The Impossible Astronaut {FOUR}

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A/N: Hi... So, I know I haven't updated in a while but I'm working on other fics! I recently started an Umbrella Academy fanfiction and a new Sherlock one named Facades. I'm really happy with them and it'd mean a lot of you went and checked them out!

"Jefferson isn't a girl's name. It's not her name either. Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton," The Doctor runs around the console, rapidly pressing buttons and pulling levers "River?"

"Surnames of three of America's founding fathers," she answers easily, fixing a few of The Doctor's mistakes.

"Lovely fellows. Two of them fancied me,"

"Are you okay? Coping?" Rory asks Canton

"You see, the President asked the child two questions. Where are you and who are you? Alex?"

"She was answering where,"

"It's bigger on the inside," Canton mutters, looking around him

"Yeah, you get used to it," Rory answers 

"Now, where would you find three big, historical names in a row like that?"

"Where?" Amy asks The Doctor as he goes it rush out the door

"Here. Come on,"

"It's er..." Canton stares at The Doctor

"Are you taking care of this?" The Doctor gestures to Rory

"Why is it always my turn?"

"Because you're the newest," Amy answers quickly, giving Rory a kiss on the cheek as she follows the others out the door where they step out into a dingy, cluttered place "Where are we?"

"About five miles from Cape Kennedy Space Centre. It's 1969, the year of the moon. Interesting, don't you think?" The Doctor is sat down on one of the chairs at a large centre table.

"But why would a little girl be here?" Poppy asks, walking over to him.

"I don't know. Lost me a bit," The Doctor stands and goes to the window as Poppy follows, leaving by where River was checking out a phone "The President asked the girl where she was, and she did what any lost little girl would do. She looked out of the window," He opens the blinds and they all peer out where the street sign points to Hamilton Av, Jefferson St and Adams St.

"Streets. Of course, street names,"

"Oh my god, why didn't I think of that?" Alex mutters

"The only place in Florida, probably all of America, with those three street names on the same junction," The Doctor continues "And Poppy, you've got that face on again," he looks at her

"What face?"

"The 'he's hot when he's clever' face," Alex grimaces slightly and looks away from the two.

"This is my normal face," Poppy says with a smile

"Yeah, it is,"

"Oh god, the flirting," River groans and Amy smiles and Alex and River's discomfort.

"Shut up!" Poppy's still staring at The Doctor, not noticing anything else

"Not a chance," he winks and walks away and Poppy smiles, leaning against the wall as Rory finally gets Canton out of the TARDIS. The Doctor puts the phone to his ear, then walks away so Poppy does the same, realising the phone was cut off.

"We've moved. How, how can we have moved?"

"You haven't even got to space travel yet?" The Doctor scolds Rory

"I was going to cover it with time travel,"

"Time travel?"

"Brave heart, Canton. Come on!" he walks out where the women are

"So, we're in a box that's bigger on the inside, and it travels through time and space?"

"Yeah, basically,"

"How long have Scotland Yard had this?"

"It's a warehouse of some kind," River informs everyone, looking round the bigger room

"Disused," Alex adds

"You realise this is almost certainly a trap, of course?" The Doctor asks

"Obviously," Alex and River say at once

"The phone?" Poppy looks up at him

"What about it?" Amy asks the four people who always seemed to know more.

"It was cut off,"

"So how did the child phone from here?" Alex questions spookily.

"Okay, but why would anyone want to trap us?"

"Let's see if anyone tries to kill us and work backwards,"

"Lovely plan dear," Poppy says sarcastically and he looks down at her

"Thanks sweetheart," she rolls her eyes

"Now, why would a little girl be here?" River brings them back on topic

"I don't know. Let's find her and ask her," They come across some technology and River scans it.

"It's no terrestrial. Definitely alien. Probably not even from this time zone,"

"Which is odd, because look at this!" The Doctor stars rifling through boxes where there's spacesuits scattered around.

"It's earth tech," Alex mutters "It's contemporary...."

