppy falls into The Doctor as he deletes things "Right now I'm burning up TARDIS rooms to give us some welly. Goodbye, swimming pool. Goodbye, scullery. Sayonara, squash court seven!" he passes her into Rory, who keeps her still until he pushes her into Amy and the woman helps Poppy stay still as the TARDIS continues to shake until... silence and all is still.

"Okay, okay. Where are we?" Amy pushes hair out of her face and Poppy sits down on the floor, feeling quite sick as she leans on Amy's legs.

"Outside the universe, where we've never, ever been!" The Doctor says excitedly before all lights go out.

"Is that meant to be happening?" Rory asks

"The power, it's draining. Everything's draining," The Doctor rapidly tries to get the TARDIS alive again "But it can't. That's, that's impossible, "the familiar golden glow that was still faintly there leaves

"What is that?" Rory asks anxiously

"It's as if the Matrix, the soul of the TARDIS, has just vanished. Where would it go?"

"Stunning?" Poppy mutters quietly, pressing her hand to the floor - anxious for the TARDIS.


The four-step out into a junkyard, the rear of a giant spaceship right by them.

"So, what kind of trouble's your friend in?" Amy asks, looking around

"He was in a bind. A bit of a pickle. Sort of distressed,"

"Ah, you can't just say you don't know," Poppy laughs lightly, looking over at Amy, being slightly reminded of Donna.

"But what is this place? The scrap yard at the end of the universe?" Rory picks up a spoon as Amy messes around with a washing machine.

"Not end of, outside of,"

"How we can we be outside the universe? The universe is everything,"

"Imagine a great big soap bubble with one of those tiny little bubbles on the outside,"


"Well, it's nothing like that," The Doctor rushes to where Poppy was leaning on the TARDIS for support, hoping the painkillers would kick in as the pain increases slowly "Completely drained. Look at her,"

"Wait. So, we're in a tiny bubble universe, sticking to the side of the bigger bubble universe?"

"Yeah!" The Doctor points to Amy "No. But if it helps, yes. This place is full of rift energy. She'll probably refuel just by being here. Now, this place. What do we think, eh?" he jumps up and down "Gravity's almost Earth normal, air's breathable, but it smells like -"


"Armpits," The Doctor agrees with Amy

"What about all this stuff? Where did this come from?"

"Well, there's a rift. Now and then stuff gets sucked through it. Not a bubble, a plughole. The universe has a plughole and we've just fallen down it,"

"Thief! Thief! You're my thief!" a woman shouts and three people come rushing towards them, Poppy steps closer to The Doctor.

"She's dangerous. Guard yourselves," A woman tells them and the brunette in a dress runs up to The Doctor.

"Look at you. Goodbye. No, not goodbye, what's the other one?" she rambles quickly before launching onto him and kissing him.

"Woah!" Poppy shouts, pulling her boyfriend back.

"Oh, you! I like you! I can do that to you as well!" she goes to kiss Poppy but she's pulled away by The Doctor, so the woman settles for touching Poppy's stomach looking her in the eyes "Breathe," she the walks away, walking in circles.

"Welcome, strangers. Lovely. Sorry about the mad person," the only man apologises

"Why am I a thief? What have I stolen?" The Doctor asks the woman

"Me. You're going to steal me. No, you have stolen me. You are stealing me. Oh, tenses are difficult, aren't they?"

"Oh. Oh, we are sorry, my dove. She's off her head. They call me Auntie," the other woman introduces herself

"And I'm Uncle. I'm everybody's Uncle. Just keep back from this one. She bites!"

"Do I? Excellent," she gets close to The Doctor and bites his  ear as Uncle and Auntie pry her off.

"Ow! Ow!" Poppy holds The Doctor's ear, muttering about him being a baby. "You try being bitten!" the woman lunges for Poppy and The Doctor pulls her away - again.

"Biting's excellent. It's like kissing, only there's a winner,"

"She makes a strangely good point," Poppy nods

"So sorry. She's doolally," Uncle gestures

"No, I'm not doolally. I'm, I'm. It's on the tip of my tongue. I've just had a new idea about kissing!" she goes up to Poppy "Come here, you!" she actually manages to do it, before The Doctor is picking Poppy up and away.

"Stop kissing my girlfriend!"

"Oh, but now you're angry. No, you're not. Little bit, you don't like sharing her - understandable. But you will be angry, very angry The little boxes will make you angry,"

"Sorry? The little what? Boxes?"

"Oh, no, no. Your chin is hilarious!" she starts laughing "It means the smell of dust after rain," she tells Rory.

"What does?"


"But I didn't ask..."

"Not yet. But you will,"

"No, no, Idris. I think you should have a rest," Auntie tries to pull her away.

"Rest. Yes, yes. Good idea. I'll just see if there's an off switch," she then collapses and Rory helps her lie down properly.

"Is that it? She dead now. So sad," Uncle mutters in a monotone voice.

"No, she's still breathing,"

"Nephew, take Idris somewhere she can't bite people," they turn around and are greeted by an Ood.

"Does that make Idris the niece?" Poppy asks, but gets no response as The Doctor is distracted by the Ood.

"Oh, hello!"

"Doctor, what is that?" Amy asks, slightly scared

"Oh, no, it's all right. It's an Ood. Oods are good. Love an Ood," he goes up to it "Hello, Ood. Can't you talk? Oh, I see. It's damaged. May I?" The Ood nods "It might just be on the wrong frequency," The Doctor starts fiddling with his voice box.

"Nephew was broken when he came here. Why, he was half dead. House repaired him. House repaired all of us," as Uncle finishes, many voices ring out, all distress signals, The Doctor looks around in shock before they all stop.

"What was that? Was that him?"

"No, no. It's picking up something else. But that's, that's not possible. That's, that's. Who else is here?" The Doctor turns to Auntie and Uncle "Tell me. Show me. Show me!"

"Just what you see. Just the four of us, and the House," Auntie quickly informs them, frightened by the Doctor's sudden raise of voice "Nephew, will you take Idris somewhere safe where she can't hurt nobody?"

"The House? What's the House?"

"House is all around you, my sweets. You are standing on him. This is the House. This world. Would you like to meet him?"

"Meet him?" Rory asks

"I'd love to," The Doctor quickly responds

"This way. Come, please. Come," Uncle walks away

"What's wrong? What were those voices?" Amy gets closer

"Time Lords. It's not just The Corsair. Somewhere close by there are lots and lots of Time Lords," Poppy grabs his hand and gives it a squeeze, looking up into The Doctor's eyes. She didn't want him to have too much hope, she had a bad feeling about the entire place. 

'The little boxes will make you angry'.

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