The Pandorica Opens (1)

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A woman in white attire is being led by Roman soldiers across a camp. She had been called to help with the current Cleopatra situation (considering Cleopatra was dead, it was a bit messy). She enters the tent, but stays in the corner, watching and observing.

"So, I return to my command after one week and discover we've been playing host to Cleopatra. Who's in Egypt. And dead," The Commander announces

"Yes. Funny how things work out," The Prisoner mutters. Something above causes the room to shake and the occupants to grab onto something nearby.

"The sky is falling and you make jokes. Who are you? The commander continues when it stops shaking

"When you fight Barbarians, what must they think of you?"

"Oh, riddles now," he laughs and the woman in the corner rolls her eyes

"Where do they think you come from?"

"A place more deadly and more powerful and more impatient than their tiny minds can imagine," he brings out his sword, pointing it at her. However, the curry-haired woman takes out a gun and shoots a wooden stand, causing it to disintegrate.

"Where do I come from? Your world has visitors. You're all Barbarians now,"

"What is that? Tell me what? "The commander points his sword at the gun

"A fool would say the work of the Gods, but you've been a soldier too long to believe there are Gods watching over us. There is, however, a man. And tonight, he's going to need your help," The woman in the corner's eyes widen.

"Sir?" A Soldier in the entrance of the tent asks

"One moment," The commander leaves to have a brief conversation with a centurion who's hidden by the shadows.

"Well, it seems you have a volunteer," He tells the woman

"Two actually," the other woman speaks up and everyone turns to her, a mix of shock and respect, the commander goes to disagree but she steps out into the light "I believe it falls under my duties," Poppy winks at River who mouths a single word to her 'Impossible'.


Poppy hated being at that camp, she was the only woman there and was forced into her own tent, no one was allowed to see or speak to her until she reached her destination. So, it also took her by surprise when she saw Rory at Stonehenge. He had run down underground and Poppy watched, entering when Amy's screaming stopped. She rushes down before any of the other soldiers can stop her and she finds The Doctor passed out and Rory checking up on a passed-out Amy.

"Well, I'm glad I missed this," she tells Rory and he spins around "Hello," she waves before hugging him.

"Um, what's this?" he asks, but he returns the hug

"I thought you died," she mutters "and we were then both erased from existence," Her and Rory never hugged before (there was never an occasion), yet it was familiar and as if the only difference was, she was considerably taller.

"Amy?! Where's Amy?!" The Doctor suddenly shouts and the two depart

"She's fine, Doctor. Just unconscious," Rory tells the man as he checks up on said woman with his sonic.

"Okay. Yes, she's sedated, that's all. Half an hour, she'll be fine. Okay, Romans. Good. I was just wishing for Romans. Good old River. How many?"

"Fifty men up top, volunteers. What about that thing?"

"Fifty? You're not exactly a legion,"

"River was very persuasive, but it's a tough sell," Poppy tells her boyfriend

"Yes, I know that, Poppy. I'm not exactly one to miss the obvious," she smirks at his obliviousness "But we need everything we can get. Okay, Cyberweapons. This is basically a sentry box, so headless wonder here was a sentry. Probably got himself duffed up by the locals. Never underestimate a Celt," The Doctor picks up things, rambling as he goes


"Hush, Rory. Thinking. Why leave a Cyberman on guard, unless it's a Cyberthing in the box. But why would they lock up one of their own? Okay, no, not a Cyberthing, but what? What?" He stands in front of the two "No, I'm missing something obvious, Rory. Something big. Something right slap in front of me. I can feel it,"

"Yeah, I think you probably are," Poppy tells him

"I'll get it in a minute," The Doctor leaves with the weapons he collected in his rants, drops them, the slowly returns, starting at the two and prodding them in the chests.

"Hello again," he stares at Poppy who gives him a smirk


"How've you been?" he asks Rory.

"Good. Yeah. Good. I mean, Roman,"

"Rory, I'm not trying to be rude, but you died,"

"Yeah, I know. I was there for that bit,"

"You died," The Doctor then looks between the two "then both of you were erased from time. Rory, you didn't just die. You and Poppy were never born at all. You never existed,"

"Erased? What does that mean?"

"How can you be here?"

"I don't know. It's kind of fuzzy," Poppy gestures to her head


"Well, I died and turned into a Roman," Poppy tell him bluntly

"It's very distracting," Rory continues "Did she miss me?" he gestures to Amy

Something shakes the ground and the three run out into the main room/tunnel, they find the circular designs on the Pandorica glowing green and moving like cog wheels.

"What is it? What's happening?"

"The final phase. It's opening," The Doctor turns to Poppy "I'll figure out what's happening with you cater. Go help River," He instructs

"And where is River?"

The Doctor thinks whilst gesturing wildly "West when you run up the stairs. Go, go!" he pushes her gently and she kisses him quickly before picking up her skirt and running up the stairs. Spaceships surround the sky above and she keeps sprinting towards where the Doctor said. She finds River on the phone to The Doctor "You're surrounded. Have you got a plan?"

"Yes. Now hurry up and get the TARDIS here. I need equipment. Oh, and Poppy's coming,"

"Hi," Poppy waves and River smiles, helping her onto the horse and riding towards the TARDIS.

When they get there, Poppy makes a dash to the wardrobe.

"Where're you going?" River shouts at her

"I'm not saving the universe dressed like this!"

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