The Impossible Astronaut {THREE}

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"Ex FBI. Got kicked out," Alex reads off the scanner


"It's not specific," Alex tells The Doctor

"Six weeks after he left the Bureau, the President contacted him for a private meeting,"

"1969. Who's President?" River asks, walking over to Alex and The Doctor

"Richard Milhous Nixon," Alex calls over to her

"Vietnam, Watergate. There's some good stuff, too,"

"Not enough," The Doctor mutters

"Hippie!" River accuses


Alex rolls her eyes in boredom, clearly having gotten used to the bickering.

"Okay, since I don't know what I'm getting into this time, for once I'm being discreet. I'm putting the engines on silent," The Doctor runs around the console again, he pulls a lever and there is a wail. Alex throws a different switch and it goes quiet "Did you do something?" The Doctor asks her, watching where she stood so close to the controls.

"No, just...watching," she lies, tucking a stand of hair behind her ear

"Putting the outer shield on invisible. I haven't done this in a while. Big drain on the power,"

"You can turn the TARDIS invisible?" Rory asks as The Doctor keeps fiddling about with buttons and levers

"Very nearly," River mutters to him as she leans over and pulls another lever.

"Er, did you touch something?" The Doctor walks around to them all, eyeing River, Alex and Poppy suspiciously considering they were the only ones confident enough to do something to the TARDIS.

"Just admiring your skills," River covers for them

"Good. You lot might learn something," he gestures between the three women

"Oi!" Amy says, annoyed she wasn't included in having the capabilities to fly the TARDIS.

"Well, you know what happened last time I tried to teach you," The Doctor waves her off "That's why I only trust Rory to help me," The other women look at the couple uneasily, Alex and River smirking slightly.

"Guess we know why we can all fly the TARDIS so well," Alex whispers to River

"Okay. Now I can't check the scanner. It doesn't work when we're cloaked. Just give us a mo," The Doctor goes to leave and everyone goes to follow "Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!" he stops them "You lot, wait a moment. We're in the middle of the most powerful city in the most powerful country on Earth. Let's take it slow," he steps out of the TARDIS.

"Hello? Who is this? This is President Nixon. Who's calling? Is this you again?" The President and Carton's backs are turned on The Doctor stays to listen

"Mister President?"

"A child," Canton mutters

"This is the President, yes," Nixon responds

"I'm scared, Mister President. I'm scared of the spaceman,"

"A little girl?"

"Boy," Nixon 'corrects'

"How can you be sure?"

"What spaceman? Where are you phoning from? Where are you right now? Who are you?" The Doctor tries to quietly get out a notepad and his familiar red pen, he starts to make notes on what they're saying.

"Jefferson Adams Hamilton,"

"Jefferson, listen to me..." The child cuts off the line

"Surely this is something the Bureau could handle, sir?" Canton asks

"These calls happen wherever I am. How do I know the Bureau isn't involved? I can't trust anyone," he turns around finally and finds an oblivious Doctor who keeps writing, Canton stands and turns to him as well. It takes The Doctor a few seconds before he realises they've stopped talking and he looks up.

"Oh. Hello. Bad moment. Oh look, this is the Oval Office," he hits a lamp and tries to put the lampshade back on whilst backing away to where the TARDIS is "I was looking for the er, oblong room. I'll just be off, then, shall I?" He spins around and smacks his whole body on the clocked TARDIS. This causes an entire jolt to run through the interior, making the occupants inside sigh.

"Every time," Alex mutters whilst her and River fiddle with the TARDIS controls.

"Don't worry! It always does that when its cloaked!" he tries to reassure the president before Canton wrestles the Doctor to the floor, making him cry out for him to stop.

"He said the scanner wouldn't work," Rory tells Alex as she pulls it over to her

"I know!" she types bellow the scanner and Poppy sighs, walking over and slamming the scanner as hard as she can, it sparks to life and The Doctor appears on it, being tackled by several agents as he struggles to escape.

"River, Alex, Poppy, either of you, have you got my scanner working yet?!" he shouts up

"Oh, I hate him," River and Poppy mutter

"No, you don't!" The Doctor shouts on screen, and they roll their eyes

"Get the President out of here. Sir, you have to go with them, now," Canton warns

"Someone makes her blue again!" the women comply, working together from different parts of the console. The TARDIS turns blue on the outside and the agents stare up at it, The Doctor laughs.

"What the hell is that?" Nixon asks and as they're all distracted, The Doctor slips out of their grasp and into The President's chair, he feet up on the desk and sitting rather comfortably.

"Mister President, that child just told you everything you need to know, but you weren't listening," The security-guards point their guns at him "Never mind, though, because the answer's yes. I'll take the case," he stands  up dramatically "Fellas, the guns, really? I just walked into the highest security office in the United States and parked a big blue box on the rug. Do you think you can just shoot me?"

"They're Americans!" Alex and River warn, stepping out of the TARDIS with Poppy, Amy and Rory not far behind.

"Don't shoot. Definitely no shooting!" The Doctor raises his hands in surrender

"Nobody shoots us either. Very much not in need of getting shot. Look, we've got our hands up!" Rory gestures in panic

"Who the hell are you?" The President demands

"Sir, you need to stay back,"

"But who are they and what is that box?"