"It's very contemporary," Poppy realises

"Cutting edge. This is from the space program," The Doctor picks up a helmet, incredibly excited


"What, by aliens?" Amy asks doubtfully

"Apparently," The Doctor goes to put the helmet on and River and Alex walk off

"But why? I mean, if you can make it all the way to Earth, why steal technology that can barely make it to the moon?"

"Maybe because it's cooler?" The Doctor raises his visor "Look how cool this stuff is,"

"Cool aliens?"

"Well, what would you call me?"

"An alien," Amy responds a Poppy snorts, nodding in agreement

"Oi!" The Doctor takes off the helmet and drops to to the floor. He goes to talk to Canton and Poppy zones out as he watches him, River and Amy start talking but she drowns it out, lost in her own thoughts. The Doctor died. Right in front of her, and now there's past him running about, calling her sweetheart and flirting. To him, everything was normal, but she'd seen him die, seen a spaceman shoots him and just disappear. She knew she couldn't do anything to change it, it would create a paradox.

"You okay?" The Doctor is now in front of her, gently grabbing her hands.

"Yeah..." he looks doubtful and pulls her away from everyone else

"You've been quieter today," he notes and Poppy sighs, trying to think of a way out of this "Is it because of earlier. Are you being threatened?"

"No, no... I've just been feeling a bit unwell. I'm fine," The Doctor then starts fussing over her, pressing a hand to her forehead and stomach "I'm fine! I just need to tell you something..."

"Hm? He looks her in the eyes and she looks away. Oh god, she's..., god she couldn't think about it, he's going to die.

"It's kind of serious..."

"Doctor!" River interrupts "Look at this!"

"Tell me later," then he's off, talking to River by a manhole. Poppy doesn't listen, too lost in her own world of anxieties. River goes down the hole, quickly returning and Rory and Alex are sent down with her. Amy gently brings Poppy over to where her and Canton were talking, trying to make sure The Doctor doesn't notice.

"So, you were kicked out of the FBI because you had attitude problems?" Amy asks Canton

"No, I just wanted to get married,"

"Is that a crime?"

"Yes," he nods before gesturing to where The Doctor was talking with by the manho;e befpre Alex goes back down "Doctor who, exactly?"

"Ah," Poppy smirks, back in reality by hearing the simple conversation "That's classified,"

"Classified by who?"

"God knows," Amy laughs

"Do you two work for him?"

"Girlfriend," Poppy answers simply as Amy looks slightly lost

"He's my friend, if friend is the right word. I haven't seen him in a while. I had something I wanted to tell him, but stuff always gets in the way..."

"Stuff does that,"

"Help me!" A little girls voice rings out and everyone turns to look where it came from "Help! Help me!"

"That's her," Canton gets his gun and they go to run out but Amy suddenly doubles over.

"Amy?!" The Doctor and Poppy rush to her side

"Help me! Please!"

"What's wrong?!"

"I need to tell you something. It's important,"

"Doctor!" Canton shouts from ahead and Poppy helps Amy stand, she nods to The Doctor and runs ahead "It's really, really important!"

"Doctor, quickly!"

"What, now?!" The Doctor helps Amy through the warehouse. When they get there, Poppy and Canton are on the floor passed out.

"Poppy! Poppy, are you okay?" he checks her over

"Are they all right?" Amy asks through pain.

"Just unconscious...." The Doctor sighs gratefully, tucking a strand of his girlfriend's hair out her face "Got a proper whack though,"

"Doctor, I need to tell you something. I have to tell you it now,"

"Not a great moment. You're starting to sound like Poppy!"

"No, it's important. It has to be now,"

"Help! Help me! Help me!! The girl's shouts continue and Amy drops to the floor to talk or him.

"Doctor, I'm pregnant," Poppy twitches lightly and heavy footsteps start behind them as The Doctor's eyes widen.

"That's it. The astronaut," Amy breathes as the suit gets closer and into view. The astronaut points at the Doctor. Amy reaches for Canton's gun. The astronaut raises its visor - it is the little girl.)

"Help me!"

"Get down!" Amy shouts, getting up grabbing a gun

"What are you doing?!" The Doctor asks, alarmed.

"Saving your life!"

"No!" Amy shoots.

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