The Doctor's Wife {TWO}

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"Come. Come, come. You can see the House and he can look at you, and he..." Uncle trails off as he leads them through the spaceship. Once they reach their destination, The Doctor looks down the grating on the floor where a green light is travelling up.

"I see. This asteroid is sentient,"

"We walk on his back, breathe his air, eat his food," Auntie explains

"Smell its armpits," Amy grumbles and Poppy snorts before a refined voice speaks though Auntie and Uncle as their bodies go limp, meaning they're standing like puppets.

"And do my will," House adds "You are most welcome, travellers,"

"Doctor, that voice. That's the asteroid talking?" Amy asks as she steps closer to Rory, the voice creeping her out.

"Yes," The Doctor reassures her as Poppy grabs his hand, not liking the weird vibes she was getting, mixed with her stomach pains "So, you're like a sea urchin. Hard outer surface, that's the planet we're walking on. Big, squashy, oogly thing inside, that's you?"

"That is correct, Time Lord,"

"Ah. So, you've met Time Lords before?"

"Many travellers have come through the rift, like Auntie and Uncle and Nephew. I repair them when they break,"

"Makes them sound like toys or objects..." Poppy mutters but The Doctor ignores her as he did earlier.

"So, there are Time Lords here, then?"

"Not anymore, but there have been many TARDISes on my back in days gone by,"

"Well, there won't be any more after us. Last Time Lord. Last TARDIS" The Doctor explains

"A pity. Your people were so kind. Be here in safety, Doctor. Rest, feed, if you will," The Doctor and Poppy walk over to Amy and Rory.

"We're not actually going to stay here, are we?" Rory asks uneasily

"Well, it seems like a friendly planet. Literally," he lets go of Poppy's hand and claps as he faces Auntie and Uncle "Mind if we poke around a bit?"

"You can look all you want. Go. Look," Auntie walks up to Amy, grabbing her face and Poppy notices that her left arm looks rather manly "House loves you," Amy steps closer to Rory in fear and Poppy gently stands between Amy and Auntie.

"Come on then, gang. We're just going to, er, see the sights," The Doctor walks away and the three quickly follow.


"Thief!" Idris's voice rings out as they walk along a corridor "Thief!" The Doctor shushes everyone in hopes Idris won't hear them and will stop shouting.

"So, as soon as the TARDIS is refuelled, we go, yeah?" Rory checked

"No. There are Time Lords here. I heard them and they need me,"

"You told me about your people, and you told me what you did..." Amy says gently, worried for her friend -  just as Poppy was.

"Yes, yes, but if they're like The Corsair, they're good ones and I can save them,"

"And then tell them you destroyed the others?!"

"Amy's right," Poppy admits, "It might not go down well,"

"I can explain. Tell them why I had to..."

"You want to be forgiven," Amy realises and as The Doctor goes silent, Poppy grabs his hand again, drawing small circles on it with her thumb. The Doctor looks down at their joined hands and mutters quietly,

"Don't we all?"

"What do you need from me?" Amy finally asks, seeing how upset The Doctor was becoming.

"My screwdriver. I left it in the TARDIS. It's in my jacket,"

"You're wearing your jacket," Rory points out

"My other jacket,"

"You have two of those?"

"Okay, I'll get it," Amy sighs, stepping towards her best friend "But Doctor, listen to me. Don't get emotional because that's when you make mistakes," she walks away.

"Yes, boss," The Doctor salutes before catching the phone Amy had thrown at him.

"I'll call you from the TARDIS. Rory, look after him," once she's gone The Doctor turns to Rory.

"Rory, look after her,"

"Yeah..." he runs after his wife and The Doctor looks down at Poppy.



"You're not getting rid of me, you need at least one of us,"

"I'm a grown man, I don't need supervision,"

"Yes, you do, "Poppy reminds him "Amy's right, you'll get emotional and make mistakes,"

"I need you to look after them," The Doctor insists

"Amy's a grown woman and neither her or Rory would let anything happen to each other. Just as I'm standing here, staying with you,"

"But -"

"What if there are no timelords here, what're you going to do then?"

"I'm -"

"Going to get angry," Poppy answers for him "Listen, House didn't say they were still here, and surely they'd have all been called back, when..." she trails off, not wanting to say it. The gallifreyans would have been called back when the war started, and then The Doctor killed everyone there 

"And if there is a small chance there are Time Lords here..." then Poppy realises something, letting go of The Doctors hand "you don't want us around because we'll embarrass you in front of your people," she says sadly, stepping back "Don't want them to know you're dating a human... That's why you're sending as all back to the TARDIS..."

