The Doctor's Wife {THREE}

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"It's gone!" The Doctor shouts, rushing back into the room where Poppy was leant against a wall, breathing heavily as the TARDIS seemed to be meditating in the corner.

" Eaten?"

" No, it left. Not eaten, hi-jacked. But why?" The Doctor then turns to Poppy "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... " Poppy breathes out "just got a bit of a stomach ache. And the armpit smell is making me feel a bit light-headed. I'll be fine," she turns to look at him and gives him a small smile "just focus on getting Amy, Rory and the TARDIS back," Auntie and Uncle start talking and it turns out they're dying, they collapse and The Doctor shouts at the bodies - annoyed.

" Not dead. You can't just die!"

"We need to go to where I landed, Doctor, quickly," the TARDIS stands


" Because we are there in three minutes. We need to go now," she then also stumbles, grabbing her side "Ow. Roughly how long do these bodies last?" The Doctor scans her

" You're dying,"

"Yes, of course I'm dying. I don't belong in a flesh body. I could blow the casing in no time. No, stop it. Don't get emotional!" she points " Hmm. That's what the orangey girl says. You're the Doctor. Focus,"

"On what? How? I'm a madman with a box, without a box!" I'm stuck down the plughole at the end of the universe on a stupid old junkyard," he then turns to Poppy, who's right hand is on the wall as she turns to look at him " Ooo,"

" Ooo what?" she asks her boyfriend as he gets closer

" I'm not,"

" Not what?"

"Because it's not a junkyard. Don't you see? It's not a junkyard,"

"What is it then?"

" It's a TARDIS junkyard!" he kisses her forehead in excitement before going to rush out, Poppy stands properly and The Doctor spins to look at the TARDIS " Oh, sorry. Do you have a name?"

"Seven hundred years, finally he asks,"

"But what do I call you?"

"I think you call me Sexy,"

"Sorry?" Poppy looks up at The Doctor laughing

"But flower calls me Stunning,"

"What?" they both stare at each other in shock

"Only when we're alone!" both then tell the TARDIS

"Well, now you both know, and we are alone," the TARDIS starts walking

"Are we both dating the TARDIS?" Poppy asks


"Come on then, Thief and Flower!"


"A valley of half eaten TARDISes. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" The Doctor, Poppy and the TARDIS stare out at the junkyard.

"I'm thinking that all of my sisters are dead. That they were devoured, and that we are looking at their corpses, " The TARDIS says darkly and Poppy's eyes widen

"Ah. Sorry. No, I wasn't thinking that," The Doctor mutters awkwardly

"No. You were thinking you could build a working TARDIS console out of broken remnants of a hundred different models. And you don't care that it's impossible,"

"It's not impossible as long as we're alive. Rory and Amy need me. So yeah, we're going to build a TARDIS,"

"This is going to go well," Poppy mumbles.

A while later, the TARDIS is reading instructions as The Doctor pulls parts towards an empty space and Poppy sits on the floor, having been told to sit still so she doesn't become more ill. Her stomach seemed to have a permanent pain the got worse every few minutes.

"Bond the tube directly into the Tachyon Diverter!"

"Yes, yes, I have actually rebuilt a TARDIS before, you know. I know what I'm doing,"

"You're like a nine-year-old trying to rebuild a motorbike in his bedroom. And you never read the instructions,"

"I always read the instructions!"

"There's a sign on my front door. You have been walking past it for seven hundred years. What does it say? Flower knows,"

"I do," Poppy raises her hand

"That's not instructions!"

"There's an instruction at the bottom. What does it say?"

"'Pull to open'" The Doctor grumbles

"Yes. And what do you do?"

"I push..."

"Every single time. Seven hundred years. Police Box doors open out the way,"

"Because actual police boxes are too small for them to open inwards, it just makes sense," Poppy rambles, The Doctor glares "but, since it's bigger on the inside, it makes more sense for them to open inward..."

"I think I have earned the right to open my front doors any way I want,"

"Your front doors? Have you any idea how childish that sounds?"

"You are not my mother!"

"And you are not my child!"

"Oh god, it's just like when you bicker when flying, just this time she can verbalise things," Poppy mutters, holding her head in her hands.

"You know, since we're talking with mouths, not really an opportunity that comes along very often, I just want to say, you know, you have never been very reliable,"

"And you have?"

"You didn't always take me where I wanted to go,"

"No, but I always took you where you needed to go," The Doctor stays quiet, slowly realising she was right.

"You did... Look at us talking. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could always talk, even when you're stuck inside the box?"

"You know I'm not constructed that way. I exist across all space and time, and you talk and run around and bring home strays,"

"Oi!" Poppy defends herself before the TARDIS' knees buckle and The Doctor has to catch her.