"It's a police box. Can't you read?" The Doctor asks seriously "I'm your new undercover agent on loan from Scotland Yard. Code name the Doctor. These are my top operatives, the Legs, the Nose," He points to Amy and Rory "The hair, little miss chatterbox," River and Alex "And finally Little miss sunshine,"

"I hate you," Poppy, Alex and River grumble

"No, you don't," he smirks

"Who are you?" Nixon questions again

"Nah, boring question," The Doctor falls into the chair again "Who's phoning you? That's interesting. Because Canton Three is right. That was definitely a girl's voice, which means there's only one place in America she can be phoning from,"


"Do not engage with the intruder, Mister Delaware," an agent instructs

"You heard everything I heard. It's simple enough. Give me five minutes, I'll explain. On the other hand, lay a finger on me or my friends, and you'll never, ever know," The Doctor practically threatens

"How did you get it in here? I mean, you didn't carry it in," Canton asks, pointing the the TARDIS

"Clever, eh?"

"Love it,"

"Do not compliment the intruder!"

"Five minutes?"


"Mister President, that man is a clear and present danger to -"

"Mister President," Canton interrupts the agent " that man in here with a big blue box and three of his friends, and that's the man he walked past. One of them's worth listening to. I say we give him five minutes. See if he delivers,"

"Thanks, Canton!"

"If he doesn't, I'll shoot him myself,"

"Not so thanks,"

"Sir, I cannot recommend -"

"Shut up, Peterson! All right," Nixon agrees

"Five minutes," Canton reminds The Doctor and he sits up in the chair, sitting properly at the desk

"I'm going to need a SWAT team, ready to mobilise. Street level maps covering all of Florida. A pot of coffee, twelve Jammie Dodgers, a teapot with hot water in it and tea cups," The Doctor points to Poppy since it was her, he was thinking about for the tea

"English breakfast," she tells the Americans

"And a fez!" The Doctor finishes

"Get him his maps,"


"Why Florida?"

"There's where NASA is. She mentioned a spaceman. NASA's where the spacemen live. Also, there's another lead I'm following," The Doctor informs Canton whilst surrounded by maps.

"A spaceman, like the one we saw at the lake?" Amy whispers to River and Poppy stands up, she didn't want to talk about the lake light now.

"Maybe. Probably," River whispers, but there's something else behind her voice, a sadness.

"I remember..." Amy says suddenly, staring through the doorframe

"Amy? What do you remember?" Rory asks from close to her

"I don't know. I just..." she grabs her stomach as if she feels sick

"Amy, what's wrong?" concern laces Rory's voice

"Amy?" River is also worried and Poppy looks behind her on the sofa

"You okay?"

"You all right?" The Doctor asks as well, walking to where River was.

"Yeah. No, I'm fine. I'm just feeling a little sick," Amy goes over to Agent Peterson "Excuse me, is there a toilet or something?"

"Sorry, ma'am, while this procedure's ongoing, you must remain within the Oval office,"

"Shut up and take her to the restroom,"

"This way, ma'am," another agent leads her out


"Your five minutes are up," Canton tells The Doctor

"Yeah, and where's my fez?"

Poppy smiles fondly and Alex sits next to her, they stay silent until Poppy becomes bored

"What's your job?" she asks "you never talk about what you actually do, just appear randomly,"

"I don't really have one. I help people," she sighs "from everywhere in time and space,"

"Sounds like someone we know," Poppy gestures to the Doctor who was arguing with River over something

"Yeah, get it from my dad," she stops "and my mum,"

"You never talk about you parents," Poppy realises

"Neither do you,"

"Yeah well out know I have a pretty good reason,"

"I thought you could remember some things?"

"Eh, I gave up trying a while back. Whenever something reminded me of them, I'd get really excited and to others it was just sad,"

"Well, don't give up on remembering them quite yet,"

"So, how're your parents?" Poppy asks but Alex goes quite "oh my god are they -"

"What no? They're not dead," she laughs "I don't think those two will ever let death catch up with them," Alex looks at Poppy who seems like she wants more information "they're, well they're mum and dad. I can't really describe them,"

"Try. Please? I don't know what it's like to have a family," Poppy never realised quite how much she didn't know about parents. When she knew Amy she didn't have parents, and Donna's mum was... Well Sylvia was not the greatest person to look up to.

"Well, they love each her, loads. We don't talk about Dad's side of the family much but Mum's is confusing enough for me," Alex laughs "I don't know, they just really care for our family,"

"Must've been a good childhood," Alex tenses at that

"I..." she goes to explain but stops "It's a long story," Amy enters and Alex is saved from continuing as she asks a question herself "you ever thought about kids?"

"I didn't. Until well..." Poppy looks down at her stomach where her hand was naturally resting, then her eyes travel to The Doctor.

"What?" Alex looked confused, then she thought about it "Oh..." Then it finally sinks in "Oh!"

"Yeah, oh," Poppy mumbles uneasily

"You don't -" Alex starts but Poppy shakes her head

"Ni I do, I just... Not sure how he'll react. What if it's like, overly alien-y?"

"Overly-alien-y?!" Alex laughs and is about to reassure her before the telephone rings.

"The kid?" Canton turns to the president

"Should I answer it?"

"Here!" The Doctor grabs the map he was looking at and runs over to the President's desk "The only place in the United States that call could be coming from. See? Obvious, when you think about it,"

"You, sir, are a genius," Canton compliments

"It's a hobby," The Doctor pins something to the location.

"Mister President, answer the phone,"

"Hello. This is President Nixon," he does as he's told

"It's here! The spaceman's here! It's going to get me! It's going to eat me!" The girl shouts

"There's no time for a SWAT team. Let's go!" The Doctor shouts as Poppy throws him his jacket and his friends go into the TARDIS "Mister President, tell her helps on the way. Canton, on no account follow me into this box and close the door behind you,"

"What the hell are you doing?" Canton follows The Doctor into the TARDIS which then disappears from the office.

"Mister President, please help. Please help me!" The girl begs

"Jefferson, it's all right. I'm sending my best people," He promises.

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