"What? No!" he quickly grabs both his girlfriend's hands and Poppy looks away "It's nothing like that! I'm not embarrassed by you," he premises "Loads of Timelords had human relationships, there was this one time The -" he pauses, realising he's going off topic "You know the TARDIS better than Amy and Rory, she's dead and I need you there if something goes wrong," Poppy still doesn't look at him, still unsure.

"Hey," The Doctor gently pushes her chin up "I promise, I just need you to make sure nothing goes wrong. I'm not embarrassed by you,"

"Okay..." Poppy stares "but if you're lying, I'm going to slap you so hard,"

"I don't doubt it, now go check on them," he leans down to kiss her and Poppy responds, wrapping her hands behind his neck before going to do as she was told.

However, she gets halfway there, then changes her mind "Bloody moron," he didn't trust them, and was already getting emotional. Poppy walks back, ignoring the light-headiness taking over her, but suddenly a stabbing pain hits her and she doubles over, grabbing her stomach "Oh god..." she blinks several times, trying to stay upright, however as the pain increases, she's forced to sit on a blanket that's laid on the junkyard floor. Poppy grabs her stomach again, leaning forward, trying to breathe as tears pool in her eyes. She wasn't sensitive to pain, but god her lower stomach was killing her.

"Increase the painkillers, her other body may start to feel it," the woman's voice from the orphanage and her dream appears in a washing machine "poor thing probably doesn't know what's happening..." the woman disappears and Poppy stares in shock, her vision blurry.

"Right, that's normal..." Poppy slowly tries to stand, thinking of The Doctor and she slowly moves towards the ship, having to hold onto things for support and eventually she makes it to Idris' cell, after the pain has mostly subsided.

"My Doctor," Idris then points to Poppy who was standing in the doorway "Her Doctor. Now, we appear to have reached the point in the conversation where you might open the lock,"

"What're you doing here?" he asks Poppy, ignoring Idris

"I realised that we're both Morons, you for sending me away, and me for listening. So, came back to slap you,"

"What?" Poppy steps forward and slaps him as she said she would, Idris laughs

"I really like her! I've never told you that!"

"Oh, shush you," The Doctor scolds

"Made a new friend?"

"No Time Lords... just distress signals," he tells her "But!" he jumps up "This is the TARDIS!"

"The TARDIS as in... the TARDIS, the time machine?"


"How..." Poppy pauses "ohhhh. The golden glow it gives off is like the soul, you said the matrix was gone. So, someone took it out of the actual ship, and put it in a human body?"

"yes...How did you figure that out?" Poppy shrugs and the TARDIS laughs.

"She's clever! Now we've reached the part where the flower unlocks the door," Poppy doesn't realise what she's doing until she's already reached into her jacket and soniced her out.

"What?" The Doctors turns to Poppy "you've got a screwdriver,"

"I gave her it," the TARDIS explains, feeling her body up and The Doctor picks Poppy's sonic out of her hand, and compares it to his own. One he realises the only difference is the gold on hers is rose and the top is a mint green, he passes it back.

"How long have you had this?" Poppy shrugs

"A while. Before you regenerated," The Doctor stares in shock and the TARDIS steps between the two.

"Are all people like this?"

"Like what?"

"So much bigger on the inside. I'm, oh, what is that word? It's so big, so complicated. It's so sad..."

"But why?" The Doctor ignores her rambling "Why pull the living soul from a TARDIS and pop it in a tiny human head? What does it want you for?

"Oh, it doesn't want me,"

"How do you know?"

"House eats TARDISes.

"House what? What do you mean?"

"I don't know. It's something I heard you say,"

"When?" Poppy asks

"In the future,"

"House eats TARDISes?"

"There you go," The TARDIS turns to Poppy "What are fish fingers?"

"Um," Poppy starts to answer

"When do I say that?"

"Any second,"

"Of course!" The Doctor realises "House feeds on rift energy and TARDISes are bursting with it. And not raw, all lovely and cooked. Processed food. Mm, fish fingers,"

"Do fish have fingers?"

"I don't think so," Poppy replies

"But you can't eat a TARDIS. it would destroy you. Unless, unless..."

"Unless you deleted the TARDIS Matrix first,"

"So, it deleted you?" Poppy asks sadly

"But House can't just delete a TARDIS' consciousness. That would blow a hole in the universe. So, he pulls out the Matrix, sticks it in a living receptacle and then it feeds off the remaining Arron energy. Oh..." the TARDIS stops "You were about to say all that. I don't suppose you have to now,"

"I sent Amy and Rory in there. They'll be eaten!" The Doctor rushes off and Poppy goes to follow, but the pain returns and she leans on a wall as the TARDIS sits down.

"You need to breathe. He says that a lot..."

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