"You okay?"

"One of the kidneys has already failed. It doesn't matter. We need to finish assembling the console,"

"Using a console without a proper shell. It's not going to be safe,"

"This body has about eighteen minutes left to live. The universe we're in will reach Absolute Zero in three hours. Safe is relative,"

"Then we need to get a move on," The Doctor rushes to pull along a TARDIS part "Eh, old girl?"


The console is almost complete and Poppy is standing in the TARDIS shell, checking to see if everything looked similar.

"You'll need to install the time rotor," the TARDIS informs The Doctor and Poppy helps him place it in the middle

"How is this going to make it through the rift? How?" he also starts checking things "We're almost done. Thrust diffuser? Er, retroscope. Blue thingy..."

"Stabilizers?" Poppy guesses as the TARDIS examines an old wire coat hanger.

"Do you ever wonder why I chose you all those years ago?"

"I chose you. You were unlocked,"

"Of course, I was. I wanted to see the universe, so I stole a Time Lord and I ran away. And you were the only one mad enough," the TARDIS smiles and The Doctor and Poppy join her as they look at the finished product.

"Right. Perfect. Look at that. What could possibly go wrong?" A piece falls off the console and Poppy snorts

"That's fine. That always happens,"

"It's probably a problem that it does always happen,"

"It does get rather annoying," the TARDIS agrees as her and Poppy walk forward and The Doctor sighs whilst he picks up a couple of pieces of red rope with hooks on the ends.

"Should've known you two'd team up on me,"


The Doctor uses the ropes as safety lines and attaches one to Poppy, handing the other to TARDIS and using the last one on himself.

"Right. Okay, let's go. Follow that TARDIS," he presses some buttons, but nothing happens "Oh no, come on. There's rift energy everywhere. You can do it. Okay, diverting all power to thrust. Let's be having yak!" he fiddles around as the TARDIS examines her body in the mirror in front of her, Poppy's stomach pains start again and she grabs onto the console as sparks fly again.

"No, no, no, no!" The Doctor complains

"What's wrong?" The TARDIs asks and The Doctor turns the mirror away from her.

"It can't hold the charge. It can't even start. There's no power. I've got nothing."

"Oh, my beautiful idiot. You have what you've always had. You've got me," The TARDIS kisses her finger, and transfers golden energy to the console and they dematerialise and golden energy surrounds them.

"Whoo hoo!"

"This is terrifying!" Poppy screams

"We've locked on to them. They'll have to lower the shields when I'm close enough to phase inside,"

"Can you get a message to Amy? The telepathic circuits are online!"

"Which one's Amy?! The pretty one?!" she opens the link anyway

"Hello, Pretty,"

"What the hell is that?" Rory's voice rings out and Poppy and The Doctor peek their heads in.

"Don't worry. Telepathic messaging!" he then looks properly "No, that's Rory,"

"You have to go to the old control room. I'm putting the route in your head. When you get there use the purple slider on the nearest panel to lower the shields!"

"The pretty one?" The Doctor asks in shock, realising his TARDIS likes Rory.

"You'll have about twelve seconds before the room goes into phase with the invading Matrix. I'll send you the pass key when you get there. Good luck!"

"The pretty one?" Poppy turns to the TARDIS after woods

"'That's my dad'," she suddenly spurts out "oh wait... not you...W-W," she tries to get a name out "she says that. Not you. She says that to Harkness," The Doctor looks at her shocked "I like, liked, will like? Harkness..."


"Never mind, you're about to ask a question," The TARDIS turns to The Doctor

"You're right! How's he going to be able to take down the shields anyway? The House is in the control room!"

"I directed him to one of the old control rooms!"

"There aren't any old control rooms! They were all deleted or remodelled!"

"I archive them, for neatness. I've got about thirty now!

"But I've only changed the desktop, what, a dozen times?!" The Doctor and The TARDIS shout over to each other, considering the noise 'inside' was extremely loud.

"So far, yes!"

"You can't archive something that hasn't happened yet!"

"You can't,"

The TARDIS shell keeps pulling them through space and The Doctor shouts "Keep going. You're doing it, you sexy thing!"

"See, you do call me that. Is it my name?!"

"You bet it's your name!" the TARDIS sends the passcode to Rory and minutes later she shouts out.

"They did it. Shields down!"

"We're coming through. Get out of the way or you'll be atomised!" she opens the link to Rory again.

"Where are you coming through?!

"I don't know," the console flies towards the TARDIS "It's not going to hold!" The console slowly materialises in a shower of sparks.


A/N: Comments and Votes are appreciated, especially as I'm adding in more hints, I'm desperate to know your reactions!